position accuracy

Andrew Turner ajturner at highearthorbit.com
Wed Aug 1 04:17:07 PDT 2007

On 8/1/07, Jussi Kukkonen <jhkukkon at cc.hut.fi> wrote:
>  Civic location is in a way easier: I guess all that a client would want
> to know is if the backend supports a civic location type or not -- or
> have I overlooked a use case?
>  I'm referring to something like what I proposed earlier:
>       <method name="civic_location_support">
>         <arg type="b" name="country" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="b" name="region" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="b" name="locality" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="b" name="area" direction="out" />

what is "area" in terms of an geographic entity? :)

>         <arg type="b" name="postalcode" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="b" name="street" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="b" name="building" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="b" name="floor" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="b" name="room" direction="out" />
>         <arg type="b" name="text" direction="out" />
>       </method>

I suggest having a look at RFC 4119: A Presence-based GEOPRIV Location
Object Format

and in fact all pieces of GeoPriv just to see what a group of people
spending 6 years thinking about all these problems come up with. :)
> In addition to that, I do believe all backends that support coordinate
> position should return a numeric accuracy value -- attaching a

Entirely agreed.

Curiously, what is the entire "message spec" looking like now? How do
we specify what types of data are required and what is optional?

Andrew Turner
ajturner at highearthorbit.com      42.2774N x 83.7611W
http://highearthorbit.com              Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Introduction to Neogeography - http://oreilly.com/catalog/neogeography

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