gstreamer on Android L: no more amcviddec, PIE problem

Gregoire Gentil gregoire at
Tue May 12 19:58:08 PDT 2015


I have gstreamer congo 2013.06 for Android working well on Android 4.x. 
On Android 5.x, it seems that there are (at least) two problems:

- a pipeline with amcviddec-omxgoogleh264decoder fails and it seems that 
it's not possible any more to leverage hardware decoding.

- Then, I was trying to investigate with the runtime gst-inspect on a 
Nexus 5 and I'm getting the following error: "only position independent 
executables (PIE) are supported."

Google PIE Android to better understand what Google has done...

What's the status of Gstreamer for Android L and above? Will there be a 
new release after Congo? Will it support hardware decoding/encoding 
through androidmedia?

Thanks in advance to share some light,


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