[gst-devel] next...

Wim Taymans wim.taymans at tvd.be
Fri Mar 24 19:49:47 CET 2000

I will first finish an avi sink (I want to capture TV programs). After that I
plan to take some time to critically look at what we have now. I currently
don't like the Meta stuff at all. I want to create something more general, 
there is some type checking and ref counting but it is quite non functional or
not used at all.

Also with the recent interests from GMF it would be nice to have some input 
from real life situations which is a Good Thing.

My small TODO list:
 - AVI sink (I have an itch to scratch here...)
 - make a color conversion library and an Element.
 - Rework the Meta stuff.
 - API documentation (very important not to wait too long)
 - rework the directory structure of the plugins (needs coordination)
 - make a good generic getbits implementation
 - librarify DCT/iDCT?

Erik, do you plan another release someday?


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the Force.
- Darth Vader

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