API for capturing HDMI IN

Sebastian Dröge sebastian at centricular.com
Fri Jun 3 08:17:36 UTC 2016

On Fr, 2016-06-03 at 10:07 +0200, Yevgen Voronetskyy wrote:
> Yep, I have a ugoos UT3 Plus box which has a working HDMI In app. I
> dont know how it implemented technically. But I guess they have an 
> access to HDMI signal from Android…

You will first have to research how it works technically and what APIs
you have available to get access to the hardware, independent of
GStreamer. Once you found something, there's maybe a GStreamer element
for that already or you might have to implement something yourself
around whatever API is available.

Sebastian Dröge, Centricular Ltd · http://www.centricular.com
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