[Bug 739992] h264parse: expose compatible profiles to downstream

GStreamer (bugzilla.gnome.org) bugzilla at gnome.org
Fri Nov 14 02:35:07 PST 2014

  GStreamer | gst-plugins-bad | git

--- Comment #1 from sreerenj <bsreerenj at gmail.com> 2014-11-14 10:35:03 UTC ---
Right now we are invoking the public API
gst_codec_utils_h264_caps_set_level_and_profile() inside the h264parser to set
the profile and level. 

There are three ways to add the proposed features:

1: Just change the gst_codec_utils_h264_caps_set_level_and_profile() to include
all compatible profiles in caps.Caution: This api is using in multiple places
including demuxers. This will make the caps as non-fixed too.

2: An API break in pbutils/codec-utils.h by adding a third argument "gboolean
strict"  to gst_codec_utils_h264_caps_set_level_and_profile(). If strict==TRUE,
it will be the default case and in case of non-strict usage add multiple
profiles to caps and that will make the caps as non-fixed too.

3: duplicate the gst_codec_utils_h264_caps_set_level_and_profile() and
gst_codec_utils_h264_get_profile() with necessary additions with in h264parser


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