Error setting AudioSink in GstPlayer

Vikas Malhotra ervikaspec at
Sat Feb 4 21:20:14 PST 2012

Hello everybody,

I've been working on getting GStreamer NDK Build working on my Android
2.3.4 device.
I have successfully built the GStreamer source but I am getting error while
setting the AudioSink to the audioflingersink element in GstPlayer using
mAudioSink variable.

Below given is the log showing the value = 0 (log was added by me in
GstPlayer's function setDataSource)

02-05 10:36:15.540: V/GstPlayer(2485): GstPlayer calling GstDriver ::
setAudioSink() with mAudioSink value = 0x0

Due to this I am not able to play any sound, and video is also not playing.
Please help me to solve the problem.


Bachelor of Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
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