Offline provider based on OSM data

Guilhem Bonnefille guilhem.bonnefille at
Sat Feb 26 06:10:25 PST 2011


> I did not work on offline routing provider yet but I was experimenting
> to create a routing interface for GeoClue which was used with online
> routing providers (and can also be used for offline routing). I did
> not publish or announce my work but if there is interest I am willing
> to continue with my work. I am not yet sure if it routing via GeoClue
> / DBus even makes sense.

I suggest you to share your work on a public Git repo. It is always
interesting to look at work related to geoclue. Furthermore, this can
be really impoortant for geoclue as it demonstrates that there is

I'm not really familiar with what "routing" can mean. What I imagined,
is an interface to retrieve a track from a serie (two or more) points.
But I can imagine that a simple GPX track is not enought for an
efficient routing plan ('turn left', 'turn right').

Concerning the need for a routing interface in GeoClue / DBus, IMHO
it's really important, for the same that justify the whole GeoClue
project and any other DBus services: cleanly split GUI and provider,
and offer a way to the user to select the GUI/provider he prefers.
Remenber, the choice is liberty. :-)
Furthermore, the GeoClue framework can let imagine a global service
using a fine online routing service when device is connected to
internet and a simpler/lighter routing service when offline.

So, I hope I convinced you to continue working on routing feature on GeoClue.

> Simple offline geocoding could IMHO be accomplished with OSM data,
> sqlite with spatialite and a custom provider, but the whole world data
> might be huge - depending on what to add in the database.

Yeah, why not.

My idea is to reuse existing software, and offering enought different
solutions to let the user choose the better solution for him (data,
memory, CPU...).

> For my final work at university I will make a simplified offline
> routing program using OSM data which I will make using Vala and will
> be in form of a library. I will announce when I will have something
> working.

I imagine you cannot open your universitary work until you finished
it. Good luck.

> Besides navit and gosmore there is also monav which is also interesting.

Thanks for the reference.

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-=- mailto:guilhem.bonnefille at

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