[Galago-i18n] Translations and freeze

Christian Hammond chipx86 at gnupdate.org
Sun Mar 6 13:09:08 PST 2005


First of all, thanks to Vincent Carriere for the French translations.
I just committed them and they'll be in the release.

I know I didn't give much notice for translations, but I realized it's
just time to get something out there that people can play with.
Because of that, I'm going to perform the release today, with
(hopefully) another release shortly. I'll devise a freeze policy and
we'll actually give translators enough notice to perform translations.
For this release, though, the primary concern is getting developers
interested in the project.

If translators have anything they need or recommendations for a
freeze, please let me know. If you plan to be a long-term translator,
and assume the role from here on out, talk to me privately and I can
give you commit access to the tree.



Christian Hammond         <>  The Galago Project
chipx86 at gnupdate.org      <>  http://www.galago.info/
   Truth hurts. Maybe not as much as jumping on a bicycle with a seat
   missing, but it hurts.
      -- Drebin, Naked Gun 2 1/2
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