[Ftp-release] Announcing D-Bus 1.9.18

Simon McVittie simon.mcvittie at collabora.co.uk
Tue Jul 21 13:25:31 PDT 2015

The “Pirate Elite” release.

As with all the 1.odd.x releases, this is a development release for
people who live in the future. However, I intend to release 1.10.0
reasonably soon (most likely after one more 1.9.x release-candidate),
and this release introduces some packaging changes, so this would be a
good time for distribution dbus maintainers to start looking at their
upgrade paths.

git tag: dbus-1.9.18

Configuration changes:

• The basic setup for the well-known system and session buses is now
  done in read-only files in ${datadir}, moving a step closer to systems
  that can operate with an empty /etc directory. In increasing order
  of precedence:

  · ${datadir}/dbus-1/s*.conf now perform the basic setup such as
    setting the default message policies. Editing these has always
    been discouraged.
  · ${sysconfdir}/dbus-1/s*.conf are now optional. By default
    dbus still installs a trivial version of each, for documentation
    purposes; putting configuration directives in these files is
  · ${datadir}/dbus-1/s*.d/ are now available for third-party software
    to install "drop-in" configuration snippets (any packages
    using those directories should explicitly depend on at least this
    version of dbus).
  · ${sysconfdir}/dbus-1/s*.d/ are also still available for sysadmins
    or third-party software to install "drop-in" configuration snippets.
  · ${sysconfdir}/dbus-1/s*-local.conf are still available for
    sysadmins' overrides.

  ${datadir} is normally /usr/share, ${sysconfdir} is normally /etc,
  and "s*" refers to either system or session as appropriate.

  (fd.o #89280, Dimitri John Ledkov)

Fixes (the same as in today's 1.8.20 release):

• Fix a memory leak when GetConnectionCredentials() succeeds
  (fd.o #91008, Jacek Bukarewicz)

• Ensure that dbus-monitor does not reply to messages intended for
  others, resulting in its own disconnection (fd.o #90952, Simon

Simon McVittie, Collabora Ltd.

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