[Bug 652261] xvidenc needs codec profiles in caps

GStreamer (bugzilla.gnome.org) bugzilla at gnome.org
Wed Nov 30 06:06:00 PST 2011

  GStreamer | gst-plugins-bad | git

--- Comment #2 from Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller <Uraeus at linuxrising.org> 2011-11-30 14:05:56 UTC ---
<slomo> cschalle: and xvidenc doesn't negotiate the profile via caps, it only
has a property for that
 cschalle: so... something should still be done there and actually you're
right, the profile needs to be on the caps then ;)
 cschalle: could you update the bug? it should say that xvidenc should put
profile/level into the caps and that it should negotiate the profile with
downstream via caps instead of a property
<cschalle> slomo, yes, to me this is just like the aac encoders, which also
used to use properties, but we added it also to the caps
<slomo> cschalle: yes, it's exactly the same... and the same as for x264enc

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