[Bug 759778] flacparse: large padding headers cause high memory consumption

GStreamer (GNOME Bugzilla) bugzilla at gnome.org
Wed Dec 30 02:00:42 PST 2015


--- Comment #15 from Carlos Rafael Giani <dv at pseudoterminal.org> ---
It also causes measurable delays in flacdec on embedded devices (the PC is
probably too fast to notice). Also, if log levels are turned up high enough,
the *entire* buffer is logged, causing even bigger memory usage, and much
higher delays. Worst of all, it is totally pointless - it logs contents which
are meaningless anyway. I am not talking about memdumps here, but about lines

"flacdec gstflacdec.c:250:gst_flac_dec_set_format:<flacdec0> sink caps:
audio/x-flac, channels=(int)2, framed=(boolean)true, rate=(int)44100,
streamheader=(buffer)< 7f464c41430100000 ....."

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