[gst-devel] Daily IRC logs

wim.taymans at chello.be wim.taymans at chello.be
Sat Apr 14 06:27:38 CEST 2001

[08:02] chillywilly (baumannd at d145.as14.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gstreamer.
[08:11] rdj (rdj at a37030.upc-a.chello.nl) got netsplit.
[08:12] rdj (rdj at a37030.upc-a.chello.nl) returned to #gstreamer.
[09:13] chillywilly (baumannd at d145.as14.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: [x]chat
[09:32] rdj (rdj at a37030.upc-a.chello.nl) got netsplit.
[09:32] rdj (rdj at a37030.upc-a.chello.nl) returned to #gstreamer.
[09:33] taaz (dlehn at got netsplit.
[09:34] taaz (dlehn at returned to #gstreamer.
[12:39] rdj (rdj at a37030.upc-a.chello.nl) left irc: proud member of the anti movement...
[13:11] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) joined #gstreamer.
[13:11] <thomas> hi, anyone around ?
[13:16] Action: thomas is away - Automatically set away. - messages will be saved.
[13:20] rdj (rdj at a37030.upc-a.chello.nl) joined #gstreamer.
[13:26] taaz (dlehn at left irc: Ping timeout for taaz[]
[13:26] taaz (dlehn at joined #gstreamer.
[13:29] <thomas> hello, anyone here ?
[13:31] <thomas> anyone care to answer a question ?
[14:09] <thomas> quit
[14:10] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) left irc: I'm outta here!
[14:19] rdj (rdj at a37030.upc-a.chello.nl) left irc: proud member of the anti movement...
[14:46] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) joined #gstreamer.
[14:46] <thomas> quit
[14:46] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) left irc: I'm outta here!
[14:49] rdj (rdj at a37030.upc-a.chello.nl) joined #gstreamer.
[14:50] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) joined #gstreamer.
[14:50] <thomas> hi, anyone around ?
[14:56] Action: thomas is away - Automatically set away. - messages will be saved.
[14:56] <thomas> ...
[14:59] BBB (BBB at ucu-105-116.ucu.uu.nl) joined #gstreamer.
[14:59] <BBB> everybody asleep? :)
[15:02] <thomas> hi...
[15:02] <thomas> Are you awake ?
[15:02] <BBB> kind of
[15:02] <BBB> :)
[15:02] <thomas> I was looking for someone knowing how to write plugins
[15:02] <thomas> I'm trying to get the hang of it but it's frustrating
[15:03] <BBB> uhm........
[15:03] <thomas> you don't happen to know anything about it, do you ?
[15:03] <BBB> you should really not ask that to me :)
[15:03] Action: BBB is newbie
[15:03] Action: BBB doesn't know much of gstreamer
[15:03] <thomas> Yeah, well, no one is awake here.
[15:03] <BBB> omega should be back home next week
[15:03] <BBB> you could ask omega next monday/tuseday
[15:04] <thomas> Ok I will...
[15:04] <thomas> meanwhile I'll wait till wtay is back.
[15:05] <BBB> lol
[15:05] <BBB> he knows a lot too
[15:18] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) left irc: I'm outta here!
[15:18] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) joined #gstreamer.
[15:24] Action: thomas is away - Automatically set away. - messages will be saved.
[15:26] <thomas> ...
[15:26] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) left irc: I'm outta here!
[15:37] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) joined #gstreamer.
[15:42] Action: thomas is away - Automatically set away. - messages will be saved.
[16:15] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) left irc: I'm outta here!
[16:26] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) joined #gstreamer.
[16:27] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) left irc: Read error to thomas[urgent.rug.ac.be]: EOF from client
[16:27] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) joined #gstreamer.
[16:30] <thomas> help
[16:32] <thomas>  
[16:33] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[16:34] <taaz> you look confused
[16:34] <thomas> hello... I was just waiting for someone to be here
[16:34] <thomas> Do you develop for gstreamer ?
[16:35] <thomas> ...
[16:36] <taaz> a little...
[16:37] <thomas> Well, I've been trying to adapt helloworld to include the volume plugin
[16:37] <thomas> to see if it works or if I should write my own
[16:37] <thomas> but it's difficult
[16:37] <thomas> you wouldn't happen to know how to set arguments on plugins ?
[16:40] taaz (dlehn at left irc: Ping timeout for taaz[]
[16:40] taaz (dlehn at joined #gstreamer.
[16:42] Action: thomas is away - Automatically set away. - messages will be saved.
[16:47] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) left irc: I'm outta here!
[16:52] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) joined #gstreamer.
[16:57] Action: thomas is away - Automatically set away. - messages will be saved.
[16:58] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) left irc: I'm outta here!
[17:05] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) joined #gstreamer.
[17:11] Action: thomas is away - Automatically set away. - messages will be saved.
[17:12] <thomas>  
[17:15] Nick change: taaz -> taaz-away
[17:29] <thomas>   
[17:31] sienap (synap at ipc379c0e4.dial.wxs.nl) joined #gstreamer.
[17:31] <sienap> hi all :)
[17:31] <thomas> no one is around
[17:31] <thomas> except for me
[17:31] <thomas> and you
[17:31] <thomas> but hi anyway
[17:32] <sienap> hi :)
[17:32] <sienap> he shit happens :)
[17:32] <sienap> you are new here ?
[17:32] <sienap> you speak dutch ?
[17:33] <thomas> yeah I speak dutch
[17:33] <sienap> mwha mooi :)
[17:33] <sienap> dan doen we dat maar :)
[17:33] <thomas> and yes I'm new here
[17:33] <thomas> stoort dat niet omdat het in de logs komt ?
[17:33] <sienap> mwha niemand leest ze joh :)
[17:33] <sienap> de helft hiero is nederlands sprekend :)
[17:33] <thomas> behalve ik daarnet op zoek naar antwoorden
[17:33] <sienap> best grappig gniff
[17:34] <sienap> maar vertel
[17:34] <sienap> wat ben je aanut bouwen ?
[17:35] <thomas> een audio mixer
[17:35] <sienap> he cool :)
[17:35] <thomas> met volume envelope plugins
[17:35] <sienap> best handig zelfs :)
[17:35] <sienap> NICE NICE NICE :)
[17:35] <thomas> maar dan moet ik wel eerst weten hoe ik een plugin kan schrijven natuurlijk
[17:35] <thomas> en ik ben nu aan het experimenteren
[17:35] <thomas> maar ik weet natuurlijk niet wat er wel en niet zou moeten werken
[17:35] <thomas> er is een volume plugin
[17:35] <thomas> maar werkt die ? en wat doet die ? en hoe zet ik daar de eigenschappen van ?
[17:36] <thomas> ik moet eigenlijk dringend beslissen of ik die mixer met of zonder gstreamer ga maken
[17:36] <sienap> mwha
[17:36] <sienap> met
[17:36] <sienap> :)
[17:36] <sienap> gstreamer heeft wel van dat soort ongein nodig :)
[17:36] <thomas> ja ik zou het graag doen
[17:37] <sienap> en het is een perfecte core
[17:37] <thomas> maar ik moet het wel op tijd afhebben
[17:37] <sienap> mwha moet je flink help vragen hiero..
[17:37] <thomas> en de documentatie is nog wat te beperkt
[17:37] <sienap> waneer moetut af zijn ?
[17:37] <sienap> en waarom ?
[17:37] <sienap> vraag wtay om info
[17:37] <thomas> binnen een week of twee
[17:37] <thomas> ja maar wim is er niet vandaag blijkbaar
[17:37] <sienap> mwha
[17:37] <sienap> die komt nog wel
[17:37] <sienap> die is aanut werk enzo
[17:38] <sienap> dat ziet hij als SLEEP
[17:38] <thomas> ik ook ;)
[17:38] <sienap> waarom moetut dan persee af zijn ?
[17:38] <thomas> omdat we een hardware-product gaan maken
[17:38] <sienap> he
[17:38] <sienap> ic :)
[17:38] <sienap> source wel opensource neem ik aan :)
[17:38] <sienap> >:)
[17:38] <thomas> als ik mag van de bazen, graag
[17:38] <sienap> maar vertel er eens beetje over
[17:38] <thomas> en anders de stukjes
[17:38] <sienap> *wondering*
[17:38] <thomas> tja ik kan er niet teveel over vertellen, zolang het niet af is
[17:38] <sienap> he
[17:38] <sienap> okie :)
[17:39] <thomas> maar tis een soort radio-station
[17:39] <sienap> ahja
[17:39] <thomas> dat je vanop afstand bestuurt
[17:39] <thomas> maar bij je thuis staat
[17:39] <sienap> cwele stuff dus :)
[17:39] <sienap> ja ik snap
[17:39] <thomas> ok, ga nog wat voortprutsen
[17:40] <thomas> ik wil er wel iets van geleerd krijgen ;)
[17:41] <thomas> cu
[17:41] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) left irc: I'm outta here!
[17:43] <rdj> sienap
[17:44] <rdj> hoest
[17:45] rdj (rdj at a37030.upc-a.chello.nl) got netsplit.
[17:45] rdj (rdj at a37030.upc-a.chello.nl) returned to #gstreamer.
[17:47] <sienap> rdj!
[17:47] <sienap> kerel!
[17:47] <sienap> gnome-cvs
[17:47] <sienap> file-se;
[17:47] <sienap> file-sel
[17:47] <sienap> loer eens ;)
[17:47] <sienap> ximian is er mee bezig
[17:47] <sienap> vast cool :)
[17:47] <sienap> en er is nu ook iets als ximian-utils
[17:47] <rdj> ah, es kijken
[17:47] <sienap> of -tools ofzo
[17:47] <rdj> oh, ff koekeloeren dan
[17:47] <sienap> en ze zijn begonnen aan een libgnome2
[17:48] <sienap> eens gaan fetchen
[17:48] <sienap> beide dus
[17:48] <sienap> hoe gaatut trouwens met de nautilus thingyl..
[17:49] <rdj> probleem is opgelost met die patch in nautilus als het goed is
[17:49] <rdj> en die gst_init was niet fout
[17:50] <rdj> ehhhh gst_main
[17:50] <sienap> he
[17:50] <sienap> wat dan..
[17:50] <rdj> die roept rechtstreeks gtk_main aan
[17:50] <sienap> mwha
[17:50] <sienap> mijn fout dan
[17:50] <rdj> en dat doet bonobo_main ook
[17:50] <rdj> dus dat moet gewoon kunnen zoals ik in het begin dacht
[17:50] <rdj> moet geen probleem zijn
[17:50] <rdj> ga het vanavond es proberen
[17:51] Nick change: wtay-sleeping -> wtay
[17:51] <wtay> hmm
[17:51] <sienap> http://cactus.rulez.org/projects/bonobo-media/
[17:51] <wtay> hoi
[17:51] <sienap> hej wtay!!!
[17:51] <sienap> rdj kijk daar eens 
[17:51] <wtay> yo
[17:51] <rdj> sienap: al gezien :)
[17:52] <sienap> he
[17:52] <sienap> okie
[17:53] <sienap> ximian-utils
[17:53] <sienap> eazel-tools
[17:53] <sienap> hmmmmmmm
[17:53] <sienap> vraag me af hoeveel duplication afford we hiero gaan krijgen
[17:54] <sienap> oof eazel-tools is voor devel van nautilus
[17:54] <sienap> he
[17:54] <rdj> ff filesel compilen
[17:55] <sienap> mwha dat wil nog niet
[17:55] <rdj> volgens mij hebben ze alsnog die shortcut bar uit gal gebruikt
[17:55] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) joined #gstreamer.
[17:55] <rdj> :)
[17:55] <rdj> tuurlijk wel
[17:55] <sienap> mwha vast wel ja :)
[17:55] <rdj> alles wil
[17:55] <rdj> ;)
[17:55] <sienap> hej thomas ;)
[17:55] <sienap> wtay is nu wakker ;)
[17:55] <thomas> hoi
[17:55] <wtay> thomas: hi
[17:55] <thomas> ah goed
[17:55] <thomas> zijn jullie gewoon aan 't chatten of mag ik technische vragen stellen ?
[17:56] <wtay> properties in plugins zet je met gtk_object_set
[17:56] <BBB> hey sienap
[17:56] <thomas> dus toch... maar hoe weet ik of dat lukt ?
[17:56] <thomas> ik bedoel : er is een volume plugin maar ik heb niet het gevoel dat hij nu stiller speelt
[17:56] <wtay>   gtk_object_set(GTK_OBJECT(videosink),"width",320,"height",240,NULL);
[17:56] <BBB> Dennis, flauw dat je er niet was tijdens die keer dat we in A'dam zouden meeten, zeg :P
[17:56] <thomas> ah... ga het zo eens proberen.
[17:56] <sienap> mwha
[17:56] <sienap> beide :)
[17:56] <sienap> hej BBB
[17:57] <sienap> mwha klopt
[17:57] <wtay> geen idee of the volume plugin werkt...
[17:57] <thomas> oh nee wacht... ik had zoiets al gedaan.
[17:57] <sienap> ik was in rotterdam
[17:57] <sienap> bij gf :)
[17:57] <sienap> vond ik veeeeeeel leuker :)
[17:57] <BBB> sienap: wat fout!
[17:57] <BBB> sienap: :P
[17:57] <sienap> mwha niet echt :)
[17:57] <thomas> uit de source lijkt er wel wat geschreven te zijn om het te doen werken
[17:57] <BBB> sienap: neenee..... :)
[17:57] <thomas> ik was begonnen aan mijn eigen volume plugin daarnet
[17:57] <sienap> BBB mwha :) 
[17:57] <thomas> maar ik kreeg hem nog niet eens gecompileerd
[17:57] <sienap> hoe gaatut met je scene detection ding ?
[17:57] <thomas> en het was dan nog gewoon de kopie van de example plug in
[17:57] <wtay> thomas: ok
[17:57] <wtay> thomas: hmm
[17:57] <BBB> sienap: zeer goed, ik heb al 0,6 seconden per 1 seconde video
[17:58] <BBB> sienap: dus het kan al in realtime op mijn P-II 400
[17:58] <wtay> thomas: CVS versie?
[17:58] <thomas> nee, de 0.1.1
[17:58] <sienap> BBB he zeeeeeeeeeeeer nice :)
[17:58] <thomas> waarom, is het beter om in CVS te werken ? jullie zijn gelijk van objectstructuur aan het wisselen ?
[17:58] <BBB> yup, I know :P
[17:59] <wtay> thomas: niet echt, CVS is wel beter..
[17:59] <BBB> thomas: de CVS versie is de actuele, de nieuwste
[17:59] <BBB> thomas: de 0.1.1 is echt heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel oud
[17:59] <thomas> ja ik weet het... maar ik werk liever met stabiele dingen.
[17:59] <thomas> hoe oud is de 0.1.1 ?
[17:59] Action: BBB vind et tijd voor een nieuwe gstreamer release
[17:59] <BBB> en zo stabiel was 0.1.1 nou ook weer niet ;)
[17:59] <thomas> ik was al blij dat ik die 0.1.1 gecompileerd kreeg !
[18:00] <wtay> thomas: 0.1.1 is enkele maanden oud
[18:00] <thomas> (BTW Wim ik heb een nieuwe machine gepakt, er red hat 7.0 opgezet maar als gnome workstation, en daarmee heb ik geen enkel probleem gehad om te compileren)
[18:00] <sienap> mwha ik kreeg 0.1.0 en 0.1.1 zonder probs gecompielt
[18:00] <thomas> dus misschien moet ik toch maar gnomer worden
[18:00] <sienap> mwha for sure
[18:00] <wtay> yes
[18:00] <sienap> gnome heerst de gigantische pan uit :)
[18:00] <wtay> hehe
[18:00] <thomas> tja, ik werk graag met windowmaker
[18:00] <sienap> dat isd an ook het enige waar iedereen hiero het wel over eens is :)
[18:00] <sienap> windowmakaer is ook cool :)
[18:01] Action: BBB vind blackbox kewler
[18:01] Action: BBB is blij met blackbox
[18:01] <wtay> CVS version heeft caps negotiation (om media formaten uit te wisselen tussen plugins) en is echt wel nodig
[18:01] <sienap> mwha
[18:01] <thomas> die moet ik nog uittesten
[18:01] <sienap> ik gebruik sawfish gewoon :)
[18:01] <thomas> btw is er iemand die een matrox dualhead gebruikt ?
[18:01] <BBB> overigens - een screeny van mijn video-editor http://ronald.bitfreak.net/images/screeny3.png
[18:02] <wtay> BBB: mooi
[18:02] Action: BBB vind em ook wel kewl nu
[18:02] <wtay> BBB: gstreamer?
[18:03] <BBB> wtay: nog niet.... maar bijna
[18:03] <sienap> hmm nice eens zien
[18:03] <BBB> wtay: mjpegtools 1.3 final kan elk moment uitkomen
[18:03] <wtay> bijna?
[18:03] <wtay> kan gstreamer dit al?
[18:03] <BBB> wtay: en zodra 1.3 uit is gaan we mjpegtools een nieuwe devel reeks maken die ge-gstreamerified zal worden
[18:03] <rdj> brb
[18:03] rdj (rdj at a37030.upc-a.chello.nl) left irc: proud member of the anti movement...
[18:04] <wtay> BBB: seeking moet echt wel geimplementeerd worden dan...
[18:04] <sienap> wel zo handig :)
[18:04] <BBB> jup - ga je gang :P
[18:04] <wtay> BBB: wat is de download URL?
[18:04] <BBB> wtay: van de videoeditor?
[18:04] <wtay> ja
[18:05] <BBB> wtay: dat seekign zit in mjpegtools, studio gebruikt dat alleen maar
[18:05] <BBB> dus je wilt waarschijnlijk de mjpegtools seeking
[18:05] <wtay> ik wil gstreamer seeking
[18:05] <BBB> :)
[18:05] <BBB> ok
[18:05] <BBB> ik kan je alleen uitleggen hoe mjpegtools seeking werkt
[18:05] <wtay> en jij ook als je gstreamer wil gebruiken
[18:06] <BBB> jup
[18:06] <BBB> maar "ik" ga niet gstreamer gebruiken, "wij" gaan gstreamer gebruiken
[18:06] <wtay> hoe werkt het daar?
[18:06] <sienap> dan scene detection is wel gaaf joh :)
[18:06] <wtay> ok
[18:06] <wtay> moet eten nu....
[18:06] <BBB> vrij simpel, wij hebben een video, die slaan we op in het geheugen
[18:06] <thomas> wtay : wat is de simpelste manier om een plugin te beginnen schrijven en testen ?
[18:06] <BBB> wtay: hm, nouja, lang verhaal - zal ik dat na het eten doen?
[18:06] <thomas> welke plugin kan ik best van vertrekken ?
[18:06] <wtay> thomas: gewoon een plugin copieren 
[18:07] <wtay> thomas: mono2stereo is wel goed
[18:07] <wtay> en up to date
[18:07] <wtay> wel enkel in CVS
[18:07] <thomas> dus : eerst CVS afhalen
[18:07] <BBB> mono2stereo vond ik ook wel kewl
[18:07] <wtay> thomas: je gaat enkele dingen missen als je data niet doet
[18:07] <thomas> wtay: hoe bedoel je "data niet doen"
[18:07] <BBB> jullie tijdens die meeting allemaal over stereo-movie->stereo2mono->mono2stereo->stereo-movie
[18:08] <wtay> thomas: typo: *dat* niet doet
[18:08] <BBB> :)
[18:08] <thomas> goed, geen probleem... CVS staat uitgelegd op website he ?
[18:08] <wtay> yup
[18:08] <thomas> ok, da's dan voor morgen.
[18:08] <BBB> lol
[18:08] <wtay> thomas: ik help je wel
[18:08] <thomas> dan ga ik eens naar huis ;(
[18:08] <BBB> zijn er nog niet-belgen/-nederlanders hier?
[18:08] <thomas> wanneer is hier het meest activiteit ?
[18:09] <thomas> (ik irc nooit)
[18:09] Nick change: wtay -> wtay-eating
[18:09] rdj (rdj at a37030.upc-a.chello.nl) joined #gstreamer.
[18:09] <wtay-eating> na 7 uur
[18:09] <wtay-eating> onze tijd
[18:09] <thomas> ok, tot later iedereen
[18:09] <wtay-eating> tot later
[18:09] <BBB> doei :)
[18:09] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) left irc: I'm outta here!
[18:09] <sienap> rdj!
[18:10] <BBB> hm.....
[18:10] Action: BBB gaat ff een nieuwe widget voor gtk schrijven
[18:10] <BBB> ik wil er eentje die bestaat niet, irri
[18:10] <sienap> wat motje hebben dan ?
[18:10] <BBB> een schuifbar/scrollbar met drie van die dingetjes om te scrollen
[18:10] <BBB> ipv eentje
[18:11] <sienap> 3 dingetjes ?
[18:11] <sienap> waarom dat dan >
[18:11] <BBB> ik heb me namelijk al drie dagen kapot geprogrammeerd om die engine daarvoor nog in de final mjpegtools te krijgen
[18:11] <BBB> kijk  je hebt dus de slider van waar de video nu is
[18:11] <BBB> en twee clipjes die aangeven waar de video moet stoppen/starten
[18:12] <sienap> aah op die manier
[18:12] <sienap> ik snap al
[18:12] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) joined #gstreamer.
[18:12] <thomas> ok ik ga een domme vraag stellen
[18:12] <BBB> :) voor scene editing
[18:12] <BBB> :)
[18:12] <BBB> alles werkt al
[18:12] <thomas> als je cvs -d:... enzovoort gedaan hebt
[18:12] <BBB> ik moet alleen die scrollbar nog ff hebben
[18:12] <thomas> hoe download je dan alles ?
[18:12] <BBB> dan ben ik klaar ermee
[18:12] <BBB> cvs co gstreamer
[18:12] <BBB> of cvs checkout gstreamer
[18:16] <sienap> wtay nog ergens mee bezig ?
[18:17] Action: thomas is away - Automatically set away. - messages will be saved.
[18:19] Action: BBB vind CVS wel handig eigenlijk
[18:19] <sienap> issut ook :)
[18:19] <BBB> zo fftjes twee filetjes van de Gtk source opgehaald om mijn nieuwe widget te maken :P
[18:19] <BBB> leve gtk
[18:19] <BBB> :)
[18:19] <thomas> hoe moet ik de CVSROOT var instellen ? gewoon mijn huidige directory ?
[18:21] <BBB> nee
[18:21] <thomas> wat dan wel
[18:21] <BBB> export CVSROOT=':pserver:anonymous at anoncvs.sourceforge.org:/cvsroot'
[18:21] <BBB> geloof ik
[18:21] <BBB> ff kijken hoor
[18:21] <BBB> staat dat niet op de sourceforge project page?
[18:23] <thomas> ok... hij is bezig.
[18:23] <thomas> pfff... zal wel efkes duren zeker ?
[18:23] <sienap> neuh
[18:23] <sienap>  -z9 pakken
[18:23] <sienap> cvs checkout -z9 >:)
[18:23] <sienap> is zo binnen joh :) 
[18:25] <BBB> wat doet -z9 dan?
[18:26] <sienap> maximal compression
[18:26] Action: BBB kent wel -z3
[18:26] <sienap> mwha
[18:26] <sienap>  -z geeft compressie
[18:26] <sienap> number hoe hard
[18:26] <BBB> aha, weet ik ook weer wat dat doet :P
[18:26] <sienap> hoe hoger hoe meer pissed mensen..
[18:26] <sienap> want dat trekt server load
[18:26] <sienap> maarja
[18:26] <sienap> ik zit met modem
[18:26] <sienap> anders duurtut 3 x zo lang :)
[18:26] Action: BBB doet altijd geen -z want het komt toch wel binnen met 100mbps
[18:26] <BBB> die paar milliseconden
[18:27] <sienap> he :)
[18:27] <sienap> patser
[18:27] <BBB> lol
[18:28] <BBB> :)
[18:28] <BBB> tja, je bent student of je bent et niet
[18:28] <BBB> brb
[18:28] <sienap> he
[18:28] <sienap> dan zeggen ze ook nog arme studenten
[18:39] <thomas> uhm ok nog iemand aanwezig ?
[18:39] Nick change: wtay-eating -> wtay
[18:40] <wtay> yup
[18:40] <thomas> goe, heb cvs gedownload
[18:40] <thomas> hoe zorg ik er straks voor dat hij dat ergens anders installeert ?
[18:40] <thomas> of veeg ik gewoon mijn vorige install weg ?
[18:40] <wtay> thomas: je moet niet instaleren
[18:40] <wtay> je kan de CVS versie vanuit de src dir runnen
[18:41] <thomas> dus ook geen gstreamer-register doen en zo ?
[18:41] <wtay> je kan best wel je oude versie wegdoen
[18:41] <wtay> wel gstreamer-register
[18:41] <thomas> ok hoe doe ik de oude weg
[18:41] <thomas> is er een make uninstall ?
[18:41] <wtay> ik denk het wel
[18:41] <thomas> ok ga even testen
[18:41] <thomas> en hoe compileer ik de cvs ? staat niet in readme...
[18:41] <wtay> ./autogen.sh
[18:41] <wtay> make 
[18:42] <wtay> ./configure eerst, sorry
[18:42] <thomas> ja maar er is geen configure
[18:42] <wtay> dus: ./autogen.sh, ./configure, make
[18:42] <thomas> ok, autogen bezig
[18:42] <wtay> autogen.sh maakt een configure
[18:43] <wtay> thomas: zit je in gent?
[18:43] <thomas> ja
[18:43] <thomas> ik bedoel nee
[18:43] <thomas> ik woon in gent
[18:43] <thomas> maar zit nu in brussel
[18:43] <wtay> ok
[18:43] <thomas> moet die ./configure wel ? hij heeft makefiles gemaakt
[18:43] <thomas> en zegt dat ik gewoon make moet doen
[18:43] <wtay> ah ok, gewoon make dan
[18:43] <thomas> waarom vroeg je dat van gent ?
[18:44] <wtay> gewoon, nieuwsgierig
[18:44] <wtay> ik zit in Leuven
[18:44] <thomas> iets anders : die pasting would not give ... errors : ligt dat nu eigenlijk aan gcc 2.96 ?
[18:44] <thomas> ik heb er vandaag ook naar zitten zoeken
[18:44] <thomas> maar dan krijg je alle kernel-compileerproblemen
[18:44] <wtay> geen idee
[18:44] <thomas> dus ik weet niet wat die fout nu eigenlijk wil zeggen
[18:44] <wtay> nog nooit van gehoord
[18:45] <thomas> bedoel je dat je die fout nog nooit hebt gezien ?
[18:45] <wtay> nope
[18:45] <thomas> hmmm... ook nog niet kernel gecompileerd met redhat 7.0 ?
[18:45] <wtay> ik gebruik geen RH meer, dus nee
[18:45] <thomas> wat dan ?
[18:45] <wtay> debian
[18:45] <thomas> en hoe valt het mee ?
[18:46] <wtay> zeer goed, apt-get rules
[18:46] <sienap> Hmmmm.. i am thinking..
[18:46] <sienap> how much faster will sawfish be when it wasn't written in lisp >:)
[18:46] <sienap> man sucks..
[18:48] <thomas> ok cvs-compile is mislukt
[18:48] <thomas> iets in colorspace
[18:48] <thomas> hij vindt een Hermes.h header niet
[18:48] <thomas> kan ik dat ergens afzetten ?
[18:48] <wtay> hmm ok, je moet Hermes hebben dan
[18:49] <thomas> wat is Hermes ?
[18:49] <wtay> je kan colorspace uit de makefile halen
[18:49] <wtay> een color conversie library
[18:49] <sienap> ok
[18:49] <sienap> my and gf have pizza
[18:49] <sienap> means
[18:49] <sienap> we are eating :)
[18:49] <thomas> ok... uit welke makefile, de top of ergens ertussen ?
[18:49] <thomas> zal effe zoeken
[18:49] Nick change: sienap -> eatnap
[18:50] <wtay> plugins/filters/Makefile.am
[18:50] <thomas> ok, heb het uit filters/makefile gehaald, hij is weer bezig
[18:50] <wtay> ok
[18:51] <thomas> is er eigenlijk iemand bezig met de plugins doc te schrijven ?
[18:51] <thomas> ik zie dat ze de laatste weken toch veranderd zijn...
[18:51] <wtay> richardb is bezig met de docs
[18:51] <thomas> moet ik trouwens tijd steken om het GTK+ model te leren ?
[18:52] <thomas> ik heb nog nooit op ide manier gewerkt
[18:52] <thomas> (ide = die)
[18:52] <thomas> maar misschien is het ook niet echt nodig ?
[18:52] <wtay> thomas: Gtk+ help wel een beetje
[18:52] <wtay> s/help/helpt
[18:52] <wtay> is niet echt nodig
[18:52] <thomas> Is er niet ergens een goeie tutorial on-line ?
[18:53] <wtay> enkel over het gebruik van gstreamer, geen over het schrijven van een plugin...
[18:53] <thomas> nee ik bedoel van gtk+
[18:53] <wtay> oh
[18:53] <wtay> hmm, sec...
[18:54] <wtay> http://www.gtk.org/tutorial/
[18:54] <BBB> jullie willen toch get glib object model gaan gebruiken?
[18:54] <BBB> of plotseling toch weer gtk+?
[18:54] <wtay> BBB: jep
[18:54] <wtay> BBB: neenee, glib2.0 is nog niet gedaan
[18:55] <thomas> oh... heeft het dan zin dat ik a) plugins schrijf, b) gtk+ leer ?
[18:55] <thomas> ok compile gedaan.  mag ik echt geen make install doen ?
[18:55] <BBB> thomas: ja hoor, ik heb Gtk geleerd, zeer useful
[18:55] Action: BBB doet altijd "make install"
[18:55] <wtay> thomas: geen make install doen is beter
[18:55] <thomas> wat dan wel doen ?
[18:55] <wtay> gstreamer-register is genoeg
[18:55] <thomas> (sorry voor al de vragen)
[18:56] <wtay> in do tools dir
[18:56] <wtay> s/do/de
[18:56] Action: wtay is gewoon om engelse woorden te typen :)
[18:56] <thomas> effectief, dat werkt, helloworld speelt nu audio...
[18:56] <wtay> cool
[18:56] <thomas> btw op welke manier schrijft die audio ? naar /dev/dsp gewoon ?
[18:57] <wtay> yup
[18:57] <wtay> via de osssink plugin
[18:57] <thomas> pfff... ik heb die sound drivers de laatste tijd niet gevolgd...
[18:57] <thomas> mijn oss vroeger deed automatisch software mixing
[18:57] <wtay> hmm
[18:57] <thomas> nu is 't een nieuw machine, ik weet niet hoe die esd dat doet
[18:58] <thomas> ik moet altijd mijn xmms afzetten om te testen ;(
[18:58] ChiefHighwater (paul at temple-baptist.com) joined #gstreamer.
[18:58] <wtay> hi ChiefHighwater
[18:58] <ChiefHighwater> ello 8-]
[18:58] <wtay> thomas: je kan ook de esdsink gebruiken
[18:58] <ChiefHighwater> omega finally gets home today 8-]
[18:59] <thomas> wtay: I'd rather have the software mixing capability back...
[18:59] <thomas> does esound take over /dev/dsp or not ?
[18:59] <wtay> thomas: I think the software mixing is only done in the commercial oss version
[18:59] <wtay> thomas: esd takes over /dev/dsp
[18:59] <wtay> thomas: but it does release it when inactive
[19:00] <thomas> wtay: does esound do software mixing automatically ?
[19:00] <wtay> ChiefHighwater: cool
[19:00] <wtay> thomas: yes
[19:00] <thomas> wtay: so ok, if I change helloworld to use esdsink, and xmms to do the same, it should work now ?
[19:00] <thomas> I'll try that
[19:01] <wtay> thomas: it should theoretically
[19:02] <thomas> uh : another stupid question
[19:02] <thomas> if I just copy the helloworld example to a new test dir
[19:02] <wtay> thomas: no question is stupid :-)
[19:02] <thomas> it complains about not finding ../../configure.in
[19:02] <thomas> so should I rewrite the makefile ?
[19:03] <wtay> thomas: yeah, the makefile has to be regenerated...
[19:03] <thomas> or should I make my test examles in the cvs sub-tree ?
[19:03] <wtay> thomas: you should add something to configure.in and rerun ./autogen.sh
[19:03] <thomas> since my headers aren't installed anymore
[19:03] <wtay> thomas: yes, in the cvs tree is best
[19:06] <thomas> uh... not such a good idea.
[19:06] <thomas> I changed helloworld.
[19:06] <thomas> it segfaulted.
[19:06] <BBB> lol
[19:06] <wtay> well..
[19:06] <thomas> and it seems to segfault in stereo2mono
[19:07] <wtay> I think esdsink does not handle the mono samples very well...
[19:07] <thomas> ah ok... i see... you added S2M to the helloworld example ?
[19:07] <wtay> maybe you should remove the stereo2mono plugin
[19:08] <wtay> yeah
[19:08] <thomas> yeah ok...
[19:08] <wtay> and the mulaw too if it's still in there
[19:09] <thomas> ok that works...
[19:09] <thomas> now see what xmms does
[19:13] <thomas> ok doesn't work yet...
[19:13] <thomas> let's see what esound should be doing
[19:18] <thomas> hmmm... are you sure the esdsink works correctly ?
[19:18] <wtay> not at all
[19:18] <thomas> ;)
[19:18] <wtay> if it plays in gstreamer it should work though
[19:19] <thomas> ok this is what I do
[19:19] <thomas> (esd not loaded)
[19:19] <thomas> mpg123 music.mp3
[19:19] <thomas> (this plays, abort)
[19:19] <thomas> esd
[19:19] <thomas> mpg123 music.mp3
[19:19] <thomas> (this plays, leave it running)
[19:19] <thomas> helloworld music.mp3
[19:19] <thomas> (fails, cannot iterate)
[19:19] <wtay> mpg123 doesn't use esd
[19:19] <thomas> (kill mpg123)
[19:20] <thomas> ah ok... but esd takes over /dev/dsp, right ?
[19:20] <thomas> (after kill, helloworld still doesn't work)
[19:20] <wtay> only when a connection has been made to it
[19:20] <thomas> meaning ?
[19:20] <wtay> esd is a server
[19:20] <thomas> so esd only takes over /dev/dsp when it is actually playing ?
[19:20] <wtay> when no clients connect, it doesnt take over /dev/dsp
[19:20] <wtay> yes
[19:21] <thomas> ok... so how do I tell mpg123 to use esd ?
[19:21] <wtay> I don't think you can
[19:21] <thomas> ok... and the xmms esd plugin doesn't work concurrently either
[19:21] <thomas> *sigh*
[19:21] <wtay> sigh
[19:21] <thomas> i'm wanting too much at the same time again
[19:22] <wtay> perhaps :)
[19:22] <thomas> ok never mind... back to coding then.
[19:22] <thomas> So, next step :
[19:22] <thomas> I copy the stereo2mono and try to get a 3db audio level decrease
[19:23] <wtay> yes
[19:27] <thomas> ok... mixing works !
[19:28] <thomas> now for the plugin itself...
[19:28] <wtay> cool
[19:28] <thomas> should I just make a copy in the same subtree ?
[19:28] <wtay> yeah
[19:28] <thomas> so does it take long to write a plugin ????
[19:29] <wtay> not for me :-)
[19:29] <wtay> it's pretty straighforward
[19:29] <thomas> god I hate renaming everything...
[19:29] <thomas> where's that perl manual ?
[19:29] <wtay> sed :)
[19:30] <thomas> also for multiple in-place file editing ?
[19:30] <wtay> ?
[19:31] <thomas> I mean - if you just want lots of files in your current dir changed without having to rename files
[19:31] <thomas> then perl is the best
[19:31] <wtay> yeah, well..
[19:31] <thomas> (i think)
[19:31] <wtay> I don't know perl
[19:32] <thomas> ok... so I'm guessing I need to put the work in the gst_volume_fast_..._chain functions
[19:32] <thomas> so why is there an 8 bit and 16 bit version ?
[19:32] <wtay> to handle the many formats
[19:32] <wtay> you can implement just one it you want
[19:33] <wtay> you'll need to make sure you only send 16 bit audio to the plugin then
[19:33] <thomas> I'll do that first...
[19:34] <thomas> ok... I'll first modify yours and see if it still runs...
[19:34] <thomas> so, what's the easiest way to test a plugin ?
[19:34] <thomas> compile it, register it and then adapt helloworld ?
[19:34] <wtay> gstreamer-launch
[19:34] <wtay> yeah, or adjust helloworld
[19:35] <thomas> and will gstreamer-register find my new plugin automatically ?
[19:35] <wtay> gstreamer-launch disksrc location=audio.mp3 ! mp3parse ! mpg123 ! volume ! esdsink
[19:35] <wtay> yes
[19:35] <thomas> oh wait... of course I didn't install gstreamer
[19:35] <thomas> so I should give the path now
[19:36] <wtay> eh?
[19:36] <wtay> gstreamer-register should find plugins in the src dir
[19:36] <thomas> yeah, but gstreamer-launch isn't in my path anymore...
[19:36] <wtay> oh ok
[19:37] <thomas> oh ok register should be done as root ?
[19:37] <wtay> yes
[19:37] <thomas> ok... gstreamer-launch does a stack trace
[19:37] <thomas> something went wrong...
[19:38] <thomas> RUNNING pipeline
[19:38] <thomas> ***** GStreamer ERROR ***** in file gstscheduler.c at gst_bin_schedule_func:431
[19:38] <thomas> Element: /launch/mpg1230.src
[19:38] <thomas> Error: peer is null!
[19:38] <thomas> ***** attempting to stack trace.... *****
[19:38] <thomas> uh ok... my bad.
[19:38] <wtay> heh, unconnected element :)
[19:38] <thomas> yeah that works...
[19:38] <thomas> ok now for the volume
[19:39] <thomas> btw any ideas on how the volume envelope should work ?
[19:39] <thomas> I mean how does it get it's input data ?
[19:39] <wtay> what should it do?
[19:39] Action: wtay is very stupid with audio...
[19:39] <thomas> well, apply a normal volume envelope
[19:39] <thomas> so you can say this :
[19:40] <thomas> start at level 0.1
[19:40] <thomas> build up to level 1 after 5 seconds
[19:40] <thomas> go down to level 0.1 in the middle
[19:40] <thomas> keep it at that level for 5 seconds
[19:40] <wtay> oh
[19:40] <thomas> bring it back up
[19:40] <thomas> and fade out at the end
[19:40] <thomas> in my current implementation,
[19:40] <wtay> at the end?
[19:40] <thomas> I do it based on some sort of xml
[19:40] <thomas> yeah, at the end you want it to fade out
[19:40] <thomas> and the next song to fade in
[19:41] <wtay> the end of the stream you mean
[19:41] <thomas> yeah
[19:41] <wtay> I'd say this is under the apps control
[19:41] <thomas> yes...
[19:41] <thomas> but for me the easiest would be to have the app register a full volume envelope
[19:41] <wtay> the plugin fires signals when the volume need changing or something
[19:41] <thomas> that could be done too
[19:42] <thomas> hmmm... I'll see how I can do it...
[19:42] <thomas> is it easy to put in signals ?
[19:42] <wtay> you'll need to work out some syntax for the properties then
[19:42] <wtay> thomas: yes
[19:42] <thomas> well I have a rough xml system I use already, so...
[19:42] <thomas> maybe i should try that one first
[19:43] ChiefHighwater (paul at temple-baptist.com) left irc: Read error to ChiefHighwater[temple-baptist.com]: Connection reset by peer
[19:43] <wtay> maybe something like: signal me after 1 second of audio, the app sets the volume envelope, signal me again in 3secs etc...
[19:43] <thomas> yes, that could be done as welll
[19:43] <thomas> it's probably cleaner that way
[19:44] <thomas> in the gstreamer platform, that is
[19:44] <wtay> looks like the most powerful
[19:44] <thomas> but of course you don't want the main app to be sending the exact audio level all through the fade
[19:44] <thomas> you want to say to the plugin :
[19:44] <thomas> right now it should be at 0.1
[19:44] <wtay> the arg would look like: envelope, "0.1-1.0:5"
[19:44] <thomas> yeah...
[19:44] <thomas> that should do it
[19:45] <thomas> but then since it's real-time
[19:45] <thomas> a program could also override that...
[19:45] <thomas> haven't thought of that yet
[19:45] <thomas> I always did pre-scheduled mixing
[19:45] <thomas> doesn't matter
[19:45] <thomas> first things first
[19:48] <thomas> hmmm... not quite there yet.
[19:48] <thomas> so there's a commented printf in the source
[19:48] <thomas> if I uncomment it, I should see it immediately, right ?
[19:48] <wtay> yes
[19:51] <thomas> ok so I put a printf in gst_volume_init ...
[19:51] <thomas> but it doesn't show up
[19:51] <thomas> so what am I doing wrong ?
[19:51] <thomas> should I re-register after every compile ?
[19:51] <wtay> hmm
[19:51] <wtay> no
[19:52] <wtay> are you sure you use the volume plugin?
[19:52] <thomas> yeah... in between mpg123 and esdsink
[19:52] <thomas> so if I use flags, I can check if it actually gets loaded, right ?
[19:53] <wtay> are you sure there's no other volume plugin in /usr/local/lib/gst?
[19:53] <thomas> yes, that dir is clean
[19:53] <wtay> hmm
[19:53] <thomas> ok, got it...
[19:53] <wtay> ?
[19:53] <thomas> there's a volume in effects of course !
[19:53] <thomas> I mean, it's still in there
[19:53] <thomas> since the latest release
[19:54] <thomas> well done thomas ;)
[19:54] <wtay> yeah, you should change the plugins name
[19:54] <thomas> ok, change his or mine ?
[19:54] <thomas> does his work ?
[19:54] <wtay> dunno
[19:54] <wtay> change yours
[19:54] <thomas> and can I set arguments to his plugin with plugin-launch ?
[19:54] <thomas> ok... changing mine
[19:54] <wtay> yeah arg=foo
[19:55] <thomas> maybe envelope filters should be more general
[19:55] <thomas> you could probably use it for stereo panning as well
[19:55] <thomas> and probably for video transitions
[19:55] <wtay> cool
[19:55] <thomas> (stop thinking)
[19:56] <thomas> ok... i named it volenv
[19:56] <thomas> but it didn't work, it's not finding the plugin...
[19:56] <thomas> run register first ?
[19:56] <wtay> yeah
[19:57] BBB (BBB at ucu-105-116.ucu.uu.nl) left irc: Ping timeout for BBB[ucu-105-116.ucu.uu.nl]
[19:57] <thomas> ok... it's not finding my plugin
[19:57] <wtay> hmm
[19:58] BBB (BBB at ucu-105-116.ucu.uu.nl) joined #gstreamer.
[19:58] <thomas> how does gstreamer-register "know" where they are ?
[19:58] <wtay> it just runs through all directories
[19:58] <wtay> looking for .so files
[19:58] <thomas> should there be a .lo as well ?
[19:58] <wtay> just an .so will do
[19:59] <thomas> ok... there isn't one... I have an .la
[19:59] <wtay> look in .libs
[19:59] <thomas> (sorry, don't develop libraries much)
[19:59] <thomas> oh yeah...
[19:59] <thomas> there it is
[19:59] <thomas> ok so that's not it.
[19:59] <wtay> libtool's way of doing things :)
[19:59] <thomas> hmmm... what could it be...
[19:59] <wtay> it's in the gstreamer plugins/ dir
[20:00] <wtay> you did modify the name in plugin_init, right?
[20:00] <thomas> uh... no ?
[20:00] <thomas> uh... ok.
[20:00] <wtay> gst_plugin_new ("volenv")?
[20:00] <thomas> so much for cut and paste
[20:00] <thomas> sorry....
[20:01] <thomas> i thought it got it's name from the .so file
[20:01] <wtay> yeah, it only works when you modify it later :)
[20:01] <wtay> no, the .so file can contain many plugins
[20:01] <thomas> oh,
[20:01] <thomas> yes I did change it
[20:01] <thomas> I changed everything in place
[20:01] <thomas> so it's called volenv
[20:01] <thomas> so that's not it either
[20:01] <thomas> ok if i run gstreamer-register with all info turned on
[20:02] <thomas> I see this line at the top
[20:02] <wtay> you also chaned gst_elementfactory_new ?
[20:02] <thomas> oading plugins from /usr/local/src/gstreamer/./gst/autoplug
[20:02] <thomas> does that mean the available plugins are listed in some file ?
[20:02] <thomas> (yeah also in gst_elementfactory_new)
[20:02] <wtay> no, it's just the directory it is going to traverse
[20:04] <thomas> hmm... strange
[20:05] <thomas> the .libs dir has got the same sort of files as in the stereo2mono dir
[20:06] <wtay> did you change the makefile too?
[20:06] <thomas> I'll check...
[20:10] <thomas> ok...
[20:10] <thomas> it was something entirely different...
[20:10] <wtay> ah
[20:10] <thomas> no wonder my plugin compiled without errors ;)`
[20:10] <thomas> now I get a whole bunch....
[20:10] <thomas> let's see
[20:14] <thomas> ok...
[20:14] <thomas> I'm checking your stereo2mono plugin
[20:14] <thomas> where do you define the type GstStereo2Mono ?
[20:15] <wtay> in the .h file
[20:15] <wtay> also in the _get_type function
[20:16] <thomas> ok... that's fixed
[20:17] <thomas> ok... it runs and segfaults
[20:17] <wtay> aha
[20:18] <thomas> so let's see what I did wrong then
[20:18] <thomas> god...
[20:18] <thomas> why does it do that with that .lib dir ?
[20:18] <thomas> it's so confusing
[20:18] <thomas> uh ok...
[20:18] <thomas> the seg fault seems to come from the same place it did when I tried the helloworld at the beginning
[20:19] <thomas> this is the line
[20:19] <thomas>    at volenv.c:183
[20:19] <thomas> width=gst_caps_get_int(GST_PAD_CAPS(pad),"width")
[20:21] <wtay> ah yeah
[20:21] <wtay> hmm
[20:22] <wtay> are you using esdsink?
[20:22] <thomas> yes
[20:23] <thomas> try the normal one
[20:23] <wtay> ok, esdsink doesn't do mono audio
[20:23] <thomas> ok... but I was trying to change your plugin...
[20:23] <wtay> you should get rid of the caps negotiation too
[20:23] <thomas> so I should change your capabilities
[20:24] <thomas> to make it like mine
[20:24] <wtay> let me explain it a bit...
[20:24] <wtay> the plugin will try to negotiate the media type with its peer plugins
[20:25] <wtay> since you copied the stereo2mono one, it tries to force mono on the next plugin
[20:25] <wtay> your plugin should just accept all audio types
[20:26] <thomas> ok...
[20:26] <thomas> I tried changing the "channels", GST_PROPS_INT (1) line
[20:26] <wtay> hmm this is tricky
[20:26] <thomas> to make it 2
[20:26] <thomas> but that doesn't work either it seems
[20:27] <wtay> you should also change the channels in _negotiate_sink to 2
[20:27] <thomas> I'll tell my grandmother to not start developing gstreamer plugins just yet
[20:27] <wtay> or just remove the *caps = gst_caps_copy and gst_caps_set lines from _negotiate_sink/src
[20:27] <wtay> thomas: heh, yeah
[20:27] <wtay> it's pretty lowlevel
[20:28] <thomas> ok still segfault
[20:28] <wtay> actually... let's just try to make it work...
[20:28] <thomas> (so why shouldn't it work if i tell it that in-and out have two channels ?
[20:28] <thomas> )
[20:29] <thomas> (at this speed you could have done it yourself ;) )
[20:30] <thomas> can I also comment this line :
[20:30] <wtay> no idea why it doesn't work...
[20:30] <thomas>  width=gst_caps_get_int(GST_PAD_CAPS(pad),"width");
[20:30] <wtay> yeah
[20:30] <thomas>  ok...
[20:30] <thomas> it's running
[20:30] <wtay> although it clearly seems that the plugins do not want to talk to eachother
[20:30] <thomas> I obviously did the divison wrong...
[20:30] <thomas> I get strange sounds
[20:30] <thomas> and no printf
[20:30] <thomas> let's check that first again
[20:31] <thomas> (this reminds me of my first thesis audio output)
[20:33] <thomas> you know...
[20:33] <thomas> it would be easiest
[20:33] <thomas> if I could have started from a general passthrough plugin
[20:33] <thomas> is that available ?
[20:33] <wtay> unfortunatly...
[20:34] <thomas> why ? is it harder to do ? I'd think it should be easier than a stereo2mono
[20:34] <wtay> it's very easy, nobody did it just yet so...
[20:34] <thomas> ok...
[20:34] <thomas> so it still isn't doing the printf
[20:35] <thomas> what else am I doing wrong ?
[20:35] <thomas> let's see
[20:35] <wtay> identity is a passtrough plugin but it doesn't do capsnegotiation yet
[20:35] <wtay> printf in the init?
[20:35] <thomas> yeah
[20:36] <thomas> ok so it's doing that...
[20:36] <thomas> now let's see what else it's doing wrong
[20:36] <thomas> ok... now it's not doing the printf in the gst_volenv_fast_16bit_chain
[20:37] <thomas> let's see... how is it called ?
[20:37] <thomas> right...
[20:37] <thomas> since I commented width=....
[20:37] <thomas> it's not doing anything
[20:37] <thomas> so let's set that
[20:37] <thomas> ok, now it printf's and segfaults.
[20:37] <thomas> this is starting to get fun
[20:38] <wtay> details :)
[20:38] <thomas> hmmm... seems that gdb isn't really helpful in cases like these
[20:38] <thomas> the problem is in the main loop somewhere
[20:38] <wtay> nope
[20:39] <thomas> I mean :
[20:39] <thomas> the problem shows up in the main loop
[20:39] <thomas> no reference to my plugin anymore
[20:39] <wtay> hmm
[20:39] <wtay> end of file issues?
[20:39] <thomas> that would be fast
[20:39] <thomas> no...
[20:39] <thomas> I'm guessing I should just check if I got all the pointers right
[20:39] <thomas> Since I need to get two channels
[20:40] <thomas> and I don't even know how the data is formatted, so I just gambled ;)
[20:41] <wtay> that's what the _caps_get(.., "width") was for :)
[20:41] <thomas> ok... let's recapitulate
[20:41] <thomas> so the function actually in control of processing data is gst_volenv_chain, right ?
[20:41] <wtay> yes
[20:41] <wtay> it gets a buffer in
[20:41] <thomas> and the pointer *buf is a pointer to the buffer which is the data retrieved by the current iteration ?
[20:42] <wtay> yes
[20:42] <thomas> and you switch on width to the other function...
[20:42] <wtay> and the type of the data is described by the capability on the pad
[20:42] <wtay> yes
[20:42] <thomas> but you supply both data and GST_BUFFER_SIZE(buf) in that call...
[20:43] <wtay> for the output buffer?
[20:43] <thomas>         gst_volenv_fast_16bit_chain(data,outbuf,GST_BUFFER_SIZE(buf));
[20:43] <thomas> that's what's there...
[20:43] <thomas> so now how does the data flow here ?
[20:43] <wtay> data is a pointer to the input buffer
[20:43] <wtay> the buffer has size GST_BUFFER_SIZE
[20:44] <wtay> the function convertes GST_BUFFER_SIZE in samples from data to outbuf
[20:44] <wtay> gstreamer operates on buffers at a time, not samples
[20:45] <thomas> so the two channels are interleaved here ?
[20:45] <wtay> yes
[20:45] <thomas> so when you say this in your plugin :
[20:45] <thomas> GST_BUFFER_SIZE(outbuf) = GST_BUFFER_SIZE(buf)/2;
[20:46] <thomas> that's because downmixing leaves you with half of the data, right ?
[20:46] <wtay> yes
[20:46] <wtay> stereo2mono :)
[20:46] <thomas> so why in the line above :
[20:46] <thomas> GST_BUFFER_DATA(outbuf) = (gchar*)g_new(gint16,GST_BUFFER_SIZE(buf)/4);
[20:46] <thomas> what's that '4' for ?
[20:46] <thomas> (no pun intended)
[20:46] <wtay> gint16 is two bytes
[20:46] <wtay> it's pretty unreadable, I agree :-)
[20:47] <thomas> don't apologize, I know how it is
[20:47] <wtay> buffer size is always in bytes
[20:47] <thomas> I don't get my code clean enough either
[20:47] <wtay> I didn't write the code :)
[20:47] <thomas> so if I do stereo, then I should change 4 to 2 and 2 to 1
[20:47] <thomas> which I did, so that's not it
[20:48] <wtay> that would be a first adjustment to make, yes
[20:48] <wtay> and you can change the buffer inplace...
[20:48] <thomas> oh, that's allowed, then ?
[20:48] <wtay> no need to malloc a new buffer...
[20:49] <thomas> then I'll try that
[20:49] <wtay> yeah
[20:49] <wtay> stricly speaking you should copy on write, but let's ignore that for now
[20:51] <thomas> ok...
[20:51] <thomas> hmm...
[20:51] <thomas> getting weird sounds now
[20:51] <thomas> at least it's running
[20:52] <wtay> you just need to get the algorithm right then
[20:52] <thomas> so...
[20:52] <thomas> the data is passed as a stream of 16 bit ints, or 8 bit ?
[20:52] <thomas> as 16 bits
[20:52] <thomas> ok...
[20:52] <wtay> 16 bits probably (assuming mpg123)
[20:53] <thomas> ok here's the weird thing...
[20:53] <thomas> my loop right now does this :
[20:53] <thomas>   printf("vol 16bit: data=0x%x numbytes=%u\n",in_data,numbytes);
[20:53] <thomas>   for(i=0;i<numbytes;i++) {
[20:53] <thomas>     (*out_data)[i] /=2 ;
[20:53] <thomas>  }
[20:53] <thomas> that segfaults
[20:53] <thomas> if I do the loop until numbytes/2
[20:53] <thomas> then it doesn't
[20:53] <wtay> out_data is a guint16* ?
[20:54] <thomas> let's see
[20:54] <thomas> it's gint16**
[20:54] <wtay> **?
[20:55] <wtay> anyway that explains
[20:55] <thomas> yeah... i just changed the starting code
[20:55] <thomas> which defined it as this :gint16** mono_data
[20:56] <wtay> rememer the numbytes is the number of bytes...
[20:56] <thomas> ok...
[20:56] <thomas> now I made a passthrough filter
[20:57] <thomas> and now I did a /16 filter
[20:57] <thomas> so it's working !
[20:57] <thomas> that's a good start
[20:57] <wtay> cool
[20:57] <thomas> I have to turn it up all the way to still hear it
[20:57] <thomas> ok... that looks like enough work for today
[20:57] <thomas> is any one of you on-line over the weekend ?
[20:58] <wtay> I usually am
[20:58] <wtay> I'm offline on saturday around 8pm
[20:58] <wtay> online sunday from 1pm to 1am
[20:59] <thomas> ok... If I get it installed at home as well,
[20:59] <thomas> I'll try and see what else I can do
[20:59] <thomas> i'm starting to really like gstreamer
[20:59] <wtay> good
[21:01] <thomas> so one question... why do you *need* to put two different functions depending on if the bit width is 8 or 16 ?
[21:01] <thomas> isn't there a way to wrap something around it ?
[21:02] <wtay> yeah sure, the plugin is just implemented like this...
[21:02] <wtay> take an arbitrary width is actually not that hard
[21:03] <thomas> ok...
[21:03] <thomas> now I did a gradual fadeout
[21:03] <thomas> seems to work ok as well...
[21:03] <thomas> so it should be easy to interface to a vu meter or something
[21:04] <wtay> nice
[21:04] <thomas> so is it a good idea to write a pass-through filter not doing anything as a boilerplate for these sorts of plugins ?
[21:04] <wtay> sure
[21:05] <thomas> ok...
[21:05] <thomas> thanks for all the help !
[21:05] <wtay> no prob
[21:05] <thomas> time to go home
[21:05] <thomas> (waarom zijn we eigenlijk nog steeds in het engels bezig ?)
[21:05] <thomas> goeienavond
[21:05] <wtay> goeieavond :)
[21:06] <wtay> feesten in brussel? :)
[21:06] <thomas> is er iets te doen in brussel ?
[21:06] <thomas> nee ik ga gewoon naar de film denk ik
[21:06] <wtay> geen idee
[21:06] <wtay> aaah
[21:06] <wtay> ik blijf hier nog wat prutsen aan data corba gedoe...
[21:06] <thomas> moest ik precies weten wat dat is ... :)
[21:07] <thomas> er is teveel om te leren tegenwoordig
[21:07] <wtay> ik versta eigenlijk niet goed waar ik mee bezig ben, maar allee :)
[21:07] <wtay> ja, bonobo is wel vreemd..
[21:07] <thomas> als in  "waarom ik daar nu mee bezig ben" of als in "ik snap gewoon effectief niet ..." ?
[21:08] <wtay> ik cut'n'paste wat code hier en daar en hoop dat het werkt :)
[21:08] <thomas> ken ik ;)
[21:08] <wtay> beste manier om te leren
[21:09] <wtay> probleem is dat er geen cut'n'paste code bestaat voor mijn probleem
[21:11] <thomas> da's natuurlijk wel niet fijn
[21:12] <thomas> ik zit nu al de hele dag in gnome te werken
[21:12] <thomas> tis erop verbeterd !
[21:12] <thomas> misschien blijf ik wel plakken
[21:13] <thomas> ok... ik ben weg...
[21:13] <thomas> nog eens merci voor de uitleg
[21:13] <wtay> tot later
[21:13] <thomas> en tot later dit weekend waarschijnlijk
[21:13] chillywilly (baumannd at d179.as27.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gstreamer.
[21:13] <wtay> ok
[21:13] <thomas> bye
[21:13] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) left irc: I'm outta here!
[21:19] chillywilly (baumannd at d179.as27.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: [x]chat
[21:22] <wtay> brb
[22:07] <eatnap> back..
[22:19] Nick change: eatnap -> sienap
[22:37] sienap (synap at ipc379c0e4.dial.wxs.nl) left irc: My damn controlling terminal disappeared!
[22:58] hadess (hadess at pc213-gui2.cable.ntl.com) joined #gstreamer.
[22:59] <wtay> yo
[22:59] <hadess> hey wtay
[22:59] <hadess> did you get a mad plugin going ?
[22:59] <wtay> nope
[22:59] <wtay> redoing the property system now
[22:59] <hadess> ok
[22:59] <wtay> been working on the bonobo component too
[23:00] <hadess> neat
[23:00] <wtay> looks like I discovered a bug in it... or I did something wrong
[23:00] <hadess> using cactus' stuff ?
[23:00] <wtay> yeah
[23:00] <wtay> got audio and video playing
[23:00] <wtay> but no video widget shows :(
[23:00] <wtay> I can hear the audio though
[23:00] <hadess> huh, weird
[23:01] <hadess> i'm still trying to get bitrate detection on my rio
[23:01] <wtay> looks like my video widget is never realized...
[23:01] <wtay> hmm
[23:01] <wtay> that shouldn't be too hard...
[23:01] <hadess> what shouldn't be too hard ?
[23:02] <wtay> you need the first 4 bytes from the mp3
[23:02] <wtay> bitrate detection of mp3...
[23:02] <hadess> well, the pb is that you need to download the beginning of the mp3 from the rio
[23:02] <hadess> which is not really easy
[23:02] <wtay> yeah
[23:02] <wtay> ok
[23:02] <hadess> i really only need 4 bytes ?
[23:02] <wtay> yup
[23:03] <wtay> the mp3 header
[23:03] <wtay> not sure how id3 tags mess thing up though...
[23:03] <hadess> right now, i'm getting the first 8k :P
[23:03] <wtay> that should do :-)
[23:03] <hadess> i wasn't sure if the id3 tags would mess it up or not
[23:04] <wtay> I dunno where they are actually...
[23:06] <hadess> i've seen nautilus getting the first 8k so i get the first 8k
[23:07] <wtay> :)
[23:07] <hadess> i tried evolution yesterday
[23:08] <wtay> and?
[23:08] <hadess> and it tried to import my 50 megs of mail from netscape...
[23:08] <wtay> hehe
[23:08] <wtay> did it work?
[23:08] <hadess> and it locked up solid after importing half of it
[23:08] <wtay> ouch
[23:08] <wtay> so far your evo adventure I guess
[23:09] <hadess> the importer's pretty good actually, it created my folders the same way they were before
[23:09] <wtay> yeah
[23:45] sienap (synap at ipc379c0e4.dial.wxs.nl) joined #gstreamer.
[23:49] Action: BBB is away: zzzzzz
[23:49] Nick change: BBB -> BBB-zZz
[23:50] <sienap> truste ;)
[23:50] <BBB-zZz> dankje
[23:50] <BBB-zZz> doei
[23:50] <BBB-zZz> zzzz
[00:00] --- Sat Apr 14 2001
[00:08] sienap (synap at ipc379c0e4.dial.wxs.nl) left irc: sienap has no reason
[00:36] ChiefHighwater (paul at temple-baptist.com) joined #gstreamer.
[00:36] <ChiefHighwater> Ello
[00:37] <ChiefHighwater> anybody home?
[00:40] <wtay> yeah
[00:42] <ChiefHighwater> whew
[00:42] <ChiefHighwater> I have a newbie linux question and am lost w/o Omega
[00:42] <wtay> hehe, sure go ahead :)
[00:42] <ChiefHighwater> one of our users forgot her password
[00:42] <ChiefHighwater> i can get root
[00:42] <ChiefHighwater> but from there?
[00:42] <wtay> passwd <user>
[00:43] <ChiefHighwater> that to change it or look it up?
[00:43] <wtay> you can only change it, you can't look it up
[00:43] <ChiefHighwater> rats
[00:44] <wtay> yeah, that's security :)
[00:44] <ChiefHighwater> except the windows box is looking for a pw
[00:44] <ChiefHighwater> same pw as linux server
[00:44] <wtay> hmm
[00:44] <wtay> no idea what the windows pw is?
[00:44] <ChiefHighwater> nope
[00:45] <ChiefHighwater> except same as linux
[00:45] <wtay> hmm
[00:45] <wtay> easily geussable?
[00:45] <wtay> s/geus/gues/
[00:45] <ChiefHighwater> proly not
[00:45] <ChiefHighwater> i tried several at the doze box
[00:45] <wtay> can you change the windows pw and sync with Linux pw?
[00:46] <wtay> oh, forgot the windows pw too I guess...
[00:46] <ChiefHighwater> need to log in as the user first
[00:46] <ChiefHighwater> pw is the same
[00:46] <wtay> yeah
[00:46] <wtay> is that NT?
[00:46] <ChiefHighwater> no, 95...is how we set it up
[00:47] <ChiefHighwater> i can getr into the computeer no prob
[00:47] <ChiefHighwater> weindoze has no security
[00:47] <wtay> can you reset the windows pw to something new?
[00:47] <ChiefHighwater> not for that user
[00:47] <ChiefHighwater> without logging in
[00:47] <wtay> hmm
[00:48] <wtay> there must be a way...
[00:48] <ChiefHighwater> i thought thee was a list of users asnd pws on the server
[00:48] <wtay> on the Linux server?
[00:48] <ChiefHighwater> yeah, I thought i could pull it up
[00:49] <wtay> maybe that's the SAMBA list of pw then...
[00:49] <ChiefHighwater> lets try that
[00:49] <ChiefHighwater> how?
[00:49] <wtay> no idea..
[00:49] <ChiefHighwater> hehe
[00:49] <wtay> hmm
[00:51] <wtay> can you look at /etc/smb.conf?
[00:51] <wtay> or /etc/smb/smb.conf or something
[00:51] <wtay> it has the pointer to the passwd file
[00:52] <ChiefHighwater> neither of those files exists
[00:52] <wtay> locate smb.conf
[00:52] <wtay> that's a shell command :)
[00:53] <ChiefHighwater> ok, i got like 20 of them
[00:53] <wtay> oops
[00:54] <ChiefHighwater> </etc/smb.conf> is listed
[00:54] <wtay> ok look into that one then
[00:54] <wtay> or it is not there you said...
[00:54] <ChiefHighwater> this looks promising
[00:55] <wtay> something else that is a good candidate?
[00:55] <ChiefHighwater> i see a lot of settings, but not users/passwords
[00:56] <wtay> smb passwd file =...
[00:56] <wtay> it should have a line like that...
[00:56] <ChiefHighwater> log file? nah
[00:56] <wtay> unlikely
[00:57] <wtay> does it have something like passwd file= in it?
[00:57] <ChiefHighwater> no
[00:57] <wtay> darn
[00:57] <wtay> can you try: locate smbpasswd
[00:58] <ChiefHighwater> got a dozen
[00:58] <ChiefHighwater> tried on, was garbage
[00:59] <ChiefHighwater> trying another
[00:59] <ChiefHighwater> hmm, that looked like the right one
[00:59] <ChiefHighwater> </usr/bin/smbpasswd>
[01:00] <ChiefHighwater> others are /man /docs /help
[01:01] <wtay> hmm
[01:01] <wtay> smbpasswd is a command...
[01:02] <wtay> anyway I doubt it that they will contain unencrypted passwords...
[01:03] CHW (paul at temple-baptist.com) joined #gstreamer.
[01:04] hadess (hadess at pc213-gui2.cable.ntl.com) got netsplit.
[01:04] BBB-zZz (BBB at ucu-105-116.ucu.uu.nl) got netsplit.
[01:04] ChiefHighwater (paul at temple-baptist.com) got netsplit.
[01:05] hadess (hadess at pc213-gui2.cable.ntl.com) returned to #gstreamer.
[01:06] <hadess> wtay: i'm running evo now =)
[01:07] <hadess> it's quite impressive stuff
[01:07] <hadess> i have a virtual folder for all my new mail, from wherever it comes from
[01:08] <wtay> hadess: cool
[01:08] <wtay> CHW: I have no ideas left...
[01:08] <wtay> hadess: know how to change a password on win95 without knowing the old one?
[01:11] <hadess> no, but i know how to remove the password...
[01:11] <wtay> ah
[01:11] <wtay> how?
[01:12] <hadess> there a username.pwd (or something like that) file under c:\windows
[01:12] <hadess> just remove it
[01:12] <hadess> you don't even need to logon the machine to be able to remove it
[01:13] <wtay> CHW: are there many users on that machine?
[01:13] <hadess> press cancel at the logon screen and remove the file
[01:13] <CHW> no
[01:13] <wtay> just one?
[01:13] <CHW> one main a couple occassional
[01:13] <CHW> only one logon though
[01:13] <CHW> except someone put junk in there and they have been using that
[01:14] <CHW> windoze security is an oxymoron
[01:14] <wtay> Erik must have a better way than removing the passwds...
[01:14] <CHW> he has a list
[01:14] <CHW> I've seen it
[01:14] <wtay> this is probably not the first time this happens...
[01:14] <wtay> ok
[01:14] <CHW> i just dunno where
[01:15] BBB-zZz (BBB at ucu-105-116.ucu.uu.nl) got lost in the net-split.
[01:15] ChiefHighwater (paul at temple-baptist.com) got lost in the net-split.
[01:15] <wtay> on the linux server?
[01:15] <CHW> yeah, the ist is on there
[01:15] <CHW> he have it looked up and in the other machine before i can type pico
[01:17] <CHW> you seen that guy type?
[01:17] <CHW> he types faster than he thinks
[01:17] <wtay> yeah
[01:17] <wtay> I type sloooow
[01:17] <wtay> I think even slower...
[01:17] <CHW> I learned to type by playing quake
[01:17] <CHW> type or die
[01:17] <wtay> hehe
[01:18] <CHW> honestly, I did...then I learned binds...ahhh
[01:19] <wtay> shouldn't Erik arrive today?
[01:20] <CHW> yes
[01:20] <CHW> then I get to see the guadec video 8-]
[01:20] <wtay> hehe yeah
[01:20] <CHW> i assume erik showed the video of my office?
[01:20] <wtay> er no
[01:20] <CHW> and our nerf guns?
[01:21] <wtay> damn no
[01:21] <wtay> grrr
[01:21] <CHW> rats..he shot some film to show y'all who I am
[01:21] <CHW> let him mail it to you..it's all digital
[01:21] BBB-zZz (BBB at ucu-105-116.ucu.uu.nl) joined #gstreamer.
[01:21] <wtay> hehe, ouch
[01:21] <wtay> I'll download it from his server... :)
[01:22] <CHW> when he gets home and fixes it
[01:22] <wtay> hmm yeah, it was h4xor3d I heard...
[01:22] <CHW> so was mine @ home
[01:23] <wtay> bad?
[01:23] <CHW> some files changed and we can't change em back
[01:23] <CHW> won't give us access even though we got root
[01:23] <wtay> wow
[01:23] <CHW> yeah, yucky stuff
[01:23] <hadess> rogue chmod prolly
[01:24] <wtay> probably
[01:24] <CHW> i dunno, ask omega...but we'll be rebuilding the whole thing
[01:24] <wtay> or even rogue su
[01:24] <CHW> needed an upgrade to rh7 anyway
[01:25] <CHW> my dsl is dead anyway
[01:25] <CHW> maybe be back up next week
[01:26] <wtay> hmmm
[01:26] <CHW> you heard about that dsl company going bankrupt
[01:26] <hadess> i'm wondering when we'll see uraeus back
[01:26] <wtay> CHW: nope
[01:26] <wtay> verio?
[01:26] <CHW> about 120,000 dsl curcuits...NorthPoint
[01:27] <wtay> oops
[01:27] <CHW> ATT bought the hardware and turned it all off
[01:27] <CHW> no warning or anything
[01:27] <CHW> was on /. for a while
[01:27] <wtay> well...
[01:27] <wtay> that sucks
[01:27] <CHW> yeah, no fun
[01:28] <wtay> got a modem now?
[01:28] <CHW> my ISP put in change orders asap...so I have a relatively short downtime
[01:28] <CHW> i have a modem, but not installed
[01:28] <CHW> i have this dsl at work
[01:28] <wtay> ok
[01:29] <wtay> damn, I want to know what it is you do...
[01:29] <CHW> me?
[01:29] <wtay> yes, I want to see the video
[01:30] <CHW> Coordinator of Musioc and Worship at Temple Baptist Church
[01:30] <CHW> Erik will get it to ya
[01:30] <wtay> ok
[01:30] <CHW> see my messy office
[01:31] <wtay> hehehe
[01:34] <CHW> he might of even caught part of a rehearsal (how scary is that?)
[01:34] <wtay> aha
[01:34] <wtay> that's the part that is a mistery for me...
[01:56] <CHW> time to go home
[01:56] <CHW> ttyl 8-]
[01:56] CHW (paul at temple-baptist.com) left irc: 
[02:00] hadess (hadess at pc213-gui2.cable.ntl.com) left irc: mooooh!
[02:17] hadess (hadess at pc213-gui2.cable.ntl.com) joined #gstreamer.
[02:45] <wtay> I'm off to bed
[02:46] Nick change: wtay -> wtay-sleeping
[02:47] <hadess> cya
[02:52] <rdj> finally... I got gstreamer working in a nautilus viewer
[02:52] Action: rdj is happy now
[02:56] <hadess> rdj, and you have to send it to me =)
[02:59] <rdj> hadess: it doesn't do anything yet except not dumping core :)
[02:59] <hadess> heh
[02:59] <rdj> but it wont take long, I guess tomorrow :)
[02:59] <hadess> wtay has a bonobo component that plays audio, but the video widget doesn't show up
[03:01] Action: rdj used gstplay.h / c from gstmediaplay 
[03:01] <rdj> uses
[03:04] <hadess> gstplay.[ch] dude =)
[03:04] <rdj> ah ok :P
[03:05] <rdj> http://rdj.cg.nu/nautilus-gstreamer.tar.gz
[03:06] <rdj> non functional I repeat :P
[03:06] <hadess> if it doesn't work, i don't want it =)
[03:06] <rdj> but it shows :P
[03:06] <rdj> hehe ok
[03:26] hadess (hadess at pc213-gui2.cable.ntl.com) left irc: sleep
[06:18] chillywilly (baumannd at d111.as13.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gstreamer.
[06:25] Nick change: taaz-away -> taaz
[06:26] <chillywilly> hey taaz
[06:26] <taaz> hey

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