[Bug 379272] crash in Movie Player: Eine Shockwave Datei geö...

GStreamer (bugzilla.gnome.org) bugzilla-daemon at bugzilla.gnome.org
Sun Nov 26 11:04:19 PST 2006

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  GStreamer | gst-plugins-bad | Ver: 0.10.x

------- Comment #5 from Michael Auß  2006-11-26 19:03 UTC -------
my versions:
libswfdec 0.3
gstreamer 0.10.10
gstreamer-plugins-base 0.10.10
gstreamer-plugins-bad 0.10.3+cvs20060918

my problem is, i can't find any libswfdec debug package in synaptic.
do you know any homepage where i could find it or a package-source?

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