interfaces / wiki page

Jussi Kukkonen jhkukkon at
Tue Jun 19 05:55:02 PDT 2007

Andrew Turner wrote:
> Here is my thought on what the API's should provide:
> Positioning (from backends, and from GeoClue)
> Geocoding (user entered location convert to lat/lon, useful for search)
> (Search - see below)
> I think that Routing isn't necessarily part of "geoclue" but part of
> any client application. I guess perhaps routing "could" be part of
> geoclue proper (so any client can tie into it to provide directions)
> Maps perhaps should also be "client-side" and not part of GeoClue.

This was my original reaction too, especially with routing. It will
probably be wanted by so few applications that it might not make sense
to try abstracting different routing services just for those few....

Providing maps as a service for desktop apps is probably something that
would be useful (e.g. an address book might want to show a small map),
but I have no idea how hard a good implementation is, and what kind of
functionality will be needed. I'd be tempted to keep map-interface
especially if the Yahoo backend is in a working condition (I haven't
tried it yet).

> Search is also a client-side activity. It would be nice to register
> search 'services' in GeoClue with an abstract interface that any
> client could then optionally query. 

This was exactly what I was thinking.

> Regarding your schedule/plan. I think we should consider making
> GeoClue very thin and simple for first implementation. Make it very
> solid and easy to use for just providing location. Then other devs can
> build clients for Maps, Search, Track Logs, routing, etc.
> This would be doable by the end of the summer. Then as the project
> progresses, we can see about pulling in base-elements of additional
> parts (routing, search, etc.)
> Make sense?

Very much so. It would also make communicating the goals and current
status to outsiders a lot easier. So, a very large-scale schedule &
scope proposal:

End-of-summer release:
 * position (both coordinate and civic)
 * geocode
 * (map)

Future features:
 * find
 * (map)

 * route
 * track logs

Any objections?


PS. didn't mean to keep you in suspense with my empy PS.-section in my
last email: I intended to mention the architecture diagram draft I drew: The Dia source file is in
git, feel free to correct it.

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