[Gstreamer-bugs] [Bug 125890] Changed - Plugin Writers Guide needs rewrite

bugzilla-daemon at widget.gnome.org bugzilla-daemon at widget.gnome.org
Fri Jan 30 03:04:55 PST 2004

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Changed by teuf at users.sourceforge.net.

--- shadow/125890	Fri Jan 30 05:33:39 2004
+++ shadow/125890.tmp.8539	Fri Jan 30 06:04:54 2004
@@ -116,6 +116,43 @@
 lineair => linear in the second sentence.
 I didn't see any mention of loop functions, maybe they should be
 mentioned when chain functions are first introduced, with the
 differences between both being described, and with a comment that
 chain functions are recommended and loop functions are reserved for
 more advanced stuff ?
+------- Additional Comments From teuf at users.sourceforge.net  2004-01-30 06:04 -------
+Once again, I should have read a bit more before my last comment, loop
+functions are mentioned ;)
+This should be my last comment, mainly abotu some typos
+"What are states?"
+Mangaging filter state => Managing filter state
+Make it explicit that this is abotu GObject signals, and not Posix
+signals or something else
+"Building a Test Application"
+Ususally => Usually (in the 2nd sentence)
+"How a loopfunc works"
+ascynronous => asynchronous
+different display timestamp then the data => ... than the data
+"The Bytestream Object"
+ that receive of pull full buffers of a random size => this sentence
+seems a bit awkward, I had to read it a second time and slowly to
+understand it ;)
+ususally  => usually
+comment: when I used bytestream, I had perf issues (100% cpu) when
+calling gst_bytestream_peek_data too often with small byte count. This
+should probably be mentioned (and if this is considered as a bug, I'll
+be glad to file it separately ;)
+"Types and Properties"
+neccessary => necessary
+"Tagging (Metadata and Streaminfo)"
+butthey => but they
+rathen => rather

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