the problem of bulit tutorial project under windows 7

Sebastian Dröge slomo at
Fri Oct 11 02:01:08 PDT 2013

On Fr, 2013-10-11 at 16:48 +0800, Wankey Cheng wrote:
> I have set both GSTREAMER_ROOT and GSTREAMER_ROOT_ANDROID variable.
> and it's seems error when execute the following in the
> $(call assert-defined, GSTREAMER_SDK_ROOT)
> $(if $(wildcard $(GSTREAMER_SDK_ROOT)),,\
>   $(error "The directory GSTREAMER_SDK_ROOT=$(GSTREAMER_SDK_ROOT) does not
> exists")\
> )

There is no, only a, which has the
following code there:

$(call assert-defined, GSTREAMER_ROOT)
$(if $(wildcard $(GSTREAMER_ROOT)),,\
  $(error "The directory GSTREAMER_ROOT=$(GSTREAMER_ROOT) does not exists")\
) is probably some leftover from the third party binaries
from you had installed before.
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