[Galago-devel] Libsoylent API

Travis Reitter treitter-dev at netdrain.com
Sun Jun 19 23:48:25 EEST 2005

Here's my current line of thinking for the Libsoylent API.

We have a major choice between restricting the calling programs' access
to accessor ("get" someone's metadata) and mutator ("set"), constructor
(create a new person), and deconstructor [?] (delete a person)
functions, giving the caller an ID for each person; or actually
returning a SoylentPerson struct and letting the caller modify and
access people metadata there.

The first approach is more restrictive and would be slower (though it
probably wouldn't be significant), but would cleanly abstract some
details from the caller (for instance, a set function would directly
make evolution-data-server modify the existing database). The second
approach would require some synchronization (after modifying a
SoylentPerson struct, the caller would need to use a function to save
the changes to the database(s)).

I lean heavily toward the first approach.


I'm moving today, so I may not have Internet access for at least a few
days. By the time I do, though, I should be settled in and finally be
ready to devote some time to this project.


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