new development, release plans?

Bastien Nocera hadess at
Thu Feb 18 06:25:44 PST 2010

On Thu, 2010-02-18 at 13:51 +0200, Jussi Kukkonen wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I've pushed the ofono-using gsmloc provider, the new nominatim geocoder 
>   and some provider fixes to jku-branch. The gsmloc provider is still 
> fairly experimental (my modem doesn't work 100%, preventing proper 
> testing), but in my opinion it's already far more useful than the 
> previous one. Nominatim is the best geocode/rev-geocode source we have, 
> I think. If anyone objects to the gsmloc changes or has other comments, 
> please say so.

What would be great is splitting the code that talks to the web service
from the code that talks to the modem. That way, we could plug in
gnome-phone-manager, or ModemManager as possible backends for getting
the cell data.

> In other news I'd really like to get this project moving again. If you 
> have anything in mind that should be done before a new release, let me 
> know -- I do intend to go through bugzilla but I might have forgotten 
> things discussed elsewhere... So please comment if there's something we 
> should have done already.

The big things listed in my mail from last summer, after the discussions
at GCDS. I didn't have time to work on geoclue, but, with some help, I
fixed a few crasher fixes in git, that Ross nicely committed for me.

Finally, there's a pretty important dbus-glib bug fix for the above, to
stop it crashing with some error reporting.

The patch is:

And I'm hoping that either Colin will make a new release, or we point to
it in the release notes for the next geoclue.


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