Wishlist for GeoClue

Roman Gezikov rgesikov at gmail.com
Wed Oct 13 06:39:00 PDT 2010


  I'd like to propose to some changes in GeoClue API.

  The overall list looks like:

   1. Injection of any (including binary) data to the receiver (necessary
   for AGPS at least)
   2. Signals content:
      1. status-changed (GGA quality indicator, RMC fix validity)
      2. position-changed (GGA, RMC, etc) (any change or by distance
      specified by PVT data consumer)
      3. position-update (GGA, RMC, etc) - PVT data consumer sets update
      period (minimum 1 sec)
      4. sv-view-changed (GSV)
   3. Possibility to get raw NMEA stream if receiver outputs it.

 5.2 and 5.3 should include fix quality information: number of satellites
used in the fix (GGA), list of satellites used in the fix (GSA), xDOP values
 All signals should include timestamp: time and date from the receiver

Some changes probably require changes from underlying components like gypsy.

So, let's discuss?

Best regards,
Roman Gezikov.
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