[gst-devel] Daily IRC logs

wim.taymans at chello.be wim.taymans at chello.be
Wed Apr 25 06:28:03 CEST 2001

[08:03] Nick change: taaz -> taazzzz
[08:51] ajmitch (me at p28-max2.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[p28-max2.dun.ihug.co.nz]
[08:52] dobey (dobey at dreadnought.ximian.com) left irc: eh
[09:17] ajmitch (me at p21-max1.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gstreamer.
[12:26] ajmitch (me at p21-max1.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[p21-max1.dun.ihug.co.nz]
[12:27] ajmitch (me at p21-max1.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gstreamer.
[12:34] ajmitch (me at p21-max1.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[p21-max1.dun.ihug.co.nz]
[12:35] ajmitch (me at joined #gstreamer.
[13:30] Nick change: ajmitch -> ajzzzz
[13:34] ajzzzz (me at left irc: Ping timeout for ajzzzz[]
[13:36] ajzzzz (me at p21-max1.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gstreamer.
[15:02] ajzzzz (me at p21-max1.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout for ajzzzz[p21-max1.dun.ihug.co.nz]
[15:41] wtay-sleeping (wim at cable-195-162-214-190.upc.chello.be) left irc: Ping timeout for wtay-sleeping[cable-195-162-214-190.upc.chello.be]
[15:42] wtay-sleeping (wim at cable-195-162-214-190.upc.chello.be) joined #gstreamer.
[18:06] thomas (thomas at 212-100-172-175.adsl.easynet.be) joined #gstreamer.
[18:08] Nick change: wtay-sleeping -> wtay
[18:08] <wtay> yo
[18:09] <matth_> howdy
[18:09] <thomas> hi
[18:11] <wtay> incredible stupidity at work...
[18:13] Nick change: wtay -> wtay-eating
[18:14] <thomas> wtay-eating: us here or your work you mean ?
[18:21] Nick change: taazzzz -> taaz
[18:22] thomas (thomas at 212-100-172-175.adsl.easynet.be) left irc: [x]chat
[18:24] sienap (synap at ipc379c21e.dial.wxs.nl) joined #gstreamer.
[18:24] <sienap> Hej all
[19:02] Nick change: wtay-eating -> wtay
[19:03] <wtay> yo
[19:04] <sienap> hej wtay!
[19:09] <wtay> we have a bunch of stupid people at my work here that are sabotaging our servers...
[19:12] ChiefHighwater (paul at temple-baptist.com) joined #gstreamer.
[19:12] hadess (hadess at pc121-gui14.cable.ntl.com) joined #gstreamer.
[19:13] <wtay> hello
[19:13] <hadess> yo
[19:13] <ChiefHighwater> Ello
[19:14] <hadess> i was thinking... would it be possible to have the g-force plugin to be a sink that does the video by itself ?
[19:14] <sienap> wtay huh ?
[19:14] <sienap> hadess why not just let it send it's data to the videosink ?
[19:15] <hadess> because wtay looked at it, and said it was not really possible with the current g-force code
[19:16] <wtay> well it's possible but not straightforward..
[19:16] <hadess> would you do it for 256 megs of ram <g>
[19:17] Action: hadess runs
[19:17] <wtay> hadess: no :-)
[19:17] <hadess> doh!
[19:18] <wtay> which doesn't mean I wouldn't do it...
[19:18] <wtay> It has to be something to have fun with, that's all
[19:50] steveb (steveb at node1ee31.a2000.nl) joined #gstreamer.
[19:51] Kasei (greg at joined #gstreamer.
[19:52] <Kasei> anyone awake?
[19:52] <ChiefHighwater> 8-]
[19:54] <Kasei> i just picked up gst today, and am having a tough time tracking down the meaning/cause of error messages...
[19:55] <ChiefHighwater> well, I'm not much help for those, but you did come to the right place
[19:55] <ChiefHighwater> wtay: you wander off?
[19:56] <Kasei> hmmmm... anyone else here? :)
[19:56] <ChiefHighwater> hehe
[19:56] <ChiefHighwater> there were 30 mins ago
[19:56] <Kasei> doh!
[19:56] <ChiefHighwater> they should be here shortly
[19:56] <ChiefHighwater> they arent usually gone very long
[19:57] <Kasei> cool...
[19:58] <Kasei> the tutorial/documentation is helpful, but it's fairly terse... and i was trying something that went slightly beyond the scope of the documentation.
[19:59] <ChiefHighwater> hehe, we do a lot of that ....beyond the scope stuff
[19:59] <ChiefHighwater> we're always struggling to get the odcs up to speed
[19:59] <ChiefHighwater> s /odcs/docs
[20:00] <Kasei> yeah, i can relate (to lagging behind on documentation)
[20:00] <ChiefHighwater> what are you looking to do?
[20:00] <Kasei> to start with, i was trying to build an avi->mpeg converter
[20:01] <ChiefHighwater> ok...I'd try to touch base with wtay
[20:01] <ChiefHighwater> he might have one done already
[20:02] <Kasei> ;)
[20:02] <ChiefHighwater> He's in Belgium, so he might be eating dinner
[20:02] <ChiefHighwater> btw, where are you from?  I'm in Portland, Oregon
[20:03] Action: wtay was distracted
[20:03] <Kasei> i'm currently near boston (though I consider santa monica home)
[20:03] <ChiefHighwater> ahha
[20:03] <sienap> wtay maYam asked for attention ?
[20:04] <ChiefHighwater> now theres two costal towns that are totally opposite
[20:04] <ChiefHighwater> coastal
[20:04] <wtay> sienap: snooker in TV
[20:04] <wtay> s/in/on
[20:04] <sienap> he ic :)
[20:04] <sienap> turn around it huh >:)
[20:04] <ChiefHighwater> so, Wim, you mind offering Kasei some help, istead of just shooting the breeze like me
[20:05] <wtay> sienap: I broke my TV extension cable to my BTTV card :(
[20:05] <wtay> ChiefHighwater: go ahead :-)
[20:05] <sienap> wtay =]
[20:05] <wtay> err Kasei: go ahead
[20:05] <ChiefHighwater> Kasei had some install issues
[20:06] <Kasei> sorry... phone call...
[20:06] <Kasei> err... not so much install issues, as learing gstreamer issues ;)
[20:07] <wtay> ok
[20:07] <Kasei> i worked through the examples in the docs with no troubles, but when i tried to step beyond that (doing an avi->mpeg converter), things started to break...
[20:07] <wtay> Kasei: I can imagine...
[20:07] <Kasei> <g>
[20:08] <wtay> Kasei: did you take a look at avi2mpg?
[20:08] <Kasei> ummm... where would that be?
[20:08] <wtay> test/avi2mpg
[20:08] <wtay> .c
[20:08] <Kasei> ah, i would have never thought of looking there ;)
[20:08] <wtay> takes an avi file and outputs mpeg1 system streams
[20:09] <wtay> doesn't work anymore :(
[20:09] <wtay> it used to work though
[20:09] <Kasei> oh... is it a known problem? rather, will I be able to make a working converter?
[20:12] wtay (wim at cable-195-162-214-190.upc.chello.be) got netsplit.
[20:12] taaz (dlehn at got netsplit.
[20:12] omega_rr (omega at qwest.dsplinux.net) got netsplit.
[20:12] <Kasei> doh!
[20:13] <ChiefHighwater> arg..another netsplit
[20:13] <ChiefHighwater> they'll be right back
[20:14] wtay (wim at joined #gstreamer.
[20:14] #gstreamer: mode change '+o wtay' by ChanServ!s at ChanServ
[20:14] <wtay> hmm
[20:14] #gstreamer: mode change '-o wtay' by wtay!wim at
[20:15] <ChiefHighwater> have a nice trip?
[20:15] <wtay> reading _gst_newt_ log :-)
[20:15] <wtay> I didn't miss anything
[20:15] <wtay> anyway, video2mp1 works 
[20:15] <wtay> but not for avi DivX
[20:16] <wtay> what avi input codec will you use?
[20:16] <Kasei> eh? the win dlls, i would guess...
[20:16] <Kasei> is that what doesn't work?
[20:17] <wtay> color conversion
[20:17] <wtay> but it is related to caps negotiation...
[20:18] <wtay> we really should wrap avifile first...
[20:20] Kasei (greg at left irc: Leaving
[20:20] Kasei (greg at joined #gstreamer.
[20:21] <Kasei> sorry about that... my client frieked out...
[20:21] <Kasei> what was that about the avi stuff not working?
[20:22] <wtay> the avi decoders currently output YUY2
[20:22] <wtay> the mpeg2encoder accepts only I420
[20:23] taaz (dlehn at got lost in the net-split.
[20:23] omega_rr (omega at qwest.dsplinux.net) got lost in the net-split.
[20:23] <wtay> there is no conversion algorithm implemented for those two colorspaces... but...
[20:23] <Kasei> oh... i see. and the mpeg1 encoder is the same?
[20:23] <wtay> there are serious problems (as in unimplmented) to get the conversion working properly
[20:24] <wtay> what do you mean 'the same'?
[20:24] <Kasei> same problem?
[20:24] <wtay> it something outputs the same format as the mpeg2encoder, it'll work (mjpeg for example)
[20:25] <wtay> also mpeg2 to mpeg1 works, as does mpeg1 to mpeg1..
[20:26] <wtay> also, the quality of the avi decoder isn't that high..
[20:26] <Kasei> hmmm... ok.
[20:27] <Kasei> that'll save me some time then ;)
[20:28] <wtay> if you want something quick, just implement the colorspace conversion (easy) and for the colorspace converter into those formats
[20:28] <wtay> s/for/foce
[20:29] <Kasei> i'm afraid i don't know enough to even start something like that.
[20:30] <wtay> ok
[20:38] Nick change: wtay -> wtay-away
[20:40] Kasei (greg at left irc: If you're fighting to live, It's ok to die!
[20:51] omega_rr (omega at joined #gstreamer.
[20:52] <ChiefHighwater> ello
[20:52] <omega_rr> yo
[20:54] <hadess> yo
[21:00] sienap (synap at ipc379c21e.dial.wxs.nl) left irc: sienap has no reason
[21:08] Nick change: wtay-away -> wtay-distracted
[21:08] <wtay-distracted> yo
[21:08] taaz (dlehn at joined #gstreamer.
[21:09] taaz (dlehn at left irc: Reconnecting
[21:09] taaz (dlehn at joined #gstreamer.
[21:10] ChiefHighwater (paul at temple-baptist.com) left irc: Read error to ChiefHighwater[temple-baptist.com]: Connection reset by peer
[21:23] <omega_rr> wtay-distracted: having issues with nego in incsched1
[21:23] <omega_rr> maybe I should do another upwards merge into INCSCHED1
[21:25] <wtay-distracted> what is wrong?
[21:25] Nick change: wtay-distracted -> wtay
[21:27] <omega_rr> I connect mad->osssink to mpeg1parse and get noise
[21:28] <omega_rr> it's setting it to mono, everything else seems ok, but I can tell from the sound that it's not
[21:28] Action: omega_rr will be right back with lunch
[21:32] Nick change: omega_rr -> omega_lunch
[21:45] richardb (richard at ixion.tartarus.org) joined #gstreamer.
[21:45] <richardb> Evening all.
[21:46] <wtay> hello
[21:46] <richardb> I see Erik's reading the automake mailing list still... :)
[21:46] <wtay> heh
[21:46] <richardb> A similar patch for automake 1.4 is trivial, BTW.
[21:46] ChiefHighwater (paul at joined #gstreamer.
[21:48] <wtay> ello 8-]
[21:52] <ChiefHighwater> hehe
[21:54] Nick change: wtay -> wtay-distracted
[22:21] ajmitch (me at p13-max4.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gstreamer.
[22:21] <ChiefHighwater> ello
[22:22] <ajmitch> hi
[22:41] ajmitch_ (me at joined #gstreamer.
[22:41] ajmitch (me at p13-max4.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[p13-max4.dun.ihug.co.nz]
[22:42] Nick change: ajmitch_ -> ajmitch
[22:42] <ajmitch> damn isp ;)
[22:52] <ChiefHighwater> at least yours didn't go bankrupt 8-[
[22:54] <ajmitch> could be soon...
[22:55] <ChiefHighwater> 8-[
[23:02] steveb (steveb at node1ee31.a2000.nl) left irc: [x]chat
[00:00] --- Wed Apr 25 2001
[00:03] matth_ (matth at qwest.dsplinux.net) left irc: Ping timeout for matth_[qwest.dsplinux.net]
[00:29] Nick change: wtay-distracted -> wtay-sleeping
[00:39] <ChiefHighwater> that's some lunch omega_lunch 8-]
[00:41] <ajmitch> hehe
[00:42] omega_lunch (omega at left irc: Ping timeout for omega_lunch[]
[01:05] hadess (hadess at pc121-gui14.cable.ntl.com) left irc: mooooh!
[01:13] _gst_newt_ joined #gstreamer.
[01:24] ChiefHighwater (paul at left irc: 
[01:27] <ajmitch> http://www.thinkgeek.com/stuff/dotcom/whent.html
[01:44] omega_lunch (omega at joined #gstreamer.
[01:44] Nick change: omega_lunch -> omega_
[01:45] <ajmitch> heh, hi omega_
[01:49] <omega_> yo
[01:50] <ajmitch> what's up?
[01:51] <omega_> incsched1
[01:52] <ajmitch> still? :(
[02:00] <omega_> yeah, this week it'll be "finished"
[02:00] <ajmitch> hehe, k
[02:05] <taaz> you know... the next release is going to have a massive changelog...
[02:05] <omega_> yu
[02:05] <omega_> er, yup
[02:05] <ajmitch> taaz: the next release will have working debian build rules?
[02:05] <omega_> taaz: yeah, will it?
[02:05] <taaz> blah..
[02:06] <taaz> hey, it kinda works now ;)
[02:06] <ajmitch> ;)
[02:06] <taaz> i've got to add mad and aa and some other plugins
[02:06] <omega_> yeah
[02:07] <taaz> wont take long.. just haven't done it yet
[02:07] <taaz> still have some other issues with lintian that i still havent dealt with
[02:07] <taaz> give me a little heads up time before next release to clean it all up ;)
[02:08] <omega_> mu
[02:08] <omega_> aasink is *cool*!
[02:09] Action: richardb has only just got a version compiled since wim added that.
[02:09] Action: richardb dislikes automake
[02:12] <omega_> taaz: head up!
[02:12] matth_ (matth at qwest.dsplinux.net) joined #gstreamer.
[02:12] <omega_> erm, matth isn't here
[02:13] <omega_> anyone have luck with v4lsrc ?
[02:26] <taaz> head up what?
[02:26] <taaz> wait... don't answer that
[02:26] <omega_> er, heads up
[02:26] <omega_> um
[02:27] Action: omega_ doesn't type well at an angle (desktop running xchat is to my right)
[02:30] <taaz> does gst mind waiting for potentially long periods of time for an element to process some data?
[02:32] <taaz> i'm just thinking about doing something entertaining with this reconfigurable hardware next to me
[02:32] <omega_> no, it doesn't
[02:32] <taaz> but its going to be kinda odd... processing data is going to require some time and the host has to poll the board to know when its done doing its thing
[02:32] <omega_> port gforce to hardware?  I think he'd give you 1GB of pc2100 for that <g>
[02:34] <taaz> heh.. this is really custom prototype hardware that i doubt would move out of this lab ;)
[02:36] <taaz> someone still needs to make an EffecTV plugin plugin. that thing is nifty
[02:36] <omega_> so? if it outputs video to a pad, just compress it and send it over the wire to hadess's machine
[02:36] Action: omega_ will go download effectv right now
[02:37] <taaz> my usb web cam crashes linux so i've only tried it on tv card signals... still neat
[02:37] <omega_> as you can see from -devel, gstreamer oops my machine with an ov511 ;-(
[02:39] <taaz> well... in theory you shouldn't be able to oops the machine from a user app
[02:39] <omega_> in theory
[02:40] <taaz> hmmmm.... i could do gforce like things on this hardware.  push in some audio, read back a video frame.  hmm
[02:40] <omega_> oooh
[02:41] <taaz> i better not... this won't help me get my thesis done ;)
[02:43] <taaz> someone needs to write a v4l vcr with gstreamer.  i could use that right now ;)  login to home, tell it to record a show coming up in 10 mins...  
[02:43] <ajmitch> hehe
[02:43] <omega_> yeah
[02:43] <omega_> not too far off
[02:43] <taaz> that's a wizz-bang-wow app to get people to use this stuff
[02:43] <taaz> probably not hard either
[02:43] <ajmitch> or a web-controlled one
[02:44] <ajmitch> hmm, my neighbour (person in room next door), has a tv card (mandrake 7.2 detected it and loaded drivers)
[02:44] <ajmitch> maybe i could use her computer for some fun experiments ;)
[02:44] <ajmitch> build some hideous apps...
[02:45] <omega_> linux?
[02:45] <omega_> oh, right, mandrake
[02:45] <ajmitch> yep
[02:46] <ajmitch> had winmodem problems in win98, so installed linux and the ltmodem drivers ;)
[02:47] <omega_> ah
[02:50] <omega_> g-force doesn't build
[02:54] Nick change: omega_ -> omega_dinner
[02:54] Action: omega_dinner will be back tomorrow
[02:54] <ajmitch> bye
[03:22] <richardb> quit
[03:22] richardb (richard at ixion.tartarus.org) left irc: Connection reset by beer
[03:37] Nick change: ajmitch -> aj_uni
[04:07] aj_uni (me at left irc: Ping timeout for aj_uni[]
[04:33] aj_uni (me at p9-max11.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gstreamer.
[05:46] chillywilly (baumannd at joined #gstreamer.

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