[Bug 664365] Missing plugin: gstreamer|0.10|totem|Flash demuxer|decoder-video/x-flv (ignoring)

GStreamer (bugzilla.gnome.org) bugzilla at gnome.org
Fri Nov 18 21:33:23 PST 2011

  GStreamer | gst-ffmpeg | 0.10.x

--- Comment #2 from André Pirard <A.Pirard at ulg.ac.be> 2011-11-19 05:33:19 UTC ---
Thanks for a fast reply, Mart !!!
gstreamer0.10-plugins-good installed
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 80384 2010-06-09 14:09
$ man gst-inspect-0.10 flvdemux
No manual entry for flvdemux  (!!!!)
No gst-plugins* command but I searched Google for "blacklisting" and I met Mr

I erased it and there it went : every program was friend with flv !!!

Well, I suppose that instead of pretending to search for a missing plugin, the
plugin-lookup should tell the user that the plugin is in there, why it's not
used and what the user should do to unlock the issue.
I can upload my old and new version of my registry it that can return the help.
I really wonder what could happen to it in the course of a plain system

Well Mart, many thanks to you for a real time saver.

BTW, is there any graphic program for Linux resembling Windows' GraphEdit or
its clones?
That would be tremendous!

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