[Ftp-release] Announcing dbus 1.12.8

Simon McVittie smcv at collabora.com
Mon Apr 30 17:45:18 UTC 2018

dbus is the reference implementation of D-Bus, a message bus for
communication between applications and system services.

This is a stable-branch bugfix release. Upgrading is recommended,
unless you are following an older security-fix-only stable branch
(1.10.x or 1.8.x).

git tag: dbus-1.12.8

The “golden super-velociraptor” release.


• The Devhelp documentation index is now in version 2 format
  (fd.o #106186, Simon McVittie)

• Give the dbus-daemon man page some scarier warnings about
  <allow_anonymous/> and non-local TCP, which are insecure and should
  not be used, particularly for the standard system and session buses
  (fd.o #106004, Simon McVittie)


• Fix installation of Ducktype documentation with newer yelp-build
  versions (fd.o #106171, Simon McVittie)

Simon McVittie, Collabora Ltd.

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