Eclipse stops working while adding the NDK support to the tutorial projects.

Sebastian Dröge sebastian.droege at
Thu Nov 22 06:49:22 PST 2012

On Mi, 2012-11-21 at 23:50 -0500, Habiba Zaman wrote:
> [...]
> In the mean time, I tried to build the tutorial projects from console.
> I was able to build and run tutorial 2 fine. But when
> I was building tutorial 3 using ndk-build, I got the following
> message:

> C:\tutorials\android-tutorial-3>ndk-build
> GStreamer      : [GEN] => gst-build/gstreamer_android.c
> GStreamer      : [COMPILE] => gst-build/gstreamer_android.c
> GStreamer      : [LINK] => gst-build/
> arm-linux-androideabi-gcc: error: C:
> \gstreamer-sdk/lib/libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.a: No s
> uch file or directory
> make: *** [buildsharedlibrary] Error 1
> I also searched for the libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.a file in the directory, but
> it was not in there. The file exists.
> How can I get the file?

It's included in the SDK tarball, at least in the newest versions. You
can get a slightly newer version that includes this file from here:
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