Bulding Gstreamer on Ubuntu 11.10 - 32 bit machine

s.rawat imsaurabhrawat at gmail.com
Fri Mar 16 01:32:36 PDT 2012

HI ,
I am building gstreamer on Ubuntu 11.10 - 32 bit machine.I am getting this
error at the end : I wanted to know how much % compilation has happned.I
guess I have compiled gst-bad,good and base plugins, not sure where and in
which stage I am getting this error.I ahev follwoef the instaruction as
given here<http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/wiki/GstreamerAndroid_InstallInstructions>.
.I would suggest the moderator to add few more lines in the instructions
about the problem being faced by the users and thier solutions.Anyway may I
know why I am getting this error.Alo I want to know where exactly the
Ginger Bread header(donwloaded form the android site - source cde of
Android 2.3.4_r1) and sdk is being referenced here and what is thier use.I
belive sdk folder is needed so that ant can pick up build.xml file form the
sdk/tools folder.Please assit.

make[1]: Leaving directory
Android NDK: WARNING: Unsupported source file extensions in
for module id3tag
Android NDK:   genre.dat frametype.gperf compat.gperf genre.dat.in
Android NDK: WARNING: Unsupported source file extensions in
for module mad
Android NDK:   D.dat imdct_s.dat qc_table.dat rq_table.dat sf_table.dat
Gdbserver      : [arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3] libs/armeabi/gdbserver
Gdbsetup       : libs/armeabi/gdb.setup
Compile arm    : audio-example <= audio-example.c
In file included from
error: gobject/gmarshal.h: No such file or directory
In file included from
error: gst/gstmarshal.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [obj/local/armeabi/objs-debug/audio-example/audio-example.o]
Error 1


"..pain is temporary.....quitting lasts forever......"
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