Help with gst-openmax on qualcomm msm7230

Jerome Marty jahrome11 at
Mon Apr 18 12:41:55 PDT 2011


I am trying to use h264 decoder component (qualcomm implementation) with
gst-openmax. The test device is an HTC desire Z running CyanogenMod 7.

First I reverted those commits that appear to be nexus S specific:
b0b033dcbd7fa732c72ef8a63ff77ebeea6daa84 : Prefix entry points with
f06f0f330204bb7346d3896ed344981e464d9aaa : Set the
OMX.SEC.index.ThumbnailMode extension to TRUE if it's available.

Then I updated gst-openmax.conf :
  sink="video/x-h264, stream-format=(string)avc, alignment=(string)au,
level=(string)2.1, profile=(string)constrained-baseline; ",
  src="video/x-raw-yuv, width=(int)[16,4096], height=(int)[16,4096],
framerate=(fraction)[0,max], format=(fourcc){I420, YUY2, UYVY, NV12}; ",

The decoder loads correctly but fails to initialize with errors related
to output buffers:

E/OMX-VDEC-720P( 1382):  Set the Output Buffer Idx: 0 Addr: 428c7000
E/OMX-VDEC-720P( 1382): 
E/OMX-VDEC-720P( 1382):  use_output_buffer : Set output buffer failed
E/OMX-VDEC-720P( 1382): Use Buffer: port 1, buffer 0x0, eRet -2147479552

I'm not used to openmax and hardware acceleration so it is not clear to
me if surfacefliger sink is used in this case and if the component is
supposed to allocate some buffers or if they are passed by gstreamer. If
someone could clarify this point, it would help me investigating this

Thank you in advance,

Jerome Marty

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