[Gstreamer-bugs] [Bug 113533] Changed - gst-player 0.5.x blocks hardware and gnome software

bugzilla-daemon at widget.gnome.org bugzilla-daemon at widget.gnome.org
Tue Aug 5 15:53:51 PDT 2003

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Changed by ds at schleef.org.

--- shadow/113533	Tue Aug  5 17:19:12 2003
+++ shadow/113533.tmp.6948	Tue Aug  5 18:53:51 2003
@@ -81,6 +81,39 @@
 more and I can't "make you see". 
 Lets forget about this bug. If the problem is not gone with the next
 version I use some other product. This is not the first crazy talk I
 had with your team and I don't believe in you--even if you can't see
 that, really!
+------- Additional Comments From ds at schleef.org  2003-08-05 18:53 -------
+dh: Calm down.
+You seem at least partially willing to help track down this bug, so I
+will attempt to explain why we can't do anything with this bug report,
+and what you might be able to do to help.  Contrary to what you might
+assume, GStreamer developers are also Gnome developers, Debian and Red
+Hat developers, X developers, kernel developers, etc., and _are_
+interested in making GStreamer fit in nicely as a whole.  They're also
+experts in these other systems.
+Your original bug report describes buggy behavior due to the
+interaction of multiple packages.  We, as developers, must track this
+buggy behavior to specific code that causes it.  This generally means
+that we either need good debugging information (stacktrace, etc.), or
+be able to reproduce the buggy behavior locally.  You've most likely
+filed enough bugs to realize that your bug report does not help us at
+all to connect the problem to lines of code.  If you didn't realize
+this, you might want to look at http://bugzilla.gnome.org/good-bugs.html
+If you are really interested in helping to fix this bug, you would
+help to narrow down the focus of the bug, instead of providing little
+information and then asserting that the bug is in gst-player.
+The last time I saw a bug similar to this, it turned out to be a bug
+in the sound driver.  So I'd be more likely to follow Ronald's
+suggestion if attempting to track this bug.  But really, you could
+equally be right.  The key point, however, is that there is no
+information on which to go by.
+Feel free to drop by the IRC channel, and if someone is free, they'll
+help you narrow the scope of the bug.

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