[Bug 785124] basesrc: Deadlock on EOS since 523de1a9dc7b7f79c78120bed15c364336f067cb

GStreamer (GNOME Bugzilla) bugzilla at gnome.org
Wed Jul 19 14:02:40 UTC 2017


--- Comment #3 from Vivia Nikolaidou <vivia at ahiru.eu> ---
I am using the LTC patch for timecodestamper as per
https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=784295 .

Thread 40 (Thread 0x7fb5e8ff9700 (LWP 7025)):
#0  0x00007fb667669259 in syscall () at
#1  0x00007fb6679b436a in g_cond_wait_until (cond=cond at entry=0x556623e32eb8,
mutex=mutex at entry=0x556623e32eb0, end
_time=end_time at entry=104863491779) at ././glib/gthread-posix.c:1442
#2  0x00007fb667942e89 in g_async_queue_pop_intern_unlocked
(queue=queue at entry=0x556623e32eb0, wait=wait at entry=1, 
end_time=end_time at entry=104863491779) at ././glib/gasyncqueue.c:422
#3  0x00007fb6679434ac in g_async_queue_timeout_pop (queue=0x556623e32eb0,
timeout=timeout at entry=15000000)
    at ././glib/gasyncqueue.c:543
#4  0x00007fb667996e9d in g_thread_pool_wait_for_new_pool () at
#5  0x00007fb667996e9d in g_thread_pool_thread_proxy (data=<optimized out>) at
#6  0x00007fb6679963d5 in g_thread_proxy (data=0x7fb65838a9e0) at
#7  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb5e8ff9700) at
#8  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 39 (Thread 0x7fb5f0fea700 (LWP 7018)):
#0  0x00007fb667669259 in syscall () at
#1  0x00007fb6679b424f in g_cond_wait (cond=0x7fb5ec001128,
    at ././glib/gthread-posix.c:1395
#2  0x00007fb668900805 in gst_parallelized_task_thread_func
(data=0x7fb5ec0011d8) at video-converter.c:175
#3  0x00007fb6679963d5 in g_thread_proxy (data=0x7fb5ec0024f0) at
#4  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb5f0fea700) at
#5  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 38 (Thread 0x7fb5f17eb700 (LWP 7017)):
#0  0x00007fb667669259 in syscall () at
#1  0x00007fb6679b424f in g_cond_wait (cond=0x7fb5ec001128,
    at ././glib/gthread-posix.c:1395
#2  0x00007fb668900805 in gst_parallelized_task_thread_func
(data=0x7fb5ec0011c0) at video-converter.c:175
#3  0x00007fb6679963d5 in g_thread_proxy (data=0x7fb5ec002540) at
#4  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb5f17eb700) at
#5  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 37 (Thread 0x7fb5f1fec700 (LWP 7016)):
#0  0x00007fb667669259 in syscall () at
#1  0x00007fb6679b424f in g_cond_wait (cond=0x7fb5ec001128,
    at ././glib/gthread-posix.c:1395
#2  0x00007fb668900805 in gst_parallelized_task_thread_func
(data=0x7fb5ec0011a8) at video-converter.c:175
#3  0x00007fb6679963d5 in g_thread_proxy (data=0x7fb5ec0025e0) at
#4  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb5f1fec700) at
#5  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 36 (Thread 0x7fb5f27ed700 (LWP 7015)):
#0  0x00007fb667669259 in syscall () at
#1  0x00007fb6679b424f in g_cond_wait (cond=0x7fb5ec001128,
    at ././glib/gthread-posix.c:1395
#2  0x00007fb668900805 in gst_parallelized_task_thread_func
(data=0x7fb5ec001190) at video-converter.c:175
#3  0x00007fb6679963d5 in g_thread_proxy (data=0x7fb5ec002590) at
#4  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb5f27ed700) at
#5  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 35 (Thread 0x7fb5f2fee700 (LWP 7014)):
#0  0x00007fb667669259 in syscall () at
#1  0x00007fb6679b424f in g_cond_wait (cond=0x7fb5ec001128,
    at ././glib/gthread-posix.c:1395
#2  0x00007fb668900805 in gst_parallelized_task_thread_func
(data=0x7fb5ec001178) at video-converter.c:175
#3  0x00007fb6679963d5 in g_thread_proxy (data=0x7fb5ec002630) at
#4  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb5f2fee700) at
#5  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 34 (Thread 0x7fb5f37ef700 (LWP 7013)):
#0  0x00007fb667669259 in syscall () at
#1  0x00007fb6679b424f in g_cond_wait (cond=cond at entry=0x7fb65837e8d0,
mutex=mutex at entry=0x7fb65837e8c0)
    at ././glib/gthread-posix.c:1395
#2  0x00007fb65e516e5d in gst_queue_loop (pad=<optimized out>) at
#3  0x00007fb669c10451 in gst_task_func (task=0x7fb658399170 [GstTask]) at
#4  0x00007fb667996dce in g_thread_pool_thread_proxy (data=<optimized out>) at
#5  0x00007fb6679963d5 in g_thread_proxy (data=0x7fb614002d40) at
#6  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb5f37ef700) at
#7  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 33 (Thread 0x7fb612ffd700 (LWP 7011)):
#0  0x00007fb6676646ad in poll () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84
#1  0x00007fb655669c3e in CDeckLink::DriverNotificationThreadFunction(void*) ()
at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#2  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb612ffd700) at
#3  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 32 (Thread 0x7fb6137fe700 (LWP 7010)):
#0  0x00007fb666cba147 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
    at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_wait.S:143
#1  0x00007fb65da93278 in pa_threaded_mainloop_wait () at
#2  0x00007fb65dcc2779 in gst_pulsesrc_read (asrc=0x7fb658091b10 [GstPulseSrc],
data=0x7fb61c008201, length=177, timestamp=<optimized out>) at pulsesrc.c:1129
#3  0x00007fb668265fe2 in audioringbuffer_thread_func (buf=0x7fb6580b2240
    at gstaudiosrc.c:215
#4  0x00007fb6679963d5 in g_thread_proxy (data=0x7fb61c002630) at
#5  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb6137fe700) at
#6  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 31 (Thread 0x7fb613fff700 (LWP 7009)):
#0  0x00007fb667669259 in syscall () at
#1  0x00007fb6679b424f in g_cond_wait (cond=0x7fb65804e348,
    at ././glib/gthread-posix.c:1395
#2  0x00007fb65eb76b9b in gst_decklink_video_src_create(GstPushSrc*,
GstBuffer**) (bsrc=0x7fb65804dfd0 [GstDecklin
kVideoSrc], buffer=0x7fb613ffeb20) at gstdecklinkvideosrc.cpp:755
#3  0x00007fb6694d6cf0 in gst_base_src_get_range (src=src at entry=0x7fb65804dfd0
[GstDecklinkVideoSrc], offset=offse
t at entry=18446744073709551615, length=<optimized out>,
buf=buf at entry=0x7fb613ffebf8) at gstbasesrc.c:2498
#4  0x00007fb6694d8e1b in gst_base_src_loop (pad=0x7fb658050040 [GstPad]) at
#5  0x00007fb669c10451 in gst_task_func (task=0x7fb65806d950 [GstTask]) at
#6  0x00007fb667996dce in g_thread_pool_thread_proxy (data=<optimized out>) at
#7  0x00007fb6679963d5 in g_thread_proxy (data=0x7fb6580aaf70) at
#8  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb613fff700) at
#9  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 30 (Thread 0x7fb630fe9700 (LWP 7008)):
#0  0x00007fb667669259 in syscall () at
#1  0x00007fb6679b424f in g_cond_wait (cond=0x7fb6580574d8,
    at ././glib/gthread-posix.c:1395
#2  0x00007fb65eb729ed in gst_decklink_audio_src_create(GstPushSrc*,
GstBuffer**) (bsrc=0x7fb6580570d0 [GstDecklin
kAudioSrc], buffer=0x7fb630fe8b20) at gstdecklinkaudiosrc.cpp:566
#3  0x00007fb6694d6cf0 in gst_base_src_get_range (src=src at entry=0x7fb6580570d0
[GstDecklinkAudioSrc], offset=offse
t at entry=18446744073709551615, length=<optimized out>,
buf=buf at entry=0x7fb630fe8bf8) at gstbasesrc.c:2498
#4  0x00007fb6694d8e1b in gst_base_src_loop (pad=0x7fb658050700 [GstPad]) at
#5  0x00007fb669c10451 in gst_task_func (task=0x7fb65806d830 [GstTask]) at
#6  0x00007fb667996dce in g_thread_pool_thread_proxy (data=<optimized out>) at
#7  0x00007fb6679963d5 in g_thread_proxy (data=0x7fb6580ab050) at
#8  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb630fe9700) at
#9  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 29 (Thread 0x7fb6317ea700 (LWP 7007)):
#0  0x00007fb667669259 in syscall () at
#1  0x00007fb6679b424f in g_cond_wait (cond=cond at entry=0x7fb65806a428,
mutex=mutex at entry=0x7fb65806a438)
    at ././glib/gthread-posix.c:1395
#2  0x00007fb65e2e390d in gst_videoframe_audiolevel_asink_chain (pad=<optimized
out>, parent=<optimized out>, inbu
f=0x7fb5c40058d0) at gstvideoframe-audiolevel.c:628
#3  0x00007fb669bdce52 in gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (data=0x7fb5c40058d0,
type=4112, pad=0x7fb658050dc0 [GstPad
]) at gstpad.c:4205
#4  0x00007fb669bdce52 in gst_pad_push_data (pad=pad at entry=0x7fb658051900
[GstPad], type=type at entry=4112, data=<op
timized out>, data at entry=0x7fb5c40058d0) at gstpad.c:4457
#5  0x00007fb669be52e2 in gst_pad_push (pad=0x7fb658051900 [GstPad],
buffer=buffer at entry=0x7fb5c40058d0)
    at gstpad.c:4576
#6  0x00007fb65e5177df in gst_queue_push_one (queue=0x7fb658070050 [GstQueue])
at gstqueue.c:1365
#7  0x00007fb65e5177df in gst_queue_loop (pad=<optimized out>) at
#8  0x00007fb669c10451 in gst_task_func (task=0x7fb65806d5f0 [GstTask]) at
#9  0x00007fb667996dce in g_thread_pool_thread_proxy (data=<optimized out>) at
#10 0x00007fb6679963d5 in g_thread_proxy (data=0x7fb6580ab000) at
#11 0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb6317ea700) at
#12 0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 28 (Thread 0x7fb631feb700 (LWP 7006)):
#0  0x00007fb667669259 in syscall () at
#1  0x00007fb6679b424f in g_cond_wait (cond=cond at entry=0x7fb6580705e0,
mutex=mutex at entry=0x7fb6580705d0)
    at ././glib/gthread-posix.c:1395
#2  0x00007fb65e516e5d in gst_queue_loop (pad=<optimized out>) at
#3  0x00007fb669c10451 in gst_task_func (task=0x7fb65806d710 [GstTask]) at
#4  0x00007fb667996dce in g_thread_pool_thread_proxy (data=<optimized out>) at
#5  0x00007fb6679963d5 in g_thread_proxy (data=0x7fb6580ab0f0) at
#6  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb631feb700) at
#7  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 27 (Thread 0x7fb6327ec700 (LWP 7005)):
#0  0x00007fb667669259 in syscall () at
#1  0x00007fb6679b424f in g_cond_wait (cond=cond at entry=0x7fb6580708f8,
mutex=mutex at entry=0x7fb6580708d0)
    at ././glib/gthread-posix.c:1395
#2  0x00007fb65e517e66 in gst_queue_chain_buffer_or_list (parent=0x7fb658070650
[GstQueue], obj=0x7fb61c030d70, is
_list=0, pad=<optimized out>) at gstqueue.c:1228
#3  0x00007fb669bdce52 in gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (data=0x7fb61c030d70,
type=4112, pad=0x7fb658077010 [GstPad
]) at gstpad.c:4205
#4  0x00007fb669bdce52 in gst_pad_push_data (pad=pad at entry=0x7fb658076dd0
[GstPad], type=type at entry=4112, data=<op
timized out>, data at entry=0x7fb61c030d70) at gstpad.c:4457
#5  0x00007fb669be52e2 in gst_pad_push (pad=pad at entry=0x7fb658076dd0 [GstPad],
    at gstpad.c:4576
#6  0x00007fb6694d92a5 in gst_base_src_loop (pad=0x7fb658076dd0 [GstPad]) at
#7  0x00007fb669c10451 in gst_task_func (task=0x7fb65806d4d0 [GstTask]) at
#8  0x00007fb667996dce in g_thread_pool_thread_proxy (data=<optimized out>) at
#9  0x00007fb6679963d5 in g_thread_proxy (data=0x7fb6580aaf20) at
#10 0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb6327ec700) at
#11 0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 26 (Thread 0x7fb632fed700 (LWP 7004)):
#0  0x00007fb667669259 in syscall () at
#1  0x00007fb6679b424f in g_cond_wait (cond=cond at entry=0x7fb658083e10,
mutex=mutex at entry=0x7fb658083e08)
    at ././glib/gthread-posix.c:1395
#2  0x00007fb65ded37c5 in gst_timecodestamper_ltcpad_chain (pad=<optimized
out>, parent=<optimized out>, buffer=0x7fb61c013a00) at
#3  0x00007fb669bdce52 in gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (data=0x7fb61c013a00,
type=4112, pad=0x7fb6580a6030 [GstPad]) at gstpad.c:4205
#4  0x00007fb669bdce52 in gst_pad_push_data (pad=pad at entry=0x7fb6580776d0
[GstPad], type=type at entry=4112, data=<optimized out>,
data at entry=0x7fb61c013a00) at gstpad.c:4457
#5  0x00007fb669be52e2 in gst_pad_push (pad=0x7fb6580776d0 [GstPad],
buffer=0x7fb61c013a00) at gstpad.c:4576
#6  0x00007fb6694e021a in gst_base_transform_chain (pad=<optimized out>,
parent=<optimized out>, buffer=<optimized out>) at gstbasetransform.c:2312
#7  0x00007fb669bdce52 in gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (data=0x7fb61c013a00,
type=4112, pad=0x7fb658077490 [GstPad
]) at gstpad.c:4205
#8  0x00007fb669bdce52 in gst_pad_push_data (pad=pad at entry=0x7fb658077250
[GstPad], type=type at entry=4112, data=<op
timized out>, data at entry=0x7fb61c013a00) at gstpad.c:4457
#9  0x00007fb669be52e2 in gst_pad_push (pad=0x7fb658077250 [GstPad],
buffer=buffer at entry=0x7fb61c013a00)
    at gstpad.c:4576
#10 0x00007fb65e5177df in gst_queue_push_one (queue=0x7fb658070650 [GstQueue])
at gstqueue.c:1365
#11 0x00007fb65e5177df in gst_queue_loop (pad=<optimized out>) at
#12 0x00007fb669c10451 in gst_task_func (task=0x7fb65806d3b0 [GstTask]) at
#13 0x00007fb667996dce in g_thread_pool_thread_proxy (data=<optimized out>) at
#14 0x00007fb6679963d5 in g_thread_proxy (data=0x7fb6580aaed0) at
#15 0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb632fed700) at
#16 0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 25 (Thread 0x7fb6337ee700 (LWP 7003)):
#0  0x00007fb667664771 in __GI_ppoll (fds=0x7fb6240010c0, nfds=1,
timeout=<optimized out>,
    timeout at entry=0x7fb6337ed400, sigmask=sigmask at entry=0x0) at
#1  0x00007fb669bf2ae8 in gst_poll_wait (set=0x556623e78f20,
timeout=timeout at entry=32921480) at gstpoll.c:1370
#2  0x00007fb669c0969f in gst_system_clock_id_wait_jitter_unlocked
(clock=0x7fb6580350d0 [GstSystemClock], entry=0x7fb5d80a4910, jitter=<optimized
out>, restart=1) at gstsystemclock.c:730
#3  0x00007fb669bb4abc in gst_clock_id_wait (id=0x7fb5d80a4910,
jitter=jitter at entry=0x7fb6337ed760)
    at gstclock.c:543
#4  0x00007fb6694d036a in gst_base_sink_wait_clock
(sink=sink at entry=0x7fb6580a35e0 [GstFakeSink], time=<optimized out>,
time at entry=19988727100, jitter=jitter at entry=0x7fb6337ed760) at
#5  0x00007fb6694d17a0 in gst_base_sink_do_sync
(basesink=basesink at entry=0x7fb6580a35e0 [GstFakeSink],
obj=obj at entry=0x7fb61800a370, late=late at entry=0x7fb6337ed878,
step_end=step_end at entry=0x7fb6337ed87c) at gstbasesink.c:2606
#6  0x00007fb6694d2914 in gst_base_sink_chain_unlocked
(basesink=basesink at entry=0x7fb6580a35e0 [GstFakeSink],
obj=obj at entry=0x7fb61800a370, is_list=is_list at entry=0, pad=<optimized out>) at
#7  0x00007fb6694d3c50 in gst_base_sink_chain_main (basesink=0x7fb6580a35e0
[GstFakeSink], pad=<optimized out>, obj=0x7fb61800a370, is_list=0) at
#8  0x00007fb669bdce52 in gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (data=0x7fb61800a370,
type=4112, pad=0x7fb658077d90 [GstPad]) at gstpad.c:4205
#9  0x00007fb669bdce52 in gst_pad_push_data (pad=pad at entry=0x7fb65809e530
[GstGhostPad], type=type at entry=4112, data=<optimized out>,
data at entry=0x7fb61800a370) at gstpad.c:4457
#10 0x00007fb669be52e2 in gst_pad_push (pad=pad at entry=0x7fb65809e530
[GstGhostPad], buffer=buffer at entry=0x7fb61800a370) at gstpad.c:4576
#11 0x00007fb669bcc0cb in gst_proxy_pad_chain_default (pad=<optimized out>,
parent=<optimized out>, buffer=0x7fb61800a370) at gstghostpad.c:127
#12 0x00007fb669bdce52 in gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (data=0x7fb61800a370,
type=4112, pad=0x7fb6580a0770 [GstProxyPad]) at gstpad.c:4205
#13 0x00007fb669bdce52 in gst_pad_push_data (pad=pad at entry=0x7fb6580a6930
[GstPad], type=type at entry=4112, data=<optimized out>,
data at entry=0x7fb61800a370) at gstpad.c:4457
#14 0x00007fb669be52e2 in gst_pad_push (pad=0x7fb6580a6930 [GstPad],
buffer=buffer at entry=0x7fb61800a370)
    at gstpad.c:4576
#15 0x00007fb65643f075 in gst_error_ignore_sink_chain (pad=0x7fb6580a66f0
[GstPad], parent=<optimized out>, inbuf=0x7fb61800a370) at gsterrorignore.c:237
#16 0x00007fb669bdce52 in gst_pad_chain_data_unchecked (data=0x7fb61800a370,
type=4112, pad=0x7fb6580a66f0 [GstPad]) at gstpad.c:4205
#17 0x00007fb669bdce52 in gst_pad_push_data (pad=pad at entry=0x7fb6580a64b0
[GstPad], type=type at entry=4112, data=<optimized out>,
data at entry=0x7fb61800a370) at gstpad.c:4457
#18 0x00007fb669be52e2 in gst_pad_push (pad=0x7fb6580a64b0 [GstPad],
buffer=buffer at entry=0x7fb61800a370)
    at gstpad.c:4576
#19 0x00007fb65e5177df in gst_queue_push_one (queue=0x7fb658070950 [GstQueue])
at gstqueue.c:1365
#20 0x00007fb65e5177df in gst_queue_loop (pad=<optimized out>) at
#21 0x00007fb669c10451 in gst_task_func (task=0x7fb65806d290 [GstTask]) at
#22 0x00007fb667996dce in g_thread_pool_thread_proxy (data=<optimized out>) at
#23 0x00007fb6679963d5 in g_thread_proxy (data=0x7fb6580aae80) at
#24 0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb6337ee700) at
#25 0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 24 (Thread 0x7fb633fef700 (LWP 7002)):
#0  0x00007fb667669259 in syscall () at
#1  0x00007fb6679b424f in g_cond_wait (cond=cond at entry=0x7fb658070ee0,
mutex=mutex at entry=0x7fb658070ed0)
    at ././glib/gthread-posix.c:1395
#2  0x00007fb65e516e5d in gst_queue_loop (pad=<optimized out>) at
#3  0x00007fb669c10451 in gst_task_func (task=0x7fb65806d170 [GstTask]) at
#4  0x00007fb667996dce in g_thread_pool_thread_proxy (data=<optimized out>) at
#5  0x00007fb6679963d5 in g_thread_proxy (data=0x7fb6580aae30) at
#6  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb633fef700) at
#7  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 23 (Thread 0x7fb6347f0700 (LWP 7001)):
#0  0x00007fb667665e07 in ioctl () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84
#1  0x00007fb6557148cc in IoctlMessageUser::call(int, IoctlArguments*) () at
#2  0x00007fb655714e57 in BlackmagicIOIoctlMessageUser::call(int,
IoctlArguments*) ()
    at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#3  0x00007fb65571472d in IoctlMessageUser::writeScalarReadScalar(int, unsigned
long const*, unsigned long, unsigned long*, unsigned long) () at
#4  0x00007fb65570bd5e in WaitForNotificationEvents () at
#5  0x00007fb6556946a3 in CDeckLinkOutput::DriverNotificationThread() () at
#6  0x00007fb655694789 in
CDeckLinkOutput::DriverNotificationThreadFunction(void*) ()
    at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#7  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb6347f0700) at
#8  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 22 (Thread 0x7fb634ff1700 (LWP 7000)):
#0  0x00007fb667665e07 in ioctl () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84
#1  0x00007fb6557148cc in IoctlMessageUser::call(int, IoctlArguments*) () at
#2  0x00007fb655714e57 in BlackmagicIOIoctlMessageUser::call(int,
IoctlArguments*) ()
#3  0x00007fb65571472d in IoctlMessageUser::writeScalarReadScalar(int, unsigned
long const*, unsigned long, unsign
ed long*, unsigned long) () at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#4  0x00007fb65570bd5e in WaitForNotificationEvents () at
#5  0x00007fb65569e2aa in CDeckLinkNotification::run() () at
#6  0x00007fb65569e339 in  () at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#7  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb634ff1700) at
#8  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 21 (Thread 0x7fb6357f2700 (LWP 6999)):
#0  0x00007fb667665e07 in ioctl () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84
#1  0x00007fb6557148cc in IoctlMessageUser::call(int, IoctlArguments*) () at
#2  0x00007fb655714e57 in BlackmagicIOIoctlMessageUser::call(int,
IoctlArguments*) ()
    at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#3  0x00007fb65571472d in IoctlMessageUser::writeScalarReadScalar(int, unsigned
long const*, unsigned long, unsigned long*, unsigned long) () at
#4  0x00007fb65570bd5e in WaitForNotificationEvents () at
#5  0x00007fb6556946a3 in CDeckLinkOutput::DriverNotificationThread() () at
#6  0x00007fb655694789 in
CDeckLinkOutput::DriverNotificationThreadFunction(void*) ()
    at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#7  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb6357f2700) at
#8  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 20 (Thread 0x7fb635ff3700 (LWP 6998)):
#0  0x00007fb667665e07 in ioctl () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84
#1  0x00007fb6557148cc in IoctlMessageUser::call(int, IoctlArguments*) () at
#2  0x00007fb655714e57 in BlackmagicIOIoctlMessageUser::call(int,
IoctlArguments*) ()
    at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#3  0x00007fb65571472d in IoctlMessageUser::writeScalarReadScalar(int, unsigned
long const*, unsigned long, unsigned long*, unsigned long) () at
#4  0x00007fb65570bd5e in WaitForNotificationEvents () at
#5  0x00007fb65569e2aa in CDeckLinkNotification::run() () at
#6  0x00007fb65569e339 in  () at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#7  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb635ff3700) at
#8  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 19 (Thread 0x7fb6367f4700 (LWP 6997)):
#0  0x00007fb667665e07 in ioctl () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84
#1  0x00007fb6557148cc in IoctlMessageUser::call(int, IoctlArguments*) () at
#2  0x00007fb655714e57 in BlackmagicIOIoctlMessageUser::call(int,
IoctlArguments*) ()
    at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#3  0x00007fb65571472d in IoctlMessageUser::writeScalarReadScalar(int, unsigned
long const*, unsigned long, unsigned long*, unsigned long) () at
#4  0x00007fb65570bd5e in WaitForNotificationEvents () at
#5  0x00007fb6556946a3 in CDeckLinkOutput::DriverNotificationThread() () at
#6  0x00007fb655694789 in
CDeckLinkOutput::DriverNotificationThreadFunction(void*) ()
    at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#7  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb6367f4700) at
#8  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 18 (Thread 0x7fb636ff5700 (LWP 6996)):
#0  0x00007fb667665e07 in ioctl () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84
#1  0x00007fb6557148cc in IoctlMessageUser::call(int, IoctlArguments*) () at
#2  0x00007fb655714e57 in BlackmagicIOIoctlMessageUser::call(int,
IoctlArguments*) ()
    at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#3  0x00007fb65571472d in IoctlMessageUser::writeScalarReadScalar(int, unsigned
long const*, unsigned long, unsigned long*, unsigned long) () at
#4  0x00007fb65570bd5e in WaitForNotificationEvents () at
#5  0x00007fb65569e2aa in CDeckLinkNotification::run() () at
#6  0x00007fb65569e339 in  () at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#7  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb636ff5700) at
#8  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 17 (Thread 0x7fb6377f6700 (LWP 6995)):
#0  0x00007fb667665e07 in ioctl () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84
#1  0x00007fb6557148cc in IoctlMessageUser::call(int, IoctlArguments*) () at
#2  0x00007fb655714e57 in BlackmagicIOIoctlMessageUser::call(int,
IoctlArguments*) ()
    at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#3  0x00007fb65571472d in IoctlMessageUser::writeScalarReadScalar(int, unsigned
long const*, unsigned long, unsigned long*, unsigned long) () at
#4  0x00007fb65570bd5e in WaitForNotificationEvents () at
#5  0x00007fb6556946a3 in CDeckLinkOutput::DriverNotificationThread() () at
#6  0x00007fb655694789 in
CDeckLinkOutput::DriverNotificationThreadFunction(void*) ()
    at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#7  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb6377f6700) at
#8  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 16 (Thread 0x7fb637ff7700 (LWP 6994)):
#0  0x00007fb667665e07 in ioctl () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84
#1  0x00007fb6557148cc in IoctlMessageUser::call(int, IoctlArguments*) () at
#2  0x00007fb655714e57 in BlackmagicIOIoctlMessageUser::call(int,
IoctlArguments*) ()
    at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#3  0x00007fb65571472d in IoctlMessageUser::writeScalarReadScalar(int, unsigned
long const*, unsigned long, unsigned long*, unsigned long) () at
#4  0x00007fb65570bd5e in WaitForNotificationEvents () at
#5  0x00007fb65569e2aa in CDeckLinkNotification::run() () at
#6  0x00007fb65569e339 in  () at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#7  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb637ff7700) at
#8  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 15 (Thread 0x7fb6387f8700 (LWP 6993)):
#0  0x00007fb667665e07 in ioctl () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84
#1  0x00007fb6557148cc in IoctlMessageUser::call(int, IoctlArguments*) () at
#2  0x00007fb655714e57 in BlackmagicIOIoctlMessageUser::call(int,
IoctlArguments*) ()
    at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#3  0x00007fb65571472d in IoctlMessageUser::writeScalarReadScalar(int, unsigned
long const*, unsigned long, unsigned long*, unsigned long) () at
#4  0x00007fb65570bd5e in WaitForNotificationEvents () at
#5  0x00007fb6556946a3 in CDeckLinkOutput::DriverNotificationThread() () at
#6  0x00007fb655694789 in
CDeckLinkOutput::DriverNotificationThreadFunction(void*) ()
    at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#7  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb6387f8700) at
#8  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 14 (Thread 0x7fb638ff9700 (LWP 6992)):
#0  0x00007fb667665e07 in ioctl () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84
#1  0x00007fb6557148cc in IoctlMessageUser::call(int, IoctlArguments*) () at
#2  0x00007fb655714e57 in BlackmagicIOIoctlMessageUser::call(int,
IoctlArguments*) ()
    at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#3  0x00007fb65571472d in IoctlMessageUser::writeScalarReadScalar(int, unsigned
long const*, unsigned long, unsigned long*, unsigned long) () at
#4  0x00007fb65570bd5e in WaitForNotificationEvents () at
#5  0x00007fb65569e2aa in CDeckLinkNotification::run() () at
#6  0x00007fb65569e339 in  () at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#7  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb638ff9700) at
#8  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 13 (Thread 0x7fb6397fa700 (LWP 6991)):
#0  0x00007fb667665e07 in ioctl () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84
#1  0x00007fb6557148cc in IoctlMessageUser::call(int, IoctlArguments*) () at
#2  0x00007fb655714e57 in BlackmagicIOIoctlMessageUser::call(int,
IoctlArguments*) ()
    at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#3  0x00007fb65571472d in IoctlMessageUser::writeScalarReadScalar(int, unsigned
long const*, unsigned long, unsigned long*, unsigned long) () at
#4  0x00007fb65570bd5e in WaitForNotificationEvents () at
#5  0x00007fb6556946a3 in CDeckLinkOutput::DriverNotificationThread() () at
#6  0x00007fb655694789 in
CDeckLinkOutput::DriverNotificationThreadFunction(void*) ()
    at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#7  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb6397fa700) at
#8  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 12 (Thread 0x7fb639ffb700 (LWP 6990)):
#0  0x00007fb667665e07 in ioctl () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84
#1  0x00007fb6557148cc in IoctlMessageUser::call(int, IoctlArguments*) () at
#2  0x00007fb655714e57 in BlackmagicIOIoctlMessageUser::call(int,
IoctlArguments*) ()
    at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#3  0x00007fb65571472d in IoctlMessageUser::writeScalarReadScalar(int, unsigned
long const*, unsigned long, unsigned long*, unsigned long) () at
#4  0x00007fb65570bd5e in WaitForNotificationEvents () at
#5  0x00007fb65569e2aa in CDeckLinkNotification::run() () at
#6  0x00007fb65569e339 in  () at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#7  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb639ffb700) at
#8  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 11 (Thread 0x7fb63a7fc700 (LWP 6989)):
#0  0x00007fb667665e07 in ioctl () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84
#1  0x00007fb6557148cc in IoctlMessageUser::call(int, IoctlArguments*) () at
#2  0x00007fb655714e57 in BlackmagicIOIoctlMessageUser::call(int,
IoctlArguments*) ()
    at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#3  0x00007fb65571472d in IoctlMessageUser::writeScalarReadScalar(int, unsigned
long const*, unsigned long, unsigned long*, unsigned long) () at
#4  0x00007fb65570bd5e in WaitForNotificationEvents () at
#5  0x00007fb6556946a3 in CDeckLinkOutput::DriverNotificationThread() () at
#6  0x00007fb655694789 in
CDeckLinkOutput::DriverNotificationThreadFunction(void*) ()
    at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#7  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb63a7fc700) at
#8  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 10 (Thread 0x7fb63affd700 (LWP 6988)):
#0  0x00007fb667665e07 in ioctl () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84
#1  0x00007fb6557148cc in IoctlMessageUser::call(int, IoctlArguments*) () at
#2  0x00007fb655714e57 in BlackmagicIOIoctlMessageUser::call(int,
IoctlArguments*) ()
    at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#3  0x00007fb65571472d in IoctlMessageUser::writeScalarReadScalar(int, unsigned
long const*, unsigned long, unsigned long*, unsigned long) () at
#4  0x00007fb65570bd5e in WaitForNotificationEvents () at
#5  0x00007fb65569e2aa in CDeckLinkNotification::run() () at
#6  0x00007fb65569e339 in  () at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#7  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb63affd700) at
#8  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 9 (Thread 0x7fb63b7fe700 (LWP 6987)):
#0  0x00007fb667665e07 in ioctl () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84
#1  0x00007fb6557148cc in IoctlMessageUser::call(int, IoctlArguments*) () at
#2  0x00007fb655714e57 in BlackmagicIOIoctlMessageUser::call(int,
IoctlArguments*) ()
    at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#3  0x00007fb65571472d in IoctlMessageUser::writeScalarReadScalar(int, unsigned
long const*, unsigned long, unsigned long*, unsigned long) () at
#4  0x00007fb65570bd5e in WaitForNotificationEvents () at
#5  0x00007fb6556946a3 in CDeckLinkOutput::DriverNotificationThread() () at
#6  0x00007fb655694789 in
CDeckLinkOutput::DriverNotificationThreadFunction(void*) ()
    at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#7  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb63b7fe700) at
#8  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 8 (Thread 0x7fb63bfff700 (LWP 6986)):
#0  0x00007fb667665e07 in ioctl () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84
#1  0x00007fb6557148cc in IoctlMessageUser::call(int, IoctlArguments*) () at
#2  0x00007fb655714e57 in BlackmagicIOIoctlMessageUser::call(int,
IoctlArguments*) ()
    at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#3  0x00007fb65571472d in IoctlMessageUser::writeScalarReadScalar(int, unsigned
long const*, unsigned long, unsigned long*, unsigned long) () at
#4  0x00007fb65570bd5e in WaitForNotificationEvents () at
#5  0x00007fb65569e2aa in CDeckLinkNotification::run() () at
#6  0x00007fb65569e339 in  () at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#7  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb63bfff700) at
#8  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 7 (Thread 0x7fb654dc4700 (LWP 6985)):
#0  0x00007fb667665e07 in ioctl () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84
#1  0x00007fb6557148cc in IoctlMessageUser::call(int, IoctlArguments*) () at
#2  0x00007fb655714e57 in BlackmagicIOIoctlMessageUser::call(int,
IoctlArguments*) ()
    at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#3  0x00007fb65571472d in IoctlMessageUser::writeScalarReadScalar(int, unsigned
long const*, unsigned long, unsigned long*, unsigned long) () at
#4  0x00007fb65570bd5e in WaitForNotificationEvents () at
#5  0x00007fb6556946a3 in CDeckLinkOutput::DriverNotificationThread() () at
#6  0x00007fb655694789 in
CDeckLinkOutput::DriverNotificationThreadFunction(void*) ()
    at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#7  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb654dc4700) at
#8  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 6 (Thread 0x7fb6555c5700 (LWP 6984)):
#0  0x00007fb667665e07 in ioctl () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84
#1  0x00007fb6557148cc in IoctlMessageUser::call(int, IoctlArguments*) () at
#2  0x00007fb655714e57 in BlackmagicIOIoctlMessageUser::call(int,
IoctlArguments*) ()
    at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#3  0x00007fb65571472d in IoctlMessageUser::writeScalarReadScalar(int, unsigned
long const*, unsigned long, unsigned long*, unsigned long) () at
#4  0x00007fb65570bd5e in WaitForNotificationEvents () at
#5  0x00007fb65569e2aa in CDeckLinkNotification::run() () at
#6  0x00007fb65569e339 in  () at /usr/lib/libDeckLinkAPI.so
#7  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb6555c5700) at
#8  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 5 (Thread 0x7fb656434700 (LWP 6977)):
#0  0x00007fb6676646ad in poll () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84
#1  0x00007fb65da92c91 in  () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpulse.so.0
#2  0x00007fb65da844a1 in pa_mainloop_poll () at
#3  0x00007fb65da84b3e in pa_mainloop_iterate () at
#4  0x00007fb65da84bf0 in pa_mainloop_run () at
#5  0x00007fb65da92bd9 in  () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpulse.so.0
#6  0x00007fb65d8322c8 in  () at
#7  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb656434700) at
#8  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 4 (Thread 0x7fb65f583700 (LWP 6976)):
#0  0x00007fb666cbcf5c in __lll_lock_wait () at
#1  0x00007fb666cb6c06 in __GI___pthread_mutex_lock (mutex=0x7fb658053f30) at
#2  0x00007fb6694da0b1 in gst_base_src_send_event (element=<optimized out>,
    at gstbasesrc.c:1852
#3  0x00007fb669bc4069 in gst_element_send_event
(element=element at entry=0x7fb658091b10 [GstPulseSrc],
event=event at entry=0x7fb5d80039d0) at gstelement.c:1656
#4  0x00007fb669ba32a4 in gst_bin_send_event (element=0x7fb65803a430 [],
    at gstbin.c:3141
#5  0x00007fb669bc4069 in gst_element_send_event (element=0x7fb65803a430 [],
    at gstelement.c:1656
#6  0x0000556623a16e3e in _send_eos (self=0x7fb65803a430 [])
#18 0x00007fb66a0d98d3 in  () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libczmq.so.4
#19 0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb65f583700) at
#20 0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 3 (Thread 0x7fb65fd84700 (LWP 6975)):
#0  0x00007fb66766e0f3 in epoll_wait () at
#1  0x00007fb66a353844 in  () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libzmq.so.5
#2  0x00007fb66a38f78c in  () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libzmq.so.5
#3  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb65fd84700) at
#4  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 2 (Thread 0x7fb660585700 (LWP 6974)):
#0  0x00007fb66766e0f3 in epoll_wait () at
#1  0x00007fb66a353844 in  () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libzmq.so.5
#2  0x00007fb66a38f78c in  () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libzmq.so.5
#3  0x00007fb666cb4494 in start_thread (arg=0x7fb660585700) at
#4  0x00007fb66766daff in clone () at

Thread 1 (Thread 0x7fb66a71d900 (LWP 6972)):
#0  0x00007fb6676646ad in poll () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84
#1  0x00007fb66796e9f6 in g_main_context_poll (priority=<optimized out>,
n_fds=2, fds=0x556623f902b0, timeout=<optimized out>, context=0x556623f8bed0)
at ././glib/gmain.c:4228
#2  0x00007fb66796e9f6 in g_main_context_iterate (context=0x556623f8bed0,
block=block at entry=1, dispatch=dispatch at entry=1, self=<optimized out>) at
#3  0x00007fb66796ed82 in g_main_loop_run (loop=0x556623e2e170) at
#4  0x0000556623a0c30b in main (argc=4, argv=0x7fffbe79bba8)

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