[gst-devel] Daily IRC logs
wim.taymans at chello.be
wim.taymans at chello.be
Wed Apr 4 06:27:27 CEST 2001
[06:59] dobey (dobey at dreadnought.ximian.com) left irc: [x]chat
[07:12] ajmitch (me at p32-max2.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: http://www.freedevelopers.net
[08:15] chillywilly (baumannd at d162.as8.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: sleep zzzzZZZZZZzzzzzzZZZZZZZ
[09:13] taaz (dlehn at left irc: Ping timeout for taaz[]
[09:13] taaz (dlehn at joined #gstreamer.
[09:22] steveb (chatzilla at 212186169160.chello.com) joined #gstreamer.
[09:27] omega (omega at omegacs.net) left irc: Ping timeout for omega[omegacs.net]
[09:41] iGN_ (ign at login1.simplemente.net) left irc: Ping timeout for iGN_[login1.simplemente.net]
[09:46] iGN_ (ign at login1.simplemente.net) joined #gstreamer.
[10:28] omega_ (omega at ipc379afc6.dial.wxs.nl) joined #gstreamer.
[10:32] omega_ (omega at ipc379afc6.dial.wxs.nl) got netsplit.
[10:43] omega_ (omega at ipc379afc6.dial.wxs.nl) got lost in the net-split.
[11:13] ajmitch (me at p18-max3.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gstreamer.
[11:27] omega (omega at omegacs.net) joined #gstreamer.
[11:49] holger (holger at Q.convergence.de) joined #gstreamer.
[11:50] <holger> Hi !
[11:51] <ajmitch> hi
[12:07] Nick change: ajmitch -> aj_zzzz
[12:35] sienap (synap at ipc379c113.dial.wxs.nl) joined #gstreamer.
[13:29] sienap (synap at ipc379c113.dial.wxs.nl) left irc: sienap has no reason
[14:29] zaheer (zaheer at odin.cs.ucl.ac.uk) joined #gstreamer.
[14:29] Action: zaheer has nearly finished the au plugin
[14:30] Nick change: wtay-sleeping -> wtay
[14:30] <wtay> yo
[14:31] <zaheer> yo :)
[14:33] <steveb> hi
[14:34] <wtay> howdy
[14:34] Action: wtay is cleaning up some startup messages...
[14:35] <steveb> when do you think the plugin tree will get reorganised?
[14:36] <wtay> steveb: I hope this month
[14:36] <steveb> ok cool
[14:37] <wtay> we'll do this when we move the plugins/player/editor in separate CVS modules
[14:37] <wtay> renaming a dir in CVS is a pain..
[14:47] terrys (developer at hs4-219.magma.ca) joined #gstreamer.
[14:48] <wtay> yo
[14:54] <zaheer> yah
[14:54] <zaheer> they should be put in seperate CVS trees IMO
[14:55] <wtay> yeah once the core is mature enough...
[14:58] <zaheer> deciding the plugin hierarchy is gonna be interesting tho
[14:59] <zaheer> did richard finish the artsd sink? :)
[15:00] <wtay> yes
[15:00] <zaheer> cool
[15:03] <zaheer> is the GstTypeFactory required anymore?
[15:03] <wtay> yeah sure
[15:03] <zaheer> for typefind?
[15:03] <wtay> it is used to register typefind functions
[15:04] <zaheer> whats the 3rd attribute for?
[15:04] <zaheer> the function pointer?
[15:04] <wtay> yes, of the typefind function
[15:04] <zaheer> ok...
[15:05] <zaheer> so the au plugin needs one...one hasnt been implemented by the looks of it
[15:05] <wtay> the function should return a caps structure, or NULL if it cannot determine the type
[15:05] <wtay> but you figured that out allready, I'm sure...
[15:05] <zaheer> not completely
[15:06] <wtay> plugins/mpeg1/mpegtype/mpeg1types.c is an example..
[15:06] <zaheer> with audio/au the rest of the properties arent required coz its all in the ehader, so i can just have the cpas factory have just the mimetype
[15:06] <zaheer> right?
[15:07] <wtay> I think so yes
[15:08] <zaheer> shouldnt GST_PROPS_RANGE be renamed to GST_PROPS_INT_RANGE ?
[15:09] <zaheer> oh whoops
[15:09] <zaheer> i read it wrong
[15:09] <zaheer> ignore me :P
[15:09] <wtay> hehehe
[15:11] Action: wtay is looking at unconverted YUV video..
[15:12] <zaheer> oh wow
[15:12] <zaheer> gnome 1.4 is out
[15:13] Action: zaheer wonders if redcarpet is updated yet :)
[15:42] Action: zaheer has just seen an interesting press release...
[15:43] <wtay> ?
[15:44] <zaheer> NMSS the ppl that make the high density telephony boards that we use
[15:44] <wtay> oh ok
[15:44] <zaheer> they have announced release of Fusion 4.2, one part of their API, and it mentions Linux support
[15:44] <wtay> what does it do?
[15:44] <zaheer> previously only Solaris,NT,Unixare
[15:45] <wtay> they got a clue then, cool
[15:45] <zaheer> then later it sayis it will be out in July this yr
[15:45] <zaheer> wtay: they had a press release in 1998 saying they were gonna have working Linux drivers by end of that yr :P
[15:45] <zaheer> ive been bugging them ever since
[15:45] <wtay> zaheer: doh!
[15:46] <wtay> zaheer: talk about meeting deadlines..
[15:46] <zaheer> even dialogic, the most "in bed with Microsoft" telephony hardware company, had linux support out last yr :P
[15:46] <wtay> :)
[15:47] holger (holger at Q.convergence.de) left irc: Client Exiting
[15:59] <zaheer> gst_pad_get_padtemplate_caps gets the caps from a padtemplate, right?
[16:18] Action: zaheer thinks his au plugin is done....
[16:18] Action: zaheer is gonna test it now...
[16:18] <zaheer> s/his/the
[16:19] <zaheer> Erik's plugin, sorry :)
[16:19] Action: zaheer has just added caps stuff to it
[16:21] <wtay> cool
[16:22] <wtay> zaheer: why do you need the au plugin?
[16:24] <zaheer> the media server needs to play au files, mp3 files and wav files
[16:24] <wtay> ok
[16:24] <zaheer> as well as raw audio
[16:24] <zaheer> which is a trival plugin
[16:26] <zaheer> you know if the wav plugin acts correctly for mu law encoded audio?
[16:26] <wtay> I doubt it
[16:26] <wtay> I think the wav plugin can only handle raw PCM audio
[16:26] <zaheer> ok :)
[16:27] <zaheer> looks like ill be making a few more changes :)
[16:27] <zaheer> is autoplug still creating audiosink and videosink automatically?
[16:28] Action: zaheer ahs to do an alaw encoder and decoder also
[16:29] <wtay> autoplug never creates the audio/video sink, you have to provide them to the autoplug function yourself
[16:29] <zaheer> erik mentioned the other day that when using the autoplug it creates both an audiosink and videosink whatever
[16:29] <wtay> it doesn't
[16:30] <zaheer> insert currently
[16:30] <zaheer> maybe i misunderstood him
[16:30] <wtay> it would be nice it the autoplugger could do that, but I'm not sure how it would choose a suitable sink
[16:30] <wtay> we don't have user prefences yet so...
[16:31] <zaheer> i dont want it to :P
[16:31] <wtay> anyway, that's a layer on top of gst IMO
[16:31] <zaheer> yah
[16:37] Action: zaheer waits for the full compile to finsih...
[16:37] <zaheer> in the meantime im downloading glib2 and gobject
[16:40] <wtay> I'm still stuggling with colorspace..
[16:43] <zaheer> :(
[16:43] steveb (chatzilla at 212186169160.chello.com) left irc: ChatZilla 0.8 [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; 0.8.1) Gecko/20010323]
[16:43] <zaheer> you doing YUv to RGB?
[16:45] <wtay> yeah, and RGB->RGB, YUV->RGB, RGB->YUV, YUV->YUV...
[16:45] <wtay> got the capsnego function working I think, now I need test cases
[16:45] <wtay> need to force some plugins into outputting strange formats.
[16:46] <wtay> I'm using Hermes for RGB->RGB so that helps a lot
[16:46] <wtay> beck in 30mins..
[16:46] <wtay> s/beck/back
[16:55] <zaheer> i get a core in a very strange place
[16:55] <zaheer> #0 0x402ffacd in gst_props_create_entry (factory=0x4062bca8,
[16:55] <zaheer> skipped=0xbffff7d4) at gstprops.c:116
[16:55] <zaheer> 116 entry->data.float_range_data.min = *(gfloat*)factory[i++];
[16:57] <zaheer> (gdb) print entry
[16:57] <zaheer> $1 = (GstPropsEntry *) 0x8074ab0
[16:57] <zaheer> (gdb) print entry->data
[16:57] <zaheer> $2 = {bool_data = 0, fourcc_data = 0, int_data = 0, float_data = 0,
[16:57] <zaheer> list_data = {entries = 0x0}, string_data = {string = 0x0}, int_range_data = {
[16:57] <zaheer> min = 0, max = 0}, float_range_data = {min = 0, max = 0}}
[16:57] <zaheer> (gdb) print factory
[16:57] <zaheer> $3 = (GstPropsFactoryEntry *) 0x4062bca8
[16:57] <zaheer> (gdb) print i
[16:57] <zaheer> $4 = 1
[16:57] <zaheer> (gdb) print factory[1]
[16:57] <zaheer> $5 = 0x0
[16:57] <zaheer> that cant be right.....
[16:58] <zaheer> its trying to dereference a non pointer
[16:58] Action: zaheer goes to see what the recent changes to gstprops.c s
[16:58] <zaheer> s=is
[17:05] holger_ (holger at Q.convergence.de) joined #gstreamer.
[17:12] Action: zaheer has stuck comments round the 2 lines 116 and 117
[17:12] <zaheer> on gstprops.c
[17:12] <zaheer> on my local tree...
[17:14] <wtay> back
[17:15] <wtay> zaheer: are you sure you ended the _props_new call with a NULL?
[17:16] Action: zaheer checks....
[17:16] <zaheer> i didnt do a props_new call
[17:17] <wtay> hmm
[17:17] <zaheer> my padtemplated all end with a NULL
[17:17] Action: zaheer will get the backtrace
[17:17] <wtay> yeah
[17:18] <zaheer> #3 0x402fc4c0 in gst_padtemplate_new (factory=0x4062bc5c) at gstpad.c:1378
[17:18] <zaheer> #4 0x4062a5f8 in plugin_init (module=0x80c1c98) at mulaw-encode.c:251
[17:19] <zaheer> its mulaw-encode......
[17:19] <wtay> hmm
[17:19] <zaheer> however there is no plugin_init in mulaw-encode.c
[17:19] <zaheer> Cannot seek to line number 251 (press RETURN)
[17:20] <zaheer> hmm looks like gdb is confused
[17:20] <wtay> great
[17:20] Action: zaheer uncomments those lines and rebuilds :P
[17:23] <zaheer> WHAT!!!!
[17:23] <zaheer> it works now
[17:23] Action: zaheer is really confused
[17:23] <wtay> ?
[17:23] <zaheer> i uncommented what i commented in gstprops.c
[17:23] <zaheer> and i recompiled in gst
[17:24] <zaheer> and in hellowolrd dir
[17:24] <zaheer> and now no more core
[17:24] Action: zaheer wonders what is going on :P
[17:24] <wtay> some changes were make in gstprops.c maybe you didn't recompile the first time
[17:24] <zaheer> yah thats possible
[17:24] <zaheer> thats most likely
[17:25] Action: zaheer has grown partial to gstreamer-launch :)
[17:25] <wtay> using launch now?
[17:26] <zaheer> you can notice the difference between mulaw encoding/decodign and straight thru :)
[17:26] <zaheer> the high frequency stuff gets crackly :)
[17:26] <zaheer> im playing with launch :)
[17:27] <zaheer> very nice testing tool
[17:27] <wtay> I should implement dynamic pads in launch too...
[17:27] <wtay> the only thing that is needed for video to work in launch (and a possibility to show a widget of course)
[17:28] Action: zaheer has now put stereo2mono earlier in pipeline than mulaw and checking if caps nego still works :)
[17:33] <zaheer> as usual problem in doing disksrc ! parseau ! mulawdecode ! osssink
[17:33] Action: zaheer has no doubt done caps stuff wrong :P
[17:33] <wtay> hmm
[17:35] Action: zaheer has found the problem...he thinks :)
[17:35] <zaheer> gst_pad_get_padtemplate_caps(parseau->srcpad)
[17:36] <zaheer> that gets caps from the padtemplate of parseau->srcpad right?
[17:36] <wtay> yes
[17:36] Action: zaheer wonders why that returned NULL
[17:38] <zaheer> (gdb) print *parseau->srcpad->padtemplate
[17:38] <zaheer> $4 = {object = {object = {klass = 0x8072098, flags = 10, ref_count = 1,
[17:38] <zaheer> object_data = 0x0}, name = 0x0, refcount = {counter = 1},
[17:38] <zaheer> lock = 0x8070c40, parent = 0x0}, name_template = 0x8070c60 "src",
[17:38] <zaheer> direction = GST_PAD_SRC, presence = GST_PAD_ALWAYS, caps = 0x0}
[17:38] <zaheer> thats why :)
[17:38] <wtay> heh
[17:41] <zaheer> AAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!
[17:41] Action: zaheer is silly as usual
[17:44] <wtay> does it work?
[17:44] <zaheer> i got a strange noise
[17:44] <zaheer> but i forgot a property :)
[17:45] <zaheer> i still get a strange noise....
[17:47] <zaheer> it sounds nice in "play"
[17:47] <zaheer> but not in gstreamer with parseau | mulawdecode
[17:48] <wtay> decoding error?
[17:48] <zaheer> i dont know
[17:48] <zaheer> how do i find out what osssink is being set to?
[17:48] <zaheer> it no longer outputs that :)
[17:48] <wtay> hm?
[17:48] <wtay> it should
[17:49] <wtay> I didn't commit my changes yet
[17:49] <zaheer> oh ok
[17:49] <zaheer> RUNNING pipeline
[17:49] <zaheer> osssink: attempting to open sound device
[17:49] <zaheer> osssink: Capabilities 00003300
[17:49] <zaheer> osssink: Full duplex
[17:49] <zaheer> osssink: Realtime
[17:49] <zaheer> osssink: Trigger
[17:49] <zaheer> osssink: Direct access
[17:49] <zaheer> osssink: Formats 00000018
[17:49] <zaheer> osssink: U8
[17:49] <zaheer> osssink: S16_LE
[17:49] <zaheer> osssink: opened audio with fd=5
[17:49] <zaheer> gst_parseau_chain: got buffer in 'parseau0'
[17:49] <zaheer> offset 40, size 906, encoding 1, frequency 8000, channels 1
[17:49] <zaheer> osssink: closed sound device
[17:49] <zaheer> thats all i got
[17:49] <zaheer> the offset line is coming from parseau
[17:49] <wtay> heh
[17:50] <wtay> no sounds?
[17:50] <zaheer> i got noise :)
[17:50] <wtay> does mulawdecode set the caps.
[17:50] <wtay> ?
[17:51] <zaheer> DEBUG(10844:-1)gst_pad_renegotiate_func:974: caps compatibility check fail
[17:51] <zaheer> DEBUG(10844:-1)gst_pad_renegotiate_func:1020: negotiation failed, no more options
[17:51] <zaheer> interesting..
[17:51] <wtay> hmm
[17:51] <zaheer> i know why :P
[17:51] <zaheer> DEBUG(10844:-1)gst_props_check_compatibility:899: source has missing property "endianness"
[17:52] <wtay> well :)
[17:52] Action: wtay is glad that DEBUG option is in gstreamer
[17:53] <zaheer> yes
[17:53] <zaheer> :)
[17:54] steveb (steveb at node1ee02.a2000.nl) joined #gstreamer.
[17:55] <zaheer> DEBUG(11072:-1)gst_props_check_compatibility:886: endianness are not compatible
[17:55] <zaheer> :DEBUG(11072:-1)gst_props_debug_entry:68: 1234
[17:55] <zaheer> DEBUG(11072:-1)gst_props_check_compatibility:889:
[17:55] <zaheer> DEBUG(11072:-1)gst_pad_renegotiate_func:974: caps compatibility check fail
[17:55] <zaheer> DEBUG(11072:-1)gst_pad_renegotiate_func:1020: negotiation failed, no more options
[17:55] <zaheer> DEBUG(11072:-1)gst_pad_renegotiate_func:1009: negotiation failed
[17:55] Action: zaheer smiles :)
[18:00] <zaheer> does my parseau have to specify what endian the data is in?
[18:05] <wtay> yes
[18:06] Action: wtay is getting strange errors so he did make clean; make
[18:07] <zaheer> ok im gonna force it to go to the byte order of the system for the moment, later i could add a negotiate function that will let it translate to either
[18:10] <zaheer> aaaaah
[18:10] <zaheer> IT WORKS!
[18:11] <wtay> cool
[18:11] <zaheer> should i commit my changes to the parseau plugin?
[18:11] <wtay> sure
[18:12] <zaheer> it sounds beautiful :)
[18:12] <zaheer> can i test the autoplugger in -launch ?
[18:12] <wtay> no, not yet
[18:15] iGN_ (ign at login1.simplemente.net) left irc: Ping timeout for iGN_[login1.simplemente.net]
[18:15] iGN_ (ign at login1.simplemente.net) joined #gstreamer.
[18:19] <zaheer> ok committed
[18:19] <zaheer> now gstreamer can play .au files again :)
[18:20] <wtay> cool
[18:30] sienap (synap at ipc379c0be.dial.wxs.nl) joined #gstreamer.
[19:01] omega (omega at omegacs.net) left irc: Ping timeout for omega[omegacs.net]
[19:02] omega (omega at omegacs.net) joined #gstreamer.
[19:05] holger_ (holger at Q.convergence.de) left irc: Client Exiting
[19:07] sienap (synap at ipc379c0be.dial.wxs.nl) left irc: Ping timeout for sienap[ipc379c0be.dial.wxs.nl]
[19:15] hadess (hadess at pc123-gui14.cable.ntl.com) joined #gstreamer.
[19:16] <zaheer> my mouse has stopped moving...
[19:16] Action: zaheer wonders how to fix it :P
[19:16] <zaheer> without losing all these sessions
[19:17] <hadess> hey zaheer
[19:17] Action: hadess is gonna listen to the radio soon
[19:17] <zaheer> hiya
[19:18] <zaheer> no tv for the game?
[19:18] <hadess> only on on digital, pay per view
[19:18] <zaheer> the university union is showing it
[19:18] <zaheer> however i am gonna be in the mosque
[19:19] <zaheer> which match they showing on itv?
[19:19] <hadess> none afaik
[19:19] <zaheer> that is sad
[19:20] <hadess> but they'll show highlights at 22:20
[19:20] <zaheer> how can they show 0 matches on terrestial and still show matches on ondigital
[19:20] <hadess> damn tv rights
[19:20] <hadess> they showing "the bill" on itv :(
[19:20] <hadess> major suckage
[19:22] <zaheer> im off now anyways
[19:22] <zaheer> i have downloaded glib2
[19:22] <zaheer> and will be working on the port later
[19:23] <hadess> cya
[19:23] <zaheer> cya
[19:23] <zaheer> you can get yer monkey bum wear at these costume shops if you want :P
[19:23] zaheer (zaheer at odin.cs.ucl.ac.uk) left irc: [x]chat
[19:32] Action: hadess is away: building gnome 1.4
[19:43] ChiefHighwater (paul at temple-baptist.com) joined #gstreamer.
[19:43] <ChiefHighwater> Ello
[19:45] <hadess> hey ChiefHighwater
[19:47] <wtay> hello
[19:47] <ChiefHighwater> ello 8-]
[19:47] <wtay> going to eat...
[19:47] Nick change: wtay -> wtay-eating
[20:00] iGN_ (ign at login1.simplemente.net) left irc: Ping timeout for iGN_[login1.simplemente.net]
[20:23] steveb (steveb at node1ee02.a2000.nl) left irc: Ping timeout for steveb[node1ee02.a2000.nl]
[20:24] steveb (steveb at node1ee02.a2000.nl) joined #gstreamer.
[20:24] Uraeus (cschalle at c224s9h5.upc.chello.no) joined #gstreamer.
[20:24] <Uraeus> hello
[20:25] <ChiefHighwater> ello
[20:27] <hadess> hey Uraeus
[20:27] <Uraeus> hi hadess, nice to see you
[20:30] <hadess> compiling nautilus again _without_ medusa
[20:31] <Uraeus> hadess: yes, I saw it was ditched from 1.4
[20:31] <hadess> Uraeus: seen my screenshot ? in my diary
[20:31] <Uraeus> no, but I check now, and my screenshot got onto themes.org yesterday, just had to hassle x-virge first :)
[20:32] <hadess> yeah, i've seen it =)
[20:33] <Uraeus> hmm, Brooke Burke looks kinda nice :)
[20:34] <hadess> hehe
[20:34] <hadess> want the shot, it's really nice
[20:34] <Uraeus> sure DCC it over :)
[20:35] <Uraeus> thanks
[20:35] <hadess> that's what i grabbed from desktopgirls.com last time =)
[20:36] <Uraeus> :)
[20:40] steveb (steveb at node1ee02.a2000.nl) left irc: [x]chat
[20:44] Nick change: aj_zzzz -> ajmitch
[20:47] hadess (hadess at pc123-gui14.cable.ntl.com) left irc: Read error to hadess[pc123-gui14.cable.ntl.com]: EOF from client
[20:48] hadess (hadess at pc123-gui14.cable.ntl.com) joined #gstreamer.
[20:48] <Uraeus> welcome back hadess
[20:49] <hadess> gdm killed me
[20:49] greg_ (greg at home.sente.pl) joined #gstreamer.
[20:49] <greg_> hi
[20:49] <Uraeus> hi greg_
[20:50] <greg_> anything new ? ;-)
[20:52] <Uraeus> just in my love life :)
[20:52] <ajmitch> hehe
[20:52] <greg_> :-))
[21:00] ajmitch (me at p18-max3.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: http://www.freedevelopers.net
[21:16] dobey (dobey at dreadnought.ximian.com) joined #gstreamer.
[21:57] terrys (developer at hs4-219.magma.ca) left irc: Read error to terrys[hs4-219.magma.ca]: EOF from client
[22:33] <hadess> damn it
[22:33] <Uraeus> what?
[22:33] <hadess> bayern won
[22:34] <Uraeus> :)
[22:34] <hadess> damn germans
[22:35] <dobey> haha
[22:35] Action: dobey ^5 hadess
[22:35] <hadess> heh
[22:36] <dobey> hadess: you can rename walk500 to whizzy-bop :-P
[22:37] <hadess> dobey: no =)
[22:37] <dobey> hehe
[22:37] <dobey> how's slutbox... er soundbox coming?
[22:37] Action: hadess slams dobey's head in the trash
[22:38] <hadess> not worked on in it tonight, still compiling 1.4
[22:40] <dobey> hehe
[22:40] <dobey> nauatilus still?
[22:40] <hadess> no, gnome-core now
[22:40] <Uraeus> wonder when ximian's binaries will be out
[22:40] <dobey> i dunno
[22:44] <Uraeus> dobey: that is not good enough :)
[22:45] <hadess> Uraeus: he's not in the build team
[22:45] <dobey> haha
[22:46] <Uraeus> hadess: so what :)
[22:46] <dobey> actually, i am
[22:47] <hadess> god, 1 gig for / _is_ too small
[22:47] <Uraeus> dobey: but still you don't know what you are doing?
[22:48] <Uraeus> dobey: are the binaries buildt already or aren't you that far either?
[22:51] <dobey> i know what i'm doing, i don't know when we will be done testing and everything, so that we can release packages
[22:52] <greg_> dobey: at what packages are you working at ? rpm for RH ? maybe DEB ?
[22:53] <dobey> greg_: mandrake and linuxppc
[22:53] <hadess> haha, he doesn't even know how to make a debian package =P
[22:53] <dobey> yes i do
[22:54] <dobey> i don't use debian
[22:54] <hadess> oh, do you =)
[22:54] <dobey> no i'm not building debian ppc packages :-)
[22:56] <greg_> Personally, I am interested in debian packages ;-) only. RPMs dont help me.
[22:56] <dobey> greg_: then don't complain to me about it :-)
[22:57] <greg_> just asking ;)
[22:57] <hadess> greg_: i'm doing debs... for ppc :P
[22:59] <greg_> hadess: very funny. I am on Intel (or maybe AMD ?) platform. people at www.linuxnews.pl wrote, that there are debs already, but they didn't get the source address, and I think they have to be wrong, or... Even at irc.gnome.org nobody knows about any official debs sourde of GNOME 1.4
[23:00] <hadess> well, i'm building unofficial ones =)
[23:00] <greg_> but alien doesnt work for deb(ppc)=->deb(i386) ;-))
[23:01] <hadess> yes, but you can apt-get -b
[23:01] <dobey> hahaha
[23:01] <dobey> debs for 1.4 are in sid afaik
[23:01] <dobey> ours are not anywhere
[23:02] <hadess> no, they're not in sid
[23:02] <hadess> they're in the pool
[23:02] <greg_> dobey: btw: would you tell me where sid repository is ? url ?
[23:02] <dobey> greg_: i've no clue
[23:02] <hadess> they have to build on all the platforms to be in sid
[23:02] <greg_> hadess: what you mean by pool ?
[23:03] <hadess> greg_: the place packages are in before being passed on the autobuilders, and compiled on all the debian platforms
[23:03] <hadess> greg_: ftp.debian.org/debian/pool or something like that
[23:03] <greg_> hadess: you mean "spool" ? ;)
[23:03] <hadess> no, pool
[23:04] <greg_> hadess: going to...
[23:04] ajmitch (me at p35-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gstreamer.
[23:04] <dobey> hey aj
[23:04] <hadess> hey ajmitch
[23:04] <ajmitch> hi
[23:05] Action: dobey busy
[23:05] <dobey> bonobo later
[23:05] <ajmitch> i'll be much busy later, maybe tomorrow or day after
[23:05] <dobey> hrmm
[23:05] <dobey> yeah
[23:06] <ajmitch> and have only got 1/2 an hour now ;)
[23:06] <dobey> probably thursday/friday we can talk
[23:06] <ajmitch> ok
[23:06] z- (dave at host62-7-43-229.btinternet.com) joined #gstreamer.
[23:06] <hadess> like, when everybody will be in guadec
[23:06] <hadess> hey z-
[23:06] <z-> hey
[23:06] taaz (dlehn at got netsplit.
[23:06] <hadess> major suckage in germany
[23:06] <z-> yeh, i saw on the news
[23:06] <hadess> well, in old trafford even
[23:06] <z-> it was away ?
[23:07] taaz-away (dlehn at joined #gstreamer.
[23:07] <ajmitch> what?
[23:07] <z-> oh
[23:07] <hadess> it's on itv in 10 min
[23:07] <z-> looks like they are screwed then ;)
[23:07] <z-> werd
[23:07] <hadess> ajmitch: manu lost
[23:07] <ajmitch> hadess: oh
[23:11] <z-> I keep getting Undefined symbol "XvQueryExtension"
[23:11] <z-> i think probably because it's a static library here
[23:11] <z-> anyone know how to fix that?
[23:12] <hadess> it _is_ a static lib
[23:12] <greg_> OK there are debs in spool. but you said they go into autobuilders from there... I see there are ready binaries ? arent they ?
[23:13] <z-> ok
[23:13] <greg_> I meant: in "pool" :)
[23:13] <hadess> greg_: there's binaries for the arch that were already built, that's all
[23:14] <hadess> greg_: when _all_ the debs are built, they go inside the distro
[23:14] <greg_> hadess: so the sources are ready to build, when autobuilders build all architectures packages will go
[23:14] <hadess> yup
[23:15] <greg_> into distro, or they have to be tested by people or so ?
[23:15] <hadess> not yet
[23:15] <greg_> I mean - is this just a matter of time ?
[23:15] <hadess> yes, matter of time
[23:15] <dobey> heh
[23:15] <dobey> it's obvious they don't get tested
[23:15] <dobey> or gnome-libs 1.2.11 would never have been in debian
[23:15] <greg_> would you suggest just grabbing those packages from pool and install them ?
[23:15] <hadess> they get tested in unstable
[23:16] <hadess> greg_: you do what you want dude
[23:16] <z-> hm perhaps I can make a shared library out of a static one
[23:17] taaz (dlehn at got lost in the net-split.
[23:17] <greg_> hadess: ;) Is this automated process now ? Will the packages I see already build - be copied into distro when all architectures build ? Or will they be tested by *people* before going into unstable ?
[23:18] <hadess> they won't be tested until they get into unstable
[23:19] <greg_> thanks for info. Undestand more now. Got to read some "debian-ideology" and so... but still no time for it.
[23:20] <greg_> so I can grab the i386 packages as if they were in testing, because they really will be in short time.
[23:21] <hadess> yes
[23:21] Action: hadess is away: football
[23:21] <greg_> great. gonna do it now ;)
[23:30] Uraeus (cschalle at c224s9h5.upc.chello.no) left #gstreamer.
[23:41] ajmitch (me at p35-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: http://www.freedevelopers.net
[23:54] zaheer (zaheer at tnt-18-129.easynet.co.uk) joined #gstreamer.
[23:54] <zaheer> yo
[23:55] <greg_> hi zaheer ! hice to see you.
[23:55] <zaheer> nice to see you too
[23:57] <z-> how do i make xvideosink link against Xv?
[23:57] <zaheer> z-: i'm not sure, what kinda error are you getting?
[23:57] <z-> just some warning about it not linking against a static library
[23:58] <z-> then when i run gstmedia-register it syas undefined symbol Xvblah
[23:58] <zaheer> ok
[23:58] <zaheer> have you got gstreamer-0.1.1 or the CVS tree?
[23:58] <wtay-eating> z-: you need at least libtool 1.3.5
[23:58] <z-> CVS
[23:58] <z-> wtay-eating, oh ok
[23:58] Nick change: wtay-eating -> wtay
[23:58] <zaheer> theres the expert :)
[23:58] <z-> i have 1.3.4_2 :\
[23:59] <wtay> libtool prior to 1.3.5 refuses to link against static libs
[23:59] <z-> any particular reason?
[23:59] <wtay> you can hack 1.3.4 though it you want...
[23:59] <wtay> z-: the libtool script is too restrictive I guess
[23:59] <z-> ah
[23:59] <z-> how would i hack it?
[23:59] <wtay> sec..
[00:00] --- Wed Apr 4 2001
[00:00] <z-> # This port has not been upgraded to 1.3.5 because it makes no changes to
[00:00] <z-> # FreeBSD support, and would require that all Ports users upgrade for no
[00:00] <z-> # reason.
[00:00] <z-> hehe
[00:00] <wtay> in libtool in the gstreamer root dir...
[00:01] <wtay> loacte deplibs_check_method=...
[00:01] <wtay> s/loacte/locate
[00:01] <z-> got it
[00:01] <wtay> modify into:
[00:01] <wtay> deplibs_check_method="pass_all"
[00:01] <z-> thx
[00:02] <wtay> you need to do this very time you run ./autogen.sh though
[00:02] <wtay> s/very/every
[00:02] <z-> ok
[00:02] <z-> that works great :)
[00:02] <zaheer> wtay: i have been thinking (bad thing i know)...
[00:02] <wtay> zaheer: heh
[00:03] <hadess> hey zaheer
[00:03] <wtay> z-: If you only knew how long It took me to find that solution...
[00:03] <wtay> zaheer: tell me, I wanna laugh <grin>
[00:03] <z-> heh, daymn
[00:03] <zaheer> wtay: IMO every plugin should have a little documentation saying what it does, what quirks there are, level of support etc. and what status the plugin is in, as well as the "maintainer"
[00:03] <hadess> like a little README in each dir...
[00:03] <wtay> zaheer: agreed
[00:04] <wtay> hadess: agreed
[00:04] <zaheer> yah
[00:04] <dobey> aahhhhhhh
[00:04] <wtay> dobey: agreed
[00:04] <zaheer> however i would go a bit further
[00:04] <wtay> hm
[00:04] <wtay> in the plugin?
[00:04] <zaheer> no no
[00:04] <wtay> ah
[00:04] <zaheer> on the webpage, list the details and links to the README
[00:04] <zaheer> so ppl can see from the web
[00:04] <wtay> yeah sound wonderful
[00:05] <wtay> we need a plugin maintainer
[00:05] <wtay> who volunteers?
[00:05] <hadess> oh, i forgot something i wanted to do
[00:05] <zaheer> IMO we should do this before gstreamer gets too big
[00:05] <zaheer> too big to handle that is
[00:05] <wtay> zaheer: it is allready too big
[00:05] <taaz-away> it's so easy to say how nice the results of someone elses hard work would be ;)
[00:05] <zaheer> wtay: not too big to handle
[00:06] <wtay> zaheer: it is for me..
[00:06] Nick change: taaz-away -> taaz
[00:06] <wtay> zaheer: I can't keep 'em all in good shape
[00:06] <zaheer> wtay: remember we have a community of healthy contributors....
[00:06] <wtay> yeah
[00:07] <wtay> 78 plugins last time I checked...
[00:07] <zaheer> the way I've gone and done this, is see what I need implement them if not done or fix up plugins to work
[00:07] <zaheer> everyone will have different needs
[00:07] <wtay> zaheer: yeah
[00:07] Action: dobey would be a healthy contributor if like, stuff worked for him :-)
[00:07] <zaheer> my guess is that only a handful of plugins wont have a willing person
[00:08] <zaheer> dobey: its a give and take scenario
[00:08] <dobey> zaheer: give me gstreamer that works properly on ppc, and i'll give you a kick-ass gui that will make microsoft jealous
[00:08] <zaheer> and the beauty of free software is if everyone gives "little", they can take "major" amounts
[00:09] <zaheer> dobey: give me a ppc and i will get it working on ppc :P
[00:09] <wtay> dobey: yeah I'll help him if you give me a PCC
[00:09] <wtay> s/PCC/PPC
[00:09] <dobey> zaheer: don't you have someone working on ppc?
[00:09] <taaz> well... ahem... if we had a really complete testsuite the effort of maintaining all the plugins may be easier since running tests will make it obvious which plugins are still broken
[00:10] <dobey> you don't need a ppc to not use x86 specifics :-)
[00:10] <zaheer> the hardware i have at my disposal
[00:10] <wtay> taaz: only if we have testsuites for the plugins too, I think that is very ambitious
[00:11] <taaz> wtay: yes it is. anyway to semi-automate it based on introspection?
[00:11] <taaz> well... some of it isnt -that- bad
[00:11] <zaheer> include: x86 linux (Thunderbird, Athlon, Celeron, Duron), x86 Solaris (P Pro), Sparc Solaris
[00:12] <zaheer> taaz: plugin maintainers should provide a testsuite for their plugin in due course
[00:12] <zaheer> we need to distribute the load a little from what I can see
[00:12] <wtay> yeah that would make sense, only I'm the maintainer of 60+ plugins now :(
[00:12] <taaz> if there was a 'preferences' system of some sort where autoplugging could pick testing I/O plugins... might make it easier
[00:12] <zaheer> the bulk of the work, core or plugin wise is coming from wtay and omega
[00:13] <z-> is it possible to use the gstmediaplay widget in a different thread ?
[00:13] <taaz> then each plugin could have its own test input file and known md5 sum for the autoplugged output
[00:13] <z-> gstmediaplay seems to lag with me
[00:13] <wtay> z-: ?
[00:13] <zaheer> taaz: we need an automated way of doing this...are you willing to come up with a design/test implementation?
[00:14] Action: taaz seriously wishes he had time to help with this stuff :(
[00:14] <wtay> having too many test streams in CVS isn't a good idea..
[00:14] <z-> wtay, the gstmediaplay gui lags
[00:14] <wtay> z-: what media type?
[00:14] <z-> wtay, mp3 on oss
[00:15] <taaz> wtay: could have another test module
[00:15] <dobey> hrmm, i take that back
[00:15] <z-> perhaps it's my oss drivers
[00:15] kagedal (simon at ix.cs.uoregon.edu) joined #gstreamer.
[00:15] <wtay> z-: you mean like "I press a button and it reacts like 2 seconds later"?
[00:15] <kagedal> hi
[00:15] <taaz> wtay: put streams and test files in there... maybe hard to keep things in sync, i dunno
[00:15] <wtay> hi kagedal
[00:15] <dobey> hadess and I will write a kick-ass gui that microsoft will envy
[00:15] <z-> wtay, i mean like, when the window redraws it takes 2 seconds
[00:16] <z-> for whatever reason that might be
[00:16] <zaheer> taaz: how about using urlsrc to get the streams and urlsrc to get the result and do a comparison between the results?
[00:16] <zaheer> taaz: so no test streams need to be stored in CVS
[00:16] <wtay> z-: no idea why that might be, mp3 doesn't use a videosink either...
[00:16] <taaz> blah! no !
[00:16] <z-> yeh..
[00:16] <z-> i'll look deeper into the code when i have time
[00:16] <taaz> zaheer: i forsee running the test suite before every code commit... you need to have the streams local
[00:16] <zaheer> it means to run the testsuite, you gotta be online
[00:17] z- (dave at host62-7-43-229.btinternet.com) left irc: sleep
[00:17] <wtay> I usually try all my media types with gstmediaplay...
[00:18] <taaz> wtay: that should really be automated
[00:18] <taaz> well... to some extent... hard to automate concurrency issues and interactive behavior ;)
[00:18] <zaheer> taaz: how do you automate gui stuff?
[00:19] <zaheer> and hardware access
[00:19] <taaz> top level gui stuff, difficult. but libgstplay does most of the work and that could be automated
[00:19] <zaheer> testing osssink automatically is gonna be interesting
[00:19] <wtay> I can see a future in capsnego testing though...
[00:19] <taaz> we can't test -everything- automagically...
[00:20] <taaz> but if all that had to be done by hand was verify buttons work and you hear/see output, that's not too bad
[00:20] <wtay> omega is the testing expert (one of his previous jobs) he'll have ideas.
[00:20] <hadess> contest announced =)
[00:21] <taaz> contest?
[00:21] <dobey> hadess: ?
[00:21] <hadess> 256megs of ram for the person who ports gforce to gstreamer
[00:21] <wtay> scheduling, object ref/unref, caps create/destroy/check etc can be automated
[00:22] <wtay> hadess: *another* 256MB of ram :-)
[00:22] Action: wtay looks up gforce
[00:22] <hadess> wtay: i can't use these on my computer, it's pc133
[00:22] <dobey> hrmm
[00:22] <dobey> hadess: so, it won't work on my laptop?
[00:22] <zaheer> hadess: gforce?
[00:22] <hadess> nope
[00:22] <wtay> what is the URL?
[00:23] <hadess> http://www.55ware.com/gforce/index.html <- gforce for window and macos (check the shots)
[00:23] <hadess> http://www.mnsi.net/~bgjenero/gforce/ <- gforce for unix and xmms
[00:23] Action: wtay could use the 256MB for his other computer
[00:23] Action: zaheer can see wtay getting 256mb after working dilligently on contest during his vacation :)
[00:23] <kagedal> hadess: so "porting" here means "rewriting"?
[00:24] <hadess> kagedal: no, it's a library, source is available
[00:24] <kagedal> hadess: cool
[00:24] <wtay> hadess: is an gstreamer wrapper around the xmms vis plugin ok too?
[00:24] <hadess> wtay: no, should output format understandable by the videosinks
[00:25] <hadess> wtay: to be embeddable in any gui
[00:25] <taaz> i've got a contest too: 4 SIPPs (1M total?) for whoever ports OMS to gstreamer ;)
[00:25] <wtay> hadess: it's a library you said?
[00:25] <wtay> taaz: you gotta be kidding :)
[00:26] <taaz> i'll throw in the 386 mobo too ;)
[00:26] <hadess> wtay: it's a library, a stand-alone application, and an xmms-plugin
[00:26] Action: wtay is looking at the source code now...
[00:26] <hadess> wtay: the guy also wrote a "gui" library for making a window and this kind of stuff
[00:26] <zaheer> it looks interesting
[00:26] <hadess> wtay: everything under _Unix-X is what's to change
[00:28] Nick change: taaz -> taaz-away
[00:31] <hadess> damn, i can't send the email, my / partition is full _again_
[00:31] <wtay> hadess: what are you doing in that / partition anyway?
[00:31] <wtay> mine is 200MB
[00:31] <wtay> 22% used
[00:32] <hadess> well, mine also has /usr on it...
[00:32] <wtay> ah
[00:32] <wtay> way too small then
[00:32] <wtay> it's not thread safe..
[00:32] <hadess> it's 1 gig
[00:33] <wtay> PPC binaries are a bit bigger, no?
[00:33] <hadess> yep
[00:35] <hadess> sent
[00:36] <hadess> and i thought 10 gigs would be enough....
[00:36] <dobey> haha
[00:36] <hadess> i need a 45 gigs firewire plugged in
[00:48] <hadess> damn slowish sawfish shite
[00:48] Action: wtay is looking at gforce visualizing a tv program...
[00:48] <hadess> wtay: hmmm...
[00:49] kagedal (simon at ix.cs.uoregon.edu) left irc: bye
[00:52] <dobey> hadess: heh
[00:53] <hadess> it is the _last_ time i do that
[00:57] <hadess> next time i build what i need, nothing else. or ximian pays me =)
[00:57] <dobey> hadess: huh?
[00:58] <hadess> for compiling gnome for debian ppc, i've done every release since the summer
[01:00] <hadess> i've got every single package necessary for compiling everything correctly, including stuff i don't use
[01:00] <dobey> heh
[01:00] <dobey> you need a build machine if your going to build :-)
[01:00] <hadess> yes!
[01:00] <dobey> anyway, hopefully that will be solved soon :-)
[01:01] <hadess> i'll do the debian ppc stuff
[01:01] <hadess> then =)
[01:03] <dobey> heh
[01:06] <hadess> cool, xalf works nice
[01:06] <hadess> ls
[01:07] <dobey> define nice
[01:07] <hadess> oops wrong window
[01:07] <hadess> well, it works fine
[01:20] <zaheer> im gonna go sleep now
[01:20] <wtay> me too, leaving tomorrow morning for denmark
[01:20] <wtay> whoohoo!
[01:20] <hadess> cya
[01:20] <wtay> cya
[01:20] <zaheer> you taking train?
[01:21] <wtay> car
[01:21] <zaheer> ouch
[01:21] <hadess> wtay: cya on thursday evening then =)
[01:21] <zaheer> long journey
[01:21] <wtay> yeah I take 2 days
[01:21] <zaheer> ill cya on saturday :)
[01:21] <wtay> if my car survives, yes :-)
[01:22] <zaheer> night
[01:22] <wtay> sleep well
[01:22] <zaheer> you too
[01:22] zaheer (zaheer at tnt-18-129.easynet.co.uk) left irc: bedtime
[01:22] Nick change: wtay -> wtay-sleeping
[01:22] <wtay-sleeping> hadess: I'll be on time :-)
[01:23] <hadess> wtay-sleeping: do you have a mobile ?
[01:23] <wtay-sleeping> yeah
[01:23] <wtay-sleeping> I hope it still works in denmark
[01:23] <hadess> so you take mine
[01:24] <wtay-sleeping> you do mean a mibile phone don't you?
[01:24] <hadess> yep
[01:24] <wtay-sleeping> thx
[01:24] <wtay-sleeping> hmm, I don't know my own number...
[01:25] <wtay-sleeping> sec..
[01:25] <hadess> that's my number, just call me on thursday, i'll arrive at about 21:30
[01:25] <wtay-sleeping> ok
[01:25] <wtay-sleeping> I'll try to remember
[01:26] <hadess> cool =)
[01:26] <dobey> heh
[01:26] <wtay-sleeping> hadess: got that number?
[01:27] <hadess> yup, putting that in my phone
[01:28] <hadess> should i call you now =)
[01:28] <hadess> btw, which hotel you staying at >?
[01:28] <wtay-sleeping> hebron
[01:28] <wtay-sleeping> hadess: sec.. still adding the number...
[01:29] <hadess> hmm, i'm staying at the cab-inn like half the ppl
[01:30] <wtay-sleeping> richardb is too
[01:31] <wtay-sleeping> hadess: any idea what the code is to prepend when calling from denmark?
[01:32] <hadess> + on a mobile and probably 00 like everywhere in europe
[01:32] <wtay-sleeping> I have never done this before.. so I should just do +0044 etc..
[01:33] <hadess> no, just +44
[01:35] <wtay-sleeping> hmm my GF says I can't call in a foreign country...
[01:35] <wtay-sleeping> grr
[01:36] <wtay-sleeping> it was an option I didn't take...
[01:36] <greg_> bye for now. see ya tommorow.
[01:36] <wtay-sleeping> greg_: This chennel will be quite empty soon
[01:37] <wtay-sleeping> I'll have to shut down _gst_newt_ too :(
[01:37] <wtay-sleeping> going to shut down all my PCs
[01:37] greg_ (greg at home.sente.pl) left irc: (time to bed - dont worry i'll be back ! ;)
[01:39] <wtay-sleeping> hadess: do you want to try to call me now?
[01:40] hadess (hadess at pc123-gui14.cable.ntl.com) got netsplit.
[01:40] <wtay-sleeping> oops
[01:41] <wtay-sleeping> cya shutting down now...
[01:41] hadess (hadess at pc123-gui14.cable.ntl.com) returned to #gstreamer.
[01:41] <wtay-sleeping> hadess: ?
[01:41] <wtay-sleeping> hadess: don't call me now... I'll have to pay then :(
[01:42] <wtay-sleeping> hadess: I can't call in a foreign country and neither can somebody call me when I'm outside of belgium :(
[01:42] <wtay-sleeping> oh well..
[01:42] <hadess> that sucks ass :/
[01:42] <hadess> and you pay to _get_ a call ?
[01:42] <wtay-sleeping> yes
[01:43] <hadess> huh
[01:43] <wtay-sleeping> so says the contract I have
[01:43] <taaz-away> and you pay even if you dont make calls? shocking isn't it
[01:43] <hadess> well, actually i don't pay _anything_, it's work phone
[01:43] <wtay-sleeping> only when somebody from outside of belgium calls of course..
[01:44] <wtay-sleeping> hadess: heh
[01:44] <dobey> hadess: heh, you work for the people that made it though
[01:44] <wtay-sleeping> last time I got a phone from work I lost it :-)
[01:44] <hadess> dobey: yup
[01:44] <taaz-away> when you all get back i'll ahve python bindings and oms ported and... oh hahhaa... i'm laughing too hard to continue
[01:45] <wtay-sleeping> taaz-away: the 1st of april was a few days ago :-)
[01:45] <dobey> hadess: are your 1.4 packages online?
[01:46] <hadess> dobey: soon
[01:46] <hadess> i have problems with some of them
[01:46] <hadess> and i won't have time for the 5th toe apps tonight
[01:46] Nick change: taaz-away -> taaz
[01:47] <dobey> oh
[01:47] <dobey> 5th toe sucks my toe anyway
[01:47] <hadess> i'll do only the apps i use
[02:55] hadess (hadess at pc123-gui14.cable.ntl.com) left irc: sleep
[03:07] Nick change: taaz -> taaz-away
[03:53] chillywilly (baumannd at d178.as28.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gstreamer.
[04:39] cbstr (chrisbstr at user-2ive2c2.dialup.mindspring.com) joined #gstreamer.
[04:41] cbstr (chrisbstr at user-2ive2c2.dialup.mindspring.com) left #gstreamer.
[04:44] cbstr (chrisbstr at user-2ive2c2.dialup.mindspring.com) joined #gstreamer.
[04:44] CHW (paul at temple-baptist.com) joined #gstreamer.
[04:44] ChiefHighwater (paul at temple-baptist.com) left irc: Read error to ChiefHighwater[temple-baptist.com]: Connection reset by peer
[04:45] cbstr (chrisbstr at user-2ive2c2.dialup.mindspring.com) left #gstreamer.
[04:46] omega (omega at omegacs.net) left irc: Ping timeout for omega[omegacs.net]
[05:18] <CHW> Ello
[05:19] Nick change: CHW -> ChiefHighwater
[05:27] <ChiefHighwater> +o chiefhighwater
[05:27] ChiefHighwater (paul at temple-baptist.com) left #gstreamer.
[05:27] ChiefHighwater (paul at temple-baptist.com) joined #gstreamer.
[05:27] #gstreamer: mode change '+o ChiefHighwater' by ChanServ!s at ChanServ
[05:33] #gstreamer: mode change '-o ChiefHighwater' by ChiefHighwater!paul at temple-baptist.com
[06:05] Nick change: taaz-away -> taaz
[06:25] srust (steve at h0000e8d9d35a.ne.mediaone.net) joined #gstreamer.
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