[Galago-Devel] Re: [Growl-devl] Move to SVN

Christopher Forsythe the_tick at brok3n.org
Wed Aug 4 15:48:12 EEST 2004

Growl will not change it's name. We'd love to work with the other 
notification type things for other platforms, but the name stays the 
same. The reasons are as follows:

1) I've already bought the domain. It's already setup on the new host.

2) A lot of people already know the name Growl

3) The forums are setup to be named "Growl!"

4) We'd have to change everything in svn

5) It fits os x (puma, panther, jaguar, tiger, they all growl)

6) When something Growls, you know it is there. This is the same theory 
as a notification. When an app notifies you of something, it notifies 
you that it is there.

And finally, the best reason of all....

7) Growl is cool :D


Christian Hammond wrote:

>On Tue, Aug 03, 2004 at 09:18:34AM -0400, Colin Barrett wrote:
>>Speaking of reaching beyond Darwin, I might try to have growl(1) comply 
>>with that spec that chip and... tberman I think are writing (I've cc'd 
>>galago-devl this email for that reason). Then we'd probably need a name 
>>change (notify(1)? guify(1)? notification(1)?).
>Mike Hearn, actually, not tberman :)
>Why a name change, btw? Growl is cool :D

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