[Bug 797200] GStreamer iOS packages fail to build with Xcode 10.0 update

GStreamer (GNOME Bugzilla) bugzilla at gnome.org
Thu Oct 18 10:28:01 UTC 2018


--- Comment #12 from n.didonna at combivox.it ---
Hi all, i'm try another test:

Tutorial 1 combiled in legacy and new build system with DSYM enabled -> works
Tutorial 3 combiled in legacy and new build system with DSYM disabled->  works

Tutorial 3 combiled in legacy and new build system with DSYM enabled->  freeze

So i'm detect that the problem is the gst/video.h if i comment this import and
all reference to this file the Tutorial 3 compile with DSYM.

I hope that this can help someone to resolve this problem.

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