zero-copy pipeline test cases

Sepehr Laal sepehr.laal at
Fri Oct 23 12:13:51 PDT 2015


Thanks for the hints, I am going to rebuild everything from scratch. I am
not using Java. I use Gstreamer inside Unity3D as a plugin.
I link my own C code along with everything else inside
and I just P/Invoke it in C# side.
That way I won't need a single line of Java at all. I can just directly
work with the native code. Unity3D handles all the JNI abstractions.

You mentioned I should be using GlImageSink, That means the pipeline should
also be zero-copy enabled if I use GlUpload as well?

I eventually want to consume the OpenGL texture in Unity3D. I used
fakesink's hand-off signal to grab decoded frames.
Now I can just substitute it with GlUpload if it's zero-copy enabled.
Something like:

playbin uri="path/to/video.mp4" video-sink="glupload ..."

That 4k video plays just fine on my device's native player, why ambitious
on Gstreamer? :)
To my experience (at least on desktop platforms) Gstreamer is always faster
than native solutions!
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