[Glamor] [PATCH 1/2] Change the trapezoid render to use VBO
He Junyan
junyan.he at linux.intel.com
Wed Jul 18 01:44:32 PDT 2012
Hi Chris:
> On Tue, 17 Jul 2012 06:53:41 +0800, junyan.he at linux.intel.com wrote:
>> From: Junyan He <junyan.he at linux.intel.com>
>> Because some uniform variables need to be set for every
>> trapezoid rendering, we can not use vbo to render multi
>> trapezoids one time, which have performance big loss.
>> We now add attributes which contain the same value to bypass
>> the uniform variable problem. The uniform value for one
>> trapezoid will be set to the same value to all the vertex
>> of that trapezoid as an attribute, then in FS, it is still
>> a constant.
> This still has the problem that it misrenders neighbouring trapezoids,
> which is not permitted even in the imprecise specification (and since it
> does not conform to the specification of precise rasterisation it should
> not be used there either). To get around the former issue with the
> current design you still need an intermediate accumulation buffer.
I really encounter some problems when the trapezoids adjoin each other.
The EDGE area will get a wrong result. Now in glamor, it generates a
temp mask
which stores the result of all the trapezoids's alpha value. By setting
glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE), if one pixel belong to two adjacent trapezoids,
the alpha value will accumulate and cut to 1.0 . So I think the problem of
misrendering neighbouring trapezoids may not exist.
About the specification of precise rasterisation problem, the standard
will expand one pixel to n pixels, caculate how may expanded pixels are
inside the trapezoid and get the result by insides/total. If alpha depth
is 8,
it should be expanded to 8*8 pixels and caculate whether the pixel is
inside the
trapezoid for each of these 64 pixels. I find the trapezoid code in
pixman is
a kind of approximation by iteration and have high performance. But for
I do not find an efficient way to do this. So I use float to caculate
the area
inside the trapezoid, and get the result by (inside area)/(one pixel
total area).
The difference is that some area that belongs to not completely inside
pixel has
been caculated in, and that's why my result is always a little deeper
than the
pixman's result in color. Do you think that the difference is acceptable?
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