Performance debugging

Felipe Magno de Almeida felipe.m.almeida at
Tue Aug 7 02:27:52 UTC 2018


I'm writing a plug-in for gst-plugins-bad for a brand of IP network
security cameras.

It is now working OK (after battling a little with timestamp
calculation) on the PC. However, I'm seeing a lot of dropped frames
when running on a a Galaxy S7 android.

My pipeline is: dmsssrc ! queue ! dmssdemux ! queue ! decodebin !
videoconvert ! timeoverlay ! queue ! autovideosink

Where dmsssrc is a source (live property set) element that reads from
TCP and dmssdemux parses and demultiplexes the stream just in video
ftm (the stream may have audio).

The stream seems to run 2 or 3 seconds well, then stops for one
second, drops a lot of buffers and runs in burst again.

Latency is fixed at 600ms in dmssdemux (maybe should I increase this?)

How do you debug performance for gstreamer in android? Any hints or tips?

Kind regards,
Felipe Magno de Almeida

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