RELEASE: GStreamer Core, Plugins and binaries 1.2.2

Sebastian Dröge sebastian at
Fri Dec 27 06:10:03 PST 2013

The GStreamer team is pleased to announce a bugfix release of the stable
1.2 release series. The 1.2 release series is adding new features on top
of the 1.0 series and is part of the API and ABI-stable 1.x release
series of the GStreamer multimedia framework that contains new features.
The 1.2.x bugfix releases only contain important bugfixes compared to 1.2.0.

Binaries for Android, iOS, Mac OS X and Windows are provided by the
GStreamer project for this release.

The 1.x series is a stable series targeted at end users. It is not API
or ABI compatible with the 0.10.x series. It can, however, be installed
in parallel with the 0.10.x series and will not affect an existing
0.10.x installation.

The stable 1.2.x release series is API and ABI compatible with 1.0.x and
any other 1.x release series in the future. Compared to 1.0.x it
contains some new features and more intrusive changes that were
considered too risky as a bugfix.

Bug reports fixed in this release:

      * 712597 : regression: playbin: buffering of live radio stream never finishes
      * 719437 : ghostpad: Clearing ghostpad sticky events when switching targets causes regressions
      * 707230 : flacparse: disregards container timestamps
      * 712300 : gst-launch: exits with 0 error code even after an error occurred
      * 714989 : docs/gst-utils: Fix escaping of stream id format
      * 719575 : multiqueue: improve for adaptive scenario
      * 715138 : xvimagesink 1.2 ignores resize events when used on a QWidget
      * 708200 : multiqueue: Switching audio tracks doesn't work on some files
      * 707621 : decodebin: stream-id can't be retrieved from autoplug-continue signal
      * 709965 : vorbisdec: Does not put timestamps on first buffer sometimes
      * 711819 : rtpbuffer: gst_rtp_buffer_ext_timestamp() returns wrong value when compiled with clang 5 on iOS/ARM
      * 712280 : playsink: Unable to play audio stream with visualization plugin
      * 712796 : videodecoder: incorrect timestamps sequence
      * 712805 : subparse: crashes when loading a sami subtitle
      * 678011 : typefinding: some mpeg files are not identified as mpeg files
      * 688153 : matroskademux: audio gap after seeking on webm with lacing
      * 709800 : rtpjitterbuffer: stalled stream after gst_rtp_jitter_buffer_clear_pt_map() being called.
      * 710013 : tests: rtpjitterbuffer test_rtx_packet_delay - spurious failures
      * 711131 : rtpjitterbuffer: SIGSEGV when do-retransmission=true and a lot of packets are dopped
      * 711829 : matroskademux: assert on division by zero
      * 712137 : v4l2sink: fixes for uploading compressed
      * 712328 : matroskademux: Use GstVideoInfo helper to create caps for raw video
      * 712335 : qtdemux: Use GstVideoInfo helper to create caps for raw video
      * 712401 : videomixer: Segfault when generating color backround in UYVY
      * 712611 : v4l2: clear cached caps on close
      * 712722 : [regression] rtpbin fails to return not linked when it should
      * 712744 : matroskamux: Fix handling of negative timestamps
      * 715039 : rtpjitterbuffer: Fix inconsistency in waking up
      * 719431 : videomixer: Should fail negotiation if it can't preserve the alpha channel of input streams
      * 719811 : pulsesink: Leak of device_info in gst_pulsesink_sink_info_cb
      * 720813 : qtmux: Invalid calculation of descriptor length
      * 720986 : vp9dec: Don't build with libvpx earlier than 1.3.0 because of non-final bitstream
      * 721003 : rtspsrc: play requests can't find media with query parameters
      * 667564 : mpeg4videoparse: does not detect config data when VOP only stream is sent
      * 680700 : decklinksrc: does not forward EOS events passed via send_event
      * 706211 : applemedia: Garbled output from vtenc_h264
      * 709416 : gsmdec: MS GSM playback is broken
      * 710223 : smoothstreaming: strip both /manifest and /Manifest from the manifest uri
      * 711495 : srtpenc: new streams remove any existing streams
      * 711627 : mpegvparse: Incorrect repositioning of start code location when input buffer is empty
      * 712219 : dvdspu: stalled playback
      * 712605 : h264parse: Broken conversion avc/au to byte-stream/nal
      * 715166 : pngparse: Don't set a framerate from uninitialized variables
      * 719657 : gstmpegvideoparser: debug category not always initialized soon enough
      * 720099 : codecparsers: h264: fix picture level scaling lists derivation from fall-back rule set B
      * 720421 : eglglessink: simultaneous eglglessinks not possible in iOS application
      * 720532 : Fix typo in bz2-check
      * 720673 : mpegts: Does not install all headers
      * 710615 : mpeg2dec: gst_video_decoder_allocate_output_frame: assertion 'frame- > output_buffer == NULL' failed
      * 691617 : avenc_aac: errors out with " encoder not initialized " 
      * 693772 : avdec: decoder frame list getting long
      * 697806 : avdec_h264 Fails during error recovery after packet loss leading to stream corruption
      * 704161 : avviddec: should use upstream fps only if valid

Release tarballs can be downloaded directly from:
b9f12137ab663edc6c37429b38ca7911074b9c2a829267fe855d4e57d916a0b6  gstreamer-1.2.2.tar.xz
fa90cf21eac0a77f9393100356aef99ae42072c31dc218d3ae2e7f86cd5ced69  gst-plugins-base-1.2.2.tar.xz
6c090f00e8e4588f12807bd9fbb06a03b84a512c93e84d928123ee4a42228a81  gst-plugins-good-1.2.2.tar.xz
63e78db11b482d0529a0bde01e2ac23fd32c7cb99a5508b53ee4ca1051871b2c  gst-plugins-bad-1.2.2.tar.xz
4b6aac272a5be0d68f365ef6fba0f829fc5c1d1d601bb4dd9e85f5289b2b56c3  gst-plugins-ugly-1.2.2.tar.xz
585eb7971006100ad771a852e07bd2f3e23bcc6eb0b1253a40b5a0e40e4e7418  gst-libav-1.2.2.tar.xz

Binaries for Android, iOS, Mac OS X and Windows are available from here:
484cefd46c51b07fd5cba429e29538a15c7fab011bbe4d4cdddb6cffbb801ed4  gstreamer-1.0-android-arm-1.2.2-debug.tar.bz2
9c8998a134a3a71a36a370aa884b578103d3a4bdb52bc184b4e94e9a6cd634a2  gstreamer-1.0-android-arm-1.2.2-debug-runtime.tar.bz2
b5caf1db3444d4548d4f24637c3aa4187ff5e614c3fb68bcdd6de6c3d01f76fb  gstreamer-1.0-android-arm-1.2.2-release.tar.bz2
afee9f55fbd462d056ded5875fcfdb21b286a65ad55abac853b264a0719cad84  gstreamer-1.0-android-arm-1.2.2-release-runtime.tar.bz2
19ae199b7ddfbfe7012c7ddb9dc4540e8a9f00e746c66c5b3024fac0eb5da45f  gstreamer-1.0-devel-1.2.2-ios-universal.pkg
535c9167e0c0d6aca5196b8994fa8421dc5bb7ba6b72c0a748ab36c856409acf  gstreamer-1.0-1.2.2-universal.pkg
e23c2b2f4232033159d55bd75d5893117bee8ec18aac0322976248a22b20fb4c  gstreamer-1.0-devel-1.2.2-universal.pkg
2ceac5fc3e4479890ee17abffc47f07794001904c2abf51504307896e45f61ce  gstreamer-1.0-x86-1.2.2.msi
5373f7b39d6e02fe4ddffe46e689e2709f13bf2ddfd05a9bbf495b179c44a34b  gstreamer-1.0-x86_64-1.2.2.msi
2d11ab5455099410aa216f702848598316be70dec6a343c7609119c381321f16  gstreamer-1.0-devel-x86-1.2.2.msi
e7b50bbd3cbc0bfe64496811b3e26b39f082bf034853e28e587effbc481d1440  gstreamer-1.0-devel-x86_64-1.2.2.msi

As always, please let us know of any issues you run into by filing a bug
in Bugzilla:

Sebastian Dröge, Centricular Ltd -
Expertise, Straight from the Source
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