the problem of bulit tutorial project under windows 7

Francesco Argese kekko84 at
Mon Oct 14 00:26:28 PDT 2013

2013/10/13 Sebastian Dröge <slomo at>

> That sounds like a bug in the Eclipse code scanner... I saw that too
> when I last used Eclipse last year sometimes. No idea what exactly
> causes it, it went away after restarting Eclipse IIRC.

I had the same problem and it was not resolved after restarting. It seems a
bug in Eclipse.

I have resolved with the two following tricks:
2) Click on project -> Properties -> Builders and here I have disabled
Scanner Configuration Builder and Code Analysis Project Builder. This
operation disables auto-completion on C code but it remains on Java code.
At the moment I have not seen other problems with these approach.

Hope this helps,
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