[Galago-devel] Questions about Galago API

Christian Hammond chipx86 at gnupdate.org
Thu Sep 9 08:16:10 EEST 2004

On Thu, Sep 09, 2004 at 12:49:22AM -0400, praveen kandikuppa wrote:
> Hi,
>        I am trying to integrate galago as a backend for integrating
> presence information in evolution. I have a question about galago API.
> How do you query the buddy icon for an account. There is
> galago_avatar_get_image_data, but galago_account_get_avatar always
> returns NULL even for buddies which have a buddy icon set. Or is there
> any other way to query for buddy icon which i am missing.

The avatar code currently sitting in galago-daemon and libgalago is
incomplete, and will likely be removed until after the first release.
I haven't had time to complete it, but it's on the list for the second

I know that you're working on the evolution presence bounty. I've been
aiming for that as well (although that's not the reason for Galago's
existence). Are you still proposing your gaim-specific patch, or will
you be making another bounty patch using Galago? Personally, even
though I'm a gaim developer, I've never agreed with the bounties that
made gaim a requirement. Generic solutions are always best, so as long
as Evolution uses something that doesn't require a specific IM client,
I'm happy :)

I have some of my Evolution code in the patches/ module in svn. The
rest isn't there yet, but the Evolution<->Galago integration is
nearly done. When I have the time, I'll put up the rest. Work's just
been busy lately.


Christian Hammond         <>  The Galago Project
chipx86 at gnupdate.org      <>  http://galago.sourceforge.net/
   Truth hurts. Maybe not as much as jumping on a bicycle with a seat
   missing, but it hurts.
      -- Drebin, Naked Gun 2 1/2
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