[Gstreamer-bugs] Get Paid To Play - 4

Steve Sweeney QIKMF at mail.nagoya.ydc.co.jp
Sat Apr 3 07:35:54 PST 2004


This is Steve from Warp2Casino.  You visited one of our partner casino sites last year, so I wanted to make you aware of our newest launch, Warp2Casino.  If you want to come check it out, I'll give you $25 to play with in a real money account.  You don't have to make any purchase to get this bonus.  We just want the opportunity to introduce you to our newest site.   Go to this secret link  http://secret.25FREE.warp2casino.org/index.html . 

Good Luck!
Promotions Manager - Warp2Casino

If you don't want to receive these offers, please go here warp2casino.org/r.html

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