Displaying video

Patrick patrick at xor.nu
Mon Apr 23 08:31:37 PDT 2012


First of all: Keep up the good work! I've successfully compiled 
gstreamer for android (Samsung Galaxy SII with Gingerbread (2.3.3).

I have some additions for anyone else that stumbles upon my post:
- Only use the r6b version of the NDK (download: 
I've been trying to use the r7c version, but compiling fails on FAAD.
- Only pull shared libraries from a phone. I've tried it using the 
emulator, but linking fails against those files.
- For ubuntu: make sure you've installed the build-essential, flex and bison

That where my two cents, now for my problem.
As I have said, I successfully compiles gstreamer for android. 
Unfortunately only sound is working with the demo video on a default SII 
(mp4 file with h264 encoding), video playback fails.
After looking at logcat, I found that gstreamer can't a suitable x264 
decoder (which is installed in 
/data/data/com.android.freedesktop.gstreamer/lib as done by the 

I hope you can help me resolve my problem.

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