[Bug 752156] playsink: Require streamvolume interface for sink volumes for standardized behaviour

GStreamer (GNOME Bugzilla) bugzilla at gnome.org
Fri Jul 10 02:06:27 PDT 2015


Sebastian Dröge (slomo) <slomo at coaxion.net> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|NEW                         |RESOLVED
          Component|gst-plugins-good            |gst-plugins-base
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED
   Target Milestone|git master                  |1.5.3
            Summary|osxaudiosink: muting audio  |playsink: Require
                   |in playbin changes the      |streamvolume interface for
                   |volume to 0 because there's |sink volumes for
                   |no "mute" property          |standardized behaviour

--- Comment #9 from Sebastian Dröge (slomo) <slomo at coaxion.net> ---
commit f99a24f8b3ab1d0fa0cc56432b766a5c1ae85fb4
Author: Sebastian Dröge <sebastian at centricular.com>
Date:   Fri Jul 10 11:53:24 2015 +0300

    playsink: Require the streamvolume interface on the sink when using the
sink's volume/mute properties

    If the sink has properties named volume and mute, we have no idea about
    meaning. The streamvolume interface standardizes the meaning.

    In the case of osxaudiosink for example, the current volume property has a
    range of 0.0 to 1.0, but we need 0.0 to 10.0 or similar. Also osxaudiosink
    has no mute property. As such, the volume element should be used here


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