Gstreamer-Android Source

Ranyu Li liranyu at
Fri Mar 8 01:02:54 PST 2013

I have the similar question.  Any suggestion or tutorial?
My situation is trying to fix the bug #59250, and then have to fix bug #59485.
the attachment in #59485 does not fix my problem.
Now I have to build the android library by myself to get my code running.
I noticed tutorial here:
but I'm still struggling.  any other suggestions?
Thanks in advance

From: mirage at
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2013 21:02:27 +0900
Subject: Gstreamer-Android Source
To: gstreamer-android at

Is the source & build script for gstreamer-android available? I'd like to tweak some of the code, but couldn't find an active git repository for it.

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