[Bug 664733] queue for encoded streams

GStreamer (bugzilla.gnome.org) bugzilla at gnome.org
Fri Nov 25 08:46:48 PST 2011

  GStreamer | gst-plugins-base | git

--- Comment #4 from Levente Farkas <lfarkas at lfarkas.org> 2011-11-25 16:46:44 UTC ---
we think leaky mode is really useful. eg when there is a network stream and
both the server and client can be slower then the others mainly with encoded
video stream. in this case a leaky queue which able to handle encoded stream is
very useful. we finally able to write such a patch which can handle (and auto
detect) both raw and encoded stream and do the frame dropping in the proper
way. on monday we'll send a patch to queue.

another interesting feature would be to combine queue and valve into one
element. unfortunately in encoded stream case it's not possible to (ie. not
working properly) if we simple put together a queue and a valve since the frame
dropping and the frame type (ie. I, P or B) should have to combine and it'd be
best if we can add this properties to queue too.

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