[gst-devel] Daily IRC logs
wim.taymans at chello.be
wim.taymans at chello.be
Thu Apr 26 06:27:44 CEST 2001
[06:35] taaz (dlehn at left irc: Ping timeout for taaz[]
[06:35] taaz (dlehn at joined #gstreamer.
[07:45] Nick change: aj_uni -> ajmitch
[07:59] chillywilly (baumannd at left irc: Ping timeout for chillywilly[]
[09:06] Nick change: ajmitch -> ajbusy
[09:33] ajbusy (me at p9-max11.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout for ajbusy[p9-max11.dun.ihug.co.nz]
[10:38] ajmitch (me at p56-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gstreamer.
[10:50] ajmitch (me at p56-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[p56-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz]
[10:56] ajmitch (me at p56-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gstreamer.
[11:46] ajmitch (me at p56-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[p56-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz]
[11:48] ajmitch (me at joined #gstreamer.
[12:25] ajmitch (me at left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[]
[12:30] ajmitch (me at p56-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gstreamer.
[15:39] iGN_ (ign at login1.simplemente.net) got netsplit.
[15:39] taaz (dlehn at got netsplit.
[15:39] Gandalf_ (gandalf at tux.rsn.bth.se) got netsplit.
[15:39] omega_dinner (omega at got netsplit.
[15:39] wtay-sleeping (wim at got netsplit.
[15:48] Gandalf_ (gandalf at tux.rsn.bth.se) returned to #gstreamer.
[15:48] iGN_ (ign at login1.simplemente.net) returned to #gstreamer.
[15:48] taaz (dlehn at returned to #gstreamer.
[15:48] omega_dinner (omega at qwest.dsplinux.net) joined #gstreamer.
[15:50] wtay-sleeping (wim at got lost in the net-split.
[16:04] wtay-sleeping (wim at joined #gstreamer.
[17:08] Uraeus (cschalle at c224s9h5.upc.chello.no) joined #gstreamer.
[17:08] <Uraeus> hi
[17:12] Uraeus (cschalle at c224s9h5.upc.chello.no) left irc: syntax error - user imploded
[17:13] Uraeus (cschalle at c224s9h5.upc.chello.no) joined #gstreamer.
[17:42] <matth_> Uraeus: hi (i'm not paying that much attention -- as usual ;-)
[17:42] <Uraeus> hi matth_
[17:43] <matth_> i'm going through the INCSCHED branch double checking synchronization / scheduling... it's fun
[17:43] <matth_> ;-)
[17:45] <Uraeus> matth_: getting close to merging into into the main branch?
[17:51] <Uraeus> s/into into/it into/
[18:03] <matth_> yeah... still need to review autoplugger to make sure incremental scheduling hasn't broken it
[18:03] <matth_> autoplugger and incsched overlap a bit
[18:15] <Uraeus> matth_: could you please explain to me exactly what insched do (non techie terms)
[18:18] Nick change: wtay-sleeping -> wtay
[18:18] <wtay> hello
[18:18] omega_dinner (omega at qwest.dsplinux.net) left irc: Ping timeout for omega_dinner[qwest.dsplinux.net]
[18:19] <wtay> Uraeus: care if I give incsched1 explanation a try?
[18:19] <wtay> oops, gotta eat...
[18:20] Nick change: wtay -> wtay-eating
[18:20] <Uraeus> wtay: of course not please do
[18:20] <Uraeus> :)
[18:28] ajmitch (me at p56-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[p56-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz]
[18:31] ajmitch (me at joined #gstreamer.
[18:48] omega_dinner (omega at qwest.dsplinux.net) joined #gstreamer.
[18:48] <Uraeus> hi omega_dinner
[18:48] Nick change: omega_dinner -> omega_rr
[18:48] <omega_rr> yo
[18:51] <Uraeus> omega_rr: I need a nice GStreamer news item to put in the GNOME summary
[18:52] <omega_rr> GStreamer has initial support for:
[18:52] <omega_rr> aRts plugins inside gstreamer
[18:52] <omega_rr> 1394 with DV decoding via libdv
[18:53] <Uraeus> ok, aRts stuff I get, 1394 tells me nothing, what is that?
[18:54] <omega_rr> firewire
[18:54] <taaz> GStreamer adds support for breakthough new display technology enabled by the advanced AA-lib library.
[18:54] <omega_rr> consumer DV camcorders output DV via firewire
[18:54] <omega_rr> hehehehe
[18:55] <omega_rr> on a fast enough machine, you can use gstreamer to watch full-rez DV live from your camcorder
[18:55] <omega_rr> fast enough =~ 1GHz, because of the decoder
[18:57] <Uraeus> taaz: we have a aa output plugin now?
[18:57] <omega_rr> Uraeus: that enough news for you? <g>
[18:57] <Uraeus> yup
[18:57] <omega_rr> Uraeus: yup
[18:57] <Uraeus> omega_rr: ok, who wrote these 3 modules
[18:58] <omega_rr> Stefan and I wrote the aRts wrapper
[18:58] <omega_rr> I wrote the 1394src
[18:58] Nick change: wtay-eating -> wtay
[18:58] <omega_rr> Buck Krasic and I wrote the dvdec (krasic is libdv co-author with myself, and current maintainer of libdv)
[18:58] <wtay> hi again
[18:58] <omega_rr> wtay wrote aasink
[18:58] <wtay> doh!
[18:58] <Uraeus> wtay: thanks :)
[18:58] Action: omega_rr points the finger at wtay, accusingly
[18:59] Action: wtay switches back to 80x25 text mode...
[18:59] <omega_rr> does aalib have the option of outputting to the current tty?
[18:59] <wtay> yup
[18:59] <wtay> stdout or slang
[18:59] <omega_rr> cause it always creates a terminal under X right now
[19:00] <wtay> gstreamer-inspect shows the options
[19:00] <wtay> driver=3 or something
[19:00] <omega_rr> ok
[19:00] <omega_rr> will it then scale to whatever ROWS/COLS are?
[19:01] <wtay> yes
[19:01] <omega_rr> ok
[19:01] <omega_rr> Uraeus: want screenshots? ,g>
[19:01] <wtay> works pretty well here
[19:01] <wtay> omega_rr: send it as a text file :-)
[19:01] <Uraeus> omega_rr: well, if you put some on a website I can link to them
[19:02] <omega_rr> wtay: ...
[19:02] <wtay> btw, I managed to get DV->mpeg1 encoding done...
[19:02] <omega_rr> ooooohh
[19:02] <wtay> humm..
[19:02] <omega_rr> how?
[19:02] <omega_rr> -launch ?
[19:02] <omega_rr> did you encode pond.dv?
[19:02] <wtay> omega_rr: nope, a little app, and a simple YUY2 to I420 converter
[19:02] <wtay> yup
[19:03] <omega_rr> ah
[19:03] <wtay> bad quality IMO...
[19:03] <omega_rr> well, there are no args for mpeg1encoder, so that doesn't surprise me
[19:03] <wtay> 10MB...
[19:03] <omega_rr> put it in gstreamer.net/media/pond.mpg
[19:03] <wtay> ok
[19:05] <wtay> hmm, 5MB, sorry
[19:06] <omega_rr> that would kinda explain it
[19:06] <omega_rr> 100:1 compress with mpeg1
[19:06] <wtay> I scaldd it down too
[19:06] <omega_rr> ok
[19:06] <wtay> 352x288
[19:06] <wtay> framerate is at 25fps, which is wrong I think
[19:06] <omega_rr> yeah, it's 29.97
[19:07] <wtay> ok
[19:07] <wtay> I used nearest neighbour scaling so I think some improvements are still possible...
[19:08] <wtay> where should I put a aalib screenshot?
[19:09] <Uraeus> on www.gstreamer.net?
[19:09] <omega_rr> in /media/
[19:09] <wtay> also, ok
[19:10] <omega_rr> everyone see top story on /. ?
[19:11] Action: wtay points his browser to slashdot..
[19:11] <omega_rr> I'd be very tempted to build a box that does all that
[19:11] <wtay> yes
[19:11] <wtay> doesn't rr have a handle the needed hardware ?
[19:11] <omega_rr> huh?
[19:12] <wtay> well, you have to build cheap boxes...
[19:12] ChiefHighwater (paul at temple-baptist.com) joined #gstreamer.
[19:12] <omega_rr> yo
[19:12] Action: wtay can't read the article because the upload hosed his connection...
[19:12] <ChiefHighwater> Ello
[19:12] <wtay> hi
[19:13] <wtay> http://gstreamer.net/media/aalib.jpg
[19:13] <omega_rr> wtay: any clue about that oops?
[19:13] <wtay> no idea at all
[19:14] Action: omega_rr goes over to matth's computer
[19:15] <wtay> hmm, need to rename pond.dv to pond.mpg..
[19:15] <Uraeus> AAAARGGHHH, I hate hackers turned webmasters
[19:16] <wtay> http://gstreamer.net/media/pond.mpg
[19:17] <ChiefHighwater> ooo forbidden. that was fun
[19:17] <Uraeus> writing the GNOME summaries is a little science in itself, seems like someone thought using SGML and lots of perl scripts was the good way to go
[19:18] <Uraeus> AAAAARGH
[19:18] <wtay> hmm, sec..
[19:19] <wtay> fixed
[19:19] <ChiefHighwater> txs 8-]
[19:20] <ChiefHighwater> ooo 68K/sec
[19:20] <wtay> will try to get better quality now...
[19:20] <ChiefHighwater> this is good considering we only pay for 32
[19:20] <wtay> heh
[19:22] hadess (hadess at pc121-gui14.cable.ntl.com) joined #gstreamer.
[19:22] <wtay> hi
[19:23] <hadess> hi wtay
[19:23] Cactus (cactus at port066.bp1.telnet.hu) joined #gstreamer.
[19:23] <Cactus> hi
[19:23] <ChiefHighwater> ello
[19:23] steveb (steveb at node1ee03.a2000.nl) joined #gstreamer.
[19:23] <Cactus> wtay?
[19:23] <wtay> yup
[19:23] <ChiefHighwater> ello 8-]
[19:23] <steveb> hi all
[19:23] Nick change: wtay -> wtay_hello_mode
[19:23] <Cactus> wtay: hi, I just tought I'd drop by because I haven't been here lately
[19:23] Nick change: wtay_hello_mode -> wtay
[19:23] <hadess> hey Cactus
[19:24] <wtay> Cactus: cool
[19:24] <hadess> steveb, ChiefHighwater
[19:24] <Cactus> wtay: I'll migrate bonobo-media over to the new GOB release (which means very nice IDL bindigs)
[19:24] <Cactus> I hope to allocate time for that tomorrow-ish
[19:24] <wtay> Cactus: as you probably know, I still can't manage to get a button shown
[19:24] <Cactus> wtay: oh can't you
[19:25] <wtay> nope :(
[19:25] <Cactus> wtay: Can you send me the buttonshowing stream provider without any actual gstreamer code?
[19:25] <wtay> Cactus: ok, I'll try to do that, like a minimal app...
[19:25] <Cactus> there has to be a reason for it not to work
[19:26] <Cactus> yes, reduce it to the smallest program that still produces the bug
[19:26] steveb (steveb at node1ee03.a2000.nl) left irc: Read error to steveb[node1ee03.a2000.nl]: EOF from client
[19:29] <ChiefHighwater> whoops, I changed something on this windoze box...gotta reboot. brb
[19:29] ChiefHighwater (paul at temple-baptist.com) left irc:
[19:29] omega_rr (omega at qwest.dsplinux.net) left irc: Ping timeout for omega_rr[qwest.dsplinux.net]
[19:30] <Cactus> could someone recommend me a non-sucky (from Europe) GNOME iRC server? irc.de.gimp.org doesn't like me
[19:30] <hadess> Cactus: irc.gimp.org works fine for me
[19:30] <Cactus> well, I admint that I've never bought it flowers or anything so why should it like me...
[19:32] ChiefHighwater (paul at temple-baptist.com) joined #gstreamer.
[19:40] <Uraeus> cactus, wtay: is the bonobo-media stuff ready?
[19:40] <wtay> Uraeus: nope
[19:40] <Cactus> for small values of `ready'
[19:40] <Uraeus> wtay: in other words I shouldn't put in in the summary?
[19:41] <wtay> Uraeus: no, not yet. You can mention that we are working on it and that audio plays well
[19:41] <Cactus> Uraeus: Are you doing the GNOME SUmmaries?
[19:41] <Uraeus> Cactus: yes
[19:41] <Cactus> Uraeus: dooooood
[19:41] <Cactus> Uraeus: great job
[19:41] <Uraeus> Cactus: actually, I do them every other week
[19:42] <Uraeus> Cactus: steve George do them the others
[19:42] <Cactus> you could mention that it (gstreamer/bonobo-media) is happening
[19:42] <Uraeus> ok
[19:42] <wtay> Cactus: ok, I have something small that doesn't work
[19:42] <Cactus> sounds great:)
[19:42] <wtay> well :-)
[19:43] omega_rr (omega at qwest.dsplinux.net) joined #gstreamer.
[19:44] <wtay> Cactus: gstreamer.net/gstreamer-stream-provider.tgz
[19:45] <Cactus> wtay: 'k
[19:45] <hadess> hi Uraeus
[19:45] <Cactus> wtay: I'll check it out later today
[19:45] Nick change: Cactus -> CacTVs
[19:45] <hadess> Uraeus: i was ready to mail steve george who stole your job =)
[19:45] <Uraeus> hi hadess :)
[19:46] <hadess> Uraeus: read my interview ?
[19:46] <Uraeus> hadess: actually Havoc offered it to him first
[19:46] <Uraeus> hadess: yup, very nice
[19:46] <hadess> Uraeus: oh, ok, but... who is he ?
[19:46] <Uraeus> hadess: but since he took so long Havoc gave up and asked me
[19:47] <Uraeus> hadess: don't really know
[19:47] <hadess> hah
[19:47] <Uraeus> hadess: so I and he will now take turns on the summaries
[19:47] <hadess> http://www.go2mac.com/displaynews.cfm?newsid=7900 <- the mean one will be my new laptop
[19:47] <wtay> bilinear filtering is also bad... trying stupid averaging now...
[19:50] <wtay> hmm, not that good either... oh well Andrew Stevens is going to port his mpeg encoder RSN
[19:50] <hadess> wtay: heh
[19:51] <omega_rr> to gstreamer>
[19:51] <omega_rr> ?
[19:52] <wtay> yup, seen the mail I forwarded?
[19:52] <wtay> I got a very positive reply
[19:52] <omega_rr> checking
[19:53] <omega_rr> um, when, subject?
[19:53] <wtay> make a libmpeg2enc
[19:53] <wtay> I forwarded his reply
[19:53] <wtay> too
[19:53] <omega_rr> just now?
[19:53] <wtay> yup, the reply that is
[19:53] <omega_rr> wow
[19:54] <wtay> his mpeg2encoder looks really cool
[19:54] <Uraeus> hadess: any Gunghoo news for the summaries?
[19:54] <omega_rr> and he's got a good encoder?
[19:54] <hadess> Uraeus: not yet, but i'll sure tell you =)
[19:54] <wtay> omega_rr: the best you can find
[19:54] <omega_rr> wow
[19:54] <wtay> for linux that is
[19:55] <omega_rr> I wonder if he'd be up to libcodecification as well <g>
[19:55] <wtay> omega_rr: you can ask :-)
[19:55] <omega_rr> since that would make cross-arch optimization much easier
[19:55] <omega_rr> where do you find his source?
[19:55] <wtay> mjpeg_play on sf
[19:55] <omega_rr> mjpeg_play ???
[19:55] <wtay> it's part of the lav tools
[19:56] <omega_rr> ah, ok
[19:57] <wtay> he uses a subsampled data to do the motion search, which is about 5 times faster than a brute force search
[19:58] <omega_rr> hmmm, does he then go on to refine the search based on N best matches at subsampled?
[19:58] <wtay> yes
[19:59] <omega_rr> ok
[19:59] <wtay> there still is an interesting TODO list, like detecting scene changes etc...
[20:00] <omega_rr> ah, which IMO should be a separate plugin
[20:01] <wtay> true
[20:02] <wtay> commercial encoders also intelligently select different f-codes
[20:06] <omega_rr> wtay: any chance this Andrew Stevens knows the Philips guy we met at GUADEC? <g>
[20:08] <Uraeus> you guys remember the stuff Jim Gettys talked about in regard to Soundservers and video syncing?
[20:08] <omega_rr> yes
[20:08] <omega_rr> XSynbc
[20:08] <Uraeus> even if you don't he mentioned some kernel stuff which needed doing in order to solve it
[20:08] <omega_rr> er, XSync
[20:09] <omega_rr> yes
[20:09] <Uraeus> it seems he managed to get Alan Cox to hack on that
[20:09] <omega_rr> he didn't go into any detail on that though
[20:09] <omega_rr> oh?
[20:09] <omega_rr> where do I read more?
[20:09] <Uraeus> I saw Alan mention it in his diary
[20:09] <Uraeus> http://www.linux.org.uk
[20:10] <omega_rr> as per his diary, we need to inform him of gstreamer
[20:10] <omega_rr> he's writing 'toys to convert formats'
[20:10] <omega_rr> bad Alan
[20:10] <omega_rr> er, as per Telsa's diary
[20:11] <Uraeus> omega_rr: april 7th
[20:19] Nick change: wtay -> wtay-away
[20:25] matth_ (matth at qwest.dsplinux.net) left irc: Ping timeout for matth_[qwest.dsplinux.net]
[20:25] matth_ (matth at joined #gstreamer.
[20:35] Nick change: ajmitch -> ajbusy
[21:00] Nick change: Uraeus -> Ura_away
[21:02] Nick change: wtay-away -> wtay
[21:11] Nick change: hadess -> hds-busy
[21:12] <omega_rr> ok, I emailed Andrew about libcodec
[21:14] <wtay> cool
[21:14] <omega_rr> he's got a lot of stuff in here already, we can abstract the API and move it into libcodec if he agrees
[21:14] <omega_rr> sounds like he's open to this kind of stuff, which is good
[21:15] <wtay> yes, he is..
[21:17] <wtay> the problem is that the input format for the current mpeg2enc encoder is...well.. kinda odd
[21:17] <wtay> I haven't been able to test it yet
[21:17] <omega_rr> we can fix that
[21:25] omega_rr (omega at qwest.dsplinux.net) left irc: Ping timeout for omega_rr[qwest.dsplinux.net]
[21:34] steveb (steveb at node1ee03.a2000.nl) joined #gstreamer.
[21:37] steveb (steveb at node1ee03.a2000.nl) left irc: Ping timeout for steveb[node1ee03.a2000.nl]
[21:38] steveb (steveb at joined #gstreamer.
[21:41] Nick change: CacTVs -> Cactus
[21:41] <Cactus> hi
[21:42] <wtay> 'lo
[21:43] Action: Cactus compiles the gstreamer stream provider test thing
[21:44] <wtay> Cactus: it should show a button and don't do anything else...
[21:48] omega_rr (omega at qwest.dsplinux.net) joined #gstreamer.
[21:48] <Cactus> wtay: OK lemme check
[21:48] <omega_rr> this link is still not very good
[21:49] Action: wtay is cvs updating the INCSCHED1 branch
[21:50] maYam (mayam at cable-195-162-214-190.upc.chello.be) joined #gstreamer.
[21:50] <wtay> yo
[21:50] <maYam> heyhey
[21:54] <Cactus> wtay: your button is supposed to say `test', right?
[21:56] <wtay> yes
[21:58] <Cactus> wtay: OK here's what I think you should do
[21:58] <Cactus> update to the latest bonobo-media in CVS
[21:58] <wtay> ah
[21:58] <wtay> ok
[21:58] <wtay> where's that?
[21:58] <Cactus> clean up your constructor to be simply
[21:58] <Cactus> public Bonobo:Media:GStreamervideo* new (GtkWidget *play)
[21:58] <Cactus> {
[21:58] <Cactus> Self *self;
[21:58] <Cactus>
[21:58] <Cactus> self = GET_NEW;
[21:58] <Cactus> self->_priv->play = play;
[21:58] <Cactus>
[21:58] <Cactus> return self;
[21:58] <Cactus> }
[21:59] <Cactus> }
[21:59] <wtay> ok
[21:59] <wtay> is that from the gnome cvs?
[21:59] <Cactus> where is what?
[21:59] <Cactus> yes
[21:59] <Cactus> I will clean up the media-player thing (it is a big mess in my local copy ATM) and make a 0.2 release
[21:59] <Cactus> well
[21:59] <Cactus> someday-ish :)
[22:00] <Cactus> use CVS for now
[22:01] Action: wtay is looking up how to get something out of GNOME cvs..
[22:02] <Cactus> wtay: do you have a GNOME CVS account?
[22:02] <Cactus> you should have
[22:02] <Cactus> the anonymous CVS mirrors are sometimes horribly out of sync
[22:02] <wtay> anonymous
[22:02] <wtay> oh
[22:02] <Cactus> but give it a try:)
[22:02] <wtay> export CVSROOT=':pserver:anonymous at anoncvs.gnome.org:/cvs/gnome'?
[22:03] <Cactus> yup
[22:03] holger_ (holger at Q.convergence.de) joined #gstreamer.
[22:03] <wtay> ok, I'll copy the gst code in the cvs checkout version now
[22:03] holger_ (holger at Q.convergence.de) left irc: Client Exiting
[22:08] <wtay> Cactus: I have to do a full gstreamer compile...
[22:08] <Cactus> don't tell me it's because of bonobo-media :O
[22:08] <wtay> nope :-)
[22:10] <wtay> this will take a while...
[22:16] <omega_rr> wtay has a 1GHz Athlon, it won't take that long...
[22:17] <Cactus> OK bye for now
[22:17] <Cactus> wtay: I'll check the iRC logs to see if you've succeeded:)
[22:17] Cactus (cactus at port066.bp1.telnet.hu) left irc: Tank, I need an exit
[22:20] Ow3n (owen at ti34a80-0313.bb.online.no) joined #gstreamer.
[22:20] <wtay> yo
[22:20] <Ow3n> yo
[22:20] <omega_rr> yo
[22:20] <omega_rr> ;-)
[22:20] <Ow3n> we should add yo to the GstIrcLogScan patterns
[22:21] <omega_rr> um
[22:21] <Ow3n> That reminds me...
[22:21] <Ow3n> I havn't done the multiple line stuff yet...
[22:21] <omega_rr> ah
[22:21] <Ow3n> I'll do that now.
[22:22] <omega_rr> and modify the wiki contents to look more like an irc session
[22:22] <Ow3n> Yes. Do we need lines _after_ the pattern too?
[22:23] Action: Ow3n thinks we do but is hoping everyone will say don't bother because it's more hassle
[22:23] <Ow3n> :)
[22:23] <omega_rr> yeah, I think we do
[22:23] <omega_rr> hrm, and your line above will trigger the pattern <g>
[22:23] <Ow3n> <g>
[22:24] <wtay> hehe
[22:27] <Ow3n> Hmmm. Kind of working blind here. gstreamer.net is down :(
[22:27] <omega_rr> it is?
[22:27] <omega_rr> I just got to the wiki a few min ago
[22:28] <Ow3n> I can't ping gstreamer.net
[22:28] <omega_rr> hmmmm
[22:28] <omega_rr> I can't ping either, but http works
[22:29] <Ow3n> Hang on. It's the name resolution which is failing.
[22:29] <omega_rr> oh, I *can* ping it
[22:30] <Ow3n> The primary DNS is down.
[22:30] <Ow3n> The secondary is up though.
[22:30] <omega_rr> dns31.register.com ?
[22:30] <Ow3n> Yeah.
[22:30] <omega_rr> I can ping it, trying dig
[22:30] <maYam> gstreamer site works fine for me
[22:31] <omega_rr> works for me
[22:31] <maYam> hello omega, Ow3n
[22:31] <Ow3n> yo
[22:31] <omega_rr> yo
[22:31] <Ow3n> That brings me to something I've been wondering about recently... How do the primary and secondary DNS's get used?
[22:31] <omega_rr> so wtay get a 1394 card yet??
[22:31] <omega_rr> last-case fallback
[22:31] <maYam> 'yo'.. sss..
[22:32] <maYam> as far as know, wtay didn't get me anything..
[22:32] <omega_rr> wtay....
[22:32] <wtay> doh
[22:32] <omega_rr> bad wtay
[22:32] <wtay> maYam: you little...
[22:33] <Ow3n> dns31 is back up now. What I don't get is why if one DNS, a name can't be resolved from some hosts even when the 2ndary is up and yet from other hosts it's fine.
[22:33] <omega_rr> ENOCLUE
[22:38] maYam (mayam at cable-195-162-214-190.upc.chello.be) left irc: Client Exiting
[22:38] maYam (mayam at cable-195-162-214-190.upc.chello.be) joined #gstreamer.
[22:42] steveb (steveb at left irc: [x]chat
[22:50] <wtay> pff, still no go with the bonobo-media stuff
[22:51] <wtay> omega_rr: you think pond.mpg can get any better?
[22:51] <omega_rr> lemme dl it
[22:52] <wtay> the water is very hard to encode it seems...
[22:52] <omega_rr> yup
[22:53] Nick change: ajbusy -> ajmitch
[22:53] <omega_rr> um, the aspect ratio is fragged
[22:53] <ajmitch> hey all ;)
[22:53] <ChiefHighwater> ello
[22:53] <wtay> omega_rr: hmm ok
[22:53] <wtay> hi all
[22:55] <omega_rr> wtay: checking the real aspect ratio stuff
[22:55] <omega_rr> the main thing is that 720x480 is actually wider than what you see on your TV
[22:55] <omega_rr> the composite output actually trims the left and right edges, I'm not sure to what degree
[22:56] <wtay> 360x240?
[22:56] <omega_rr> checking
[22:57] <wtay> or 352x232
[22:57] <wtay> hmm can't be
[22:57] <omega_rr> or rather...
[22:57] <omega_rr> hrm
[22:59] <omega_rr> um, not sure if this is correct, but playdv with aspect correction creates a window of 772 x 576
[22:59] <omega_rr> from 720x480, letting Xv scale it
[23:00] <omega_rr> there's a libdv list, you could ask there, since krasic didn't write the aspect code either
[23:00] <wtay> the height is PAL...
[23:00] <omega_rr> yeah, which confuses me
[23:00] <wtay> hmm
[23:00] <wtay> 772 can't fit on a TV
[23:00] <omega_rr> no
[23:02] <wtay> let me do a 352x224 one, which seems close to the above aspect ratio
[23:03] <wtay> it's faster than compiling gstreamer :-)
[23:03] <omega_rr> heh
[23:04] <ajmitch> but compiling is much more fun ;)
[23:04] <wtay> than crearing an mpeg1 out of a DV stream? you've got to be kidding :-)
[23:05] <ajmitch> hehe
[23:10] <Ow3n> Hey, you can end up with some pretty neat syntax in perl.
[23:11] <Ow3n> I've got an array pointed to by $msgs
[23:11] <Ow3n> So the index of the last element is $#{$msgs}
[23:11] <Ow3n> That's nice!
[23:16] <omega_rr> perl is so sick
[23:16] <omega_rr> but I love it
[23:16] <Ow3n> me too. and regexps are just so kinky.
[23:18] <Ow3n> Urgh.
[23:18] Action: Ow3n hits himself hard
[23:19] <Ow3n> I was just sitting back adminiring my handy work with the context lines and formating...
[23:19] <Ow3n> Everything was looking pretty sweet...
[23:19] <Ow3n> Except I'd forgotten to include the names of the people making the other comments.
[23:19] <Ow3n> Duh.
[23:19] <ChiefHighwater> oops
[23:20] <wtay> a new version of pond.mpg is online..
[23:20] <omega_rr> checking
[23:20] <Ow3n> what's that?
[23:21] <ajmitch> some sick thing wtay is playing with
[23:21] <omega_rr> transcode of pond.dv to mpeg1
[23:21] <Ow3n> Ah, right. Lucky you qualified ajmitch's comment. I was starting to worry.
[23:21] <ajmitch> hehe
[23:22] <omega_rr> erm
[23:23] <omega_rr> wtay: that looks better
[23:27] <wtay> let's hope the current mpeg2enc code does a better job at it...
[23:27] <ajmitch> wiki broken for the irc wishlist?
[23:27] <Ow3n> Shouldn't be.
[23:27] <Ow3n> Why?
[23:28] <ajmitch> i get a 404 error when following the link from the main wiki page
[23:28] <ajmitch> http://gstreamer.net/cgi-bin/wiki/GstIrcWishList
[23:28] <taaz> yow! hey i just watched that AlienSong.mpg for first time... ending suprised me ;)
[23:28] <Ow3n> I don't. That's strange.
[23:29] <wtay> taaz: :-)
[23:29] <taaz> don't use the cgi-bin links to the wiki... they are very likely broken now
[23:29] <ajmitch> lemme try in a decent web browser...
[23:29] <Ow3n> I am playing with it now. But I've commented out the code that writes back the results to the wiki...
[23:29] <maYam> i love the aliensong ;)
[23:29] <ajmitch> taaz: now you tell me ;)
[23:29] <taaz> just use gst.net/wiki/GstIrcWishList
[23:29] <wtay> taaz: wait 'till you see the GUADEC videos :-)
[23:30] <Ow3n> Urgh?
[23:30] <ajmitch> wtay: you'll make these available for all to watch? ;)
[23:30] <maYam> guadec videos?
[23:30] <omega_rr> I will, yes
[23:30] <Ow3n> Oh-oh.
[23:30] <maYam> objection
[23:30] <omega_rr> hehehehe
[23:30] <omega_rr> overruled!
[23:30] <maYam> lol
[23:30] <wtay> you think I'm doing dv to mpeg1 transcoding just for fun? :-)
[23:30] <maYam> enough with the profiles shots already
[23:31] <taaz> wtay: as long as the videos don't include anything related to those hairy ass signing party pics....
[23:31] <ajmitch> hmm, the wiki has stuff about committing wtay...
[23:31] <taaz> what was that about anyway?
[23:31] <maYam> hey that was my hairy ass!
[23:31] <omega_rr> taaz: no, I was there by accident, but didn't even consider pulling out my camera
[23:31] <Ow3n> I'm just about to write to that page so it may look a bit strange for a few minutes...
[23:32] Action: omega_rr tried to get away
[23:32] <ajmitch> sure...
[23:33] <maYam> where's my best friend..?
[23:33] <maYam> what's his name again..?
[23:33] <omega_rr> ?
[23:33] <maYam> dobey!
[23:33] <omega_rr> doh
[23:33] <ajmitch> hehe
[23:34] <ajmitch> he's on icq, shall i tell him to come visit in here?
[23:34] <maYam> i finally did it.. i hope he hasn't done anything stupid..!
[23:34] <maYam> oh.. on icq.. :)
[23:34] <maYam> sure
[23:35] <Ow3n> Could you just take a look at http://gstreamer.net/cgi-bin/wiki/moin.cgi/GstIrcWishList
[23:35] <Ow3n> Does that look OK?
[23:35] <Ow3n> Or should I include just 2 lines either side of the main one.
[23:35] Action: ajmitch waits for slow webbrowser
[23:36] <taaz> uh... no
[23:36] <Ow3n> no, not OK or no, not 2 lines.
[23:36] <ajmitch> nah, table looks bad...
[23:36] <taaz> the nick [date]: part is keying off the wrong thing.
[23:36] <taaz> like the last one looks like i had something to do with it ;)
[23:36] <Ow3n> Yeah. I just spotted that too.
[23:37] <omega_rr> I'd right-justify the nick as well
[23:37] <omega_rr> maybe kill the border on the table
[23:37] <omega_rr> if you can
[23:37] Ow3n (owen at ti34a80-0313.bb.online.no) left #gstreamer.
[23:37] <omega_rr> guess not ;-(
[23:37] Ow3n (owen at ti34a80-0313.bb.online.no) joined #gstreamer.
[23:37] <Ow3n> oops.
[23:37] <ajmitch> wtay: what's up with the newt and other channels? want to change the script to send to another address?
[23:38] <Ow3n> I was just about to say. Wish I could but I don't think there's any way to format the tables.
[23:38] <taaz> are you all sure you want to use the wiki for this? the one-file-per-backup system MoinMoin uses is more designed for human editing not parsed log output
[23:38] <omega_rr> taaz: agreed, but then we need a different mechanism for commenting and modifying
[23:39] <Ow3n> Yes. I think the original idea was that we would edit the logged items.
[23:39] <ajmitch> taaz: not on your hard drive, so why does it matter? ;)
[23:39] <wtay> ajmitch: ok, just give me the address
[23:40] <taaz> well... imho, if someone is serious about a request they could just add it by hand to the normal wishlist wiki page
[23:40] <omega_rr> true
[23:40] <ajmitch> wtay: i guess ajmitch at users.sourceforge.net at the moment, i'll have to figure out how to get it setup with fetchmail & procmail for this :)
[23:40] <omega_rr> I guess we should consider the irc wishlist to be a staging area, where eventualyl things move to the real wishlist
[23:41] <wtay> ajmitch: can I adjust the script now?
[23:41] <ajmitch> wtay: sure
[23:42] <wtay> ajmitch: done, I'll run the script now to test it...
[23:43] <ajmitch> wtay: cool, thanks ;)
[23:43] <wtay> ajmitch: tell me if you got a mail...
[23:44] <Ow3n> OK. I've fixed the name thing and reduced it to 2 lines of context either side. I can't do anything about the formatting though which kind of sucks.
[23:46] <ajmitch> wtay: of course my isp may be being it's usual efficient self...
[23:46] <wtay> ajmitch: hmm
[23:47] <ajmitch> wtay: i've had it take 20min for emails to get thru on that address (could be SF)
[23:47] <omega_rr> there's an overlap, where two lines with the phrase right after each other get listed as two separate instances
[23:47] Nick change: Ura_away -> Uraeus
[23:47] <Ow3n> yo
[23:48] <Uraeus> hi Ow3n
[23:48] <ajmitch> hi Uraeus
[23:48] <Uraeus> hi ajmitch
[23:49] <wtay> hi
[23:49] <Uraeus> hi wtay
[23:49] <Ow3n> omega_rr: Yeah. Ummn. It's going to get kind of completed to get around that one.
[23:49] <wtay> Uraeus: done any horse riding lately?
[23:49] <omega_rr> yup
[23:50] <Uraeus> wtay: not really, but we are keeping in touch, learned today that she is set to inherit the family farm :)
[23:50] <omega_rr> moo
[23:50] <Uraeus> hehe
[23:50] <omega_rr> or whatever animals they have
[23:50] <wtay> Uraeus: wow, a farmer
[23:51] Nick change: Uraeus -> theCowboy
[23:51] Nick change: theCowboy -> Uraues
[23:51] <ChiefHighwater> hehe
[23:51] <Uraues> nah, I am a city breed
[23:51] <maYam> hey Uraues
[23:52] <ChiefHighwater> somebody buy him some denim overalls
[23:52] <Uraues> hi maYam
[23:52] <ChiefHighwater> o yeah, and a pair of good boots 8-]
[23:52] <Uraues> ChiefHighwater: don't try paint me being a farmer, my family has been academians for the approx. last 400 years
[23:53] <Uraues> :)
[23:53] <ajmitch> heh
[23:53] <omega_rr> ah, so your actually an academia nut
[23:53] <Uraues> just a nut actually
[23:53] <omega_rr> true
[23:53] <maYam> he's so modest
[23:54] <ChiefHighwater> so, it's a pipe and smoking jacket for you 8-]
[23:54] <Uraues> yup, and I try to quote Machiavelli a lot
[23:54] <ChiefHighwater> of coorse, who am I to talk...my family is all clergy
[23:55] <wtay> 'clergy'?
[23:55] <ChiefHighwater> pastors, ministers
[23:55] <ChiefHighwater> me, my dad, and my brother
[23:55] <wtay> ah
[23:56] <Uraues> ChiefHighwater: have a feeling that the topic is set then when you have a family meeting
[23:56] <Uraues> :)
[23:56] <maYam> lol Uraues
[23:57] <ChiefHighwater> Uraues: we do have our moments
[23:57] <omega_rr> oh boy, do they.
[23:57] <ChiefHighwater> just ask omega_rr
[23:57] <ChiefHighwater> lol
[23:57] <wtay> Uraues: and what would be the topic at your family reunions then? quoting Machiavelli? :-)
[23:59] <Uraues> wtay: actually it has a tendency to be a discussion about distant relatives, like 'yes, and then we have aunt Sigrid who moved to Canada in 1934, heard from her son a couple of years back etc.'
[23:59] <ajmitch> sounds fun...
[23:59] <wtay> pfff
[23:59] <Uraues> ajmitch: if you think that get a life :)
[23:59] <ajmitch> haha
[23:59] <maYam> at least you're not the center of attention then..
[00:00] --- Thu Apr 26 2001
[00:00] <wtay> Ow3n: you're not setting up a backdoor here, are you? :-)
[00:00] <Uraues> maYam: luckily not :)
[00:01] <Ow3n> wtay: he-he. I guess you're never going to trust the version I just sent you. AFTER the backdoor coment. :)
[00:04] <wtay> Ow3n: I can somewhat read perl... :-)
[00:04] <ajmitch> wtay: obfuscated perl? ;)
[00:05] <Ow3n> I think a piece of "well" written perl could take even Larry Wall years to decipher.
[00:05] <ajmitch> wtay: you got no error messages from your script, right?
[00:06] <wtay> ajmitch: none
[00:06] <Ow3n> Huh. Too bad I commented my code though. I'm never going to win that obfuscated perl prize :(
[00:07] <Ow3n> Cigarette time...
[00:07] <wtay> what's that "# fetch illegal stuff and start the DoS attack" comment at line 234?
[00:08] <wtay> :)
[00:08] <omega_rr> rotfl
[00:09] <Ow3n> wtay: I bet when I wrote "cigarette time" you started rolling.
[00:09] <wtay> Ow3n: allrady had one..
[00:09] <omega_rr> of course
[00:09] Action: omega_rr warns * of the dangers of smoking
[00:10] Action: wtay is fully aware of the dangers
[00:10] Action: Ow3n can't hear because he's wondered off to find his Marlboro...
[00:10] Action: maYam offers omega_rr a nice fresh fag
[00:10] <omega_rr> mu
[00:10] <maYam> well.. 'fresh' ;)
[00:10] <omega_rr> maYam: erm, beware of which sublanguage you use <g>
[00:10] <wtay> maYam: they're horrible, get something better next time :)
[00:11] <maYam> hey hey, i'm completely innocent: i'm belgian
[00:11] <maYam> and moreover: i'm blond
[00:11] <omega_rr> er
[00:11] <maYam> i think that explains it ;)
[00:12] <ajmitch> hehe
[00:12] <ChiefHighwater> o, that it explains it...all to well 8-]
[00:12] <wtay> spidermonkey.ximian.com has been hosed for two days now...
[00:13] <ChiefHighwater> but I think we should leave that innocence declaration in wim's capable hands
[00:14] <ChiefHighwater> of course, if he knows what's good for him, he won't say a word
[00:14] <wtay> word
[00:14] <maYam> pff..
[00:14] omega_rr (omega at qwest.dsplinux.net) left irc: Ping timeout for omega_rr[qwest.dsplinux.net]
[00:15] <wtay> hm
[00:15] <maYam> we understand each other, wtay and i..
[00:15] <ChiefHighwater> 8-]
[00:15] <wtay> maYam: we do, what do you mean?
[00:15] <ajmitch> hehe
[00:16] Action: maYam points out to wtay that the knife i'm holding is very sharp
[00:16] Action: wtay points out that wtay has a root shell on maYams machine
[00:17] <maYam> anything you say, master
[00:17] <wtay> ok, fair enough
[00:17] <Uraues> hehe
[00:18] <Ow3n> Hey, Uraeues, we should meat for a post-Guadec beer.
[00:18] <Ow3n> s/meat/meet/
[00:19] <maYam> oh so we're not invited.. *pouts*
[00:19] <Uraues> yup, I meet Kjartan by chance yesterday and he said so too, so I guess I make a mail to gnome-no
[00:19] <Ow3n> s/Uraerus/Uraues/
[00:19] <Uraues> maYam: well if you guys want to come to norway you are more than welcome
[00:20] <Ow3n> It's funny living in Oslo how often one can meet people by chance.
[00:20] <maYam> oh i see brussels is not good enough for you
[00:21] <Ow3n> I think it happened to me twice in London.
[00:21] <Uraues> maYam: no, last time I checked they spoke a weird language there
[00:21] <Uraues> Ow3n: yup, one of the charms of a small city
[00:22] <Ow3n> Kind of annoying when you take a sickey though.
[00:22] <Uraues> hehe
[00:22] <Ow3n> You can't walk down the street without checking your shoulder the whole time.
[00:23] <Uraues> well, time for me to hit the sack or Dnb will collapse tommorow :)
[00:23] <Ow3n> DnB? I worked there for a while.
[00:23] <Uraues> Ow3n: i work right opposite of Blitz now
[00:24] <Ow3n> Cool. You can hang out there at lunchtime.
[00:24] <Uraues> hehe, yeah cheap salads and a free beating
[00:24] <Uraues> night
[00:24] Uraues (cschalle at c224s9h5.upc.chello.no) left irc: syntax error - user imploded
[00:24] <maYam> night night Uraues
[00:25] <Ow3n> I'm going to do some work on gnostream now.
[00:25] omega_rr (omega at joined #gstreamer.
[00:25] <omega_rr> this is getting annoying
[00:26] <wtay> ISP trouble again?
[00:26] <omega_rr> I dunno, the rr dsl and gateway is causing problems
[00:26] <wtay> hmm
[00:32] <ajmitch> arrgh, printer stopped working
[00:32] Action: ajmitch kicks printer
[00:36] Nick change: ajmitch -> aj_uni
[00:39] hds-busy (hadess at pc121-gui14.cable.ntl.com) left irc: mooooh!
[00:40] <omega_rr> my dad just plugged in my new firewire camera
[00:40] <omega_rr> I watched /var/log/messages and called him when he plugged it in
[00:40] <wtay> ooh
[00:40] <omega_rr> he asked if I had been watching what he was doing
[00:40] <omega_rr> I said: "no, I haven't written the software for that yet"
[00:40] <omega_rr> him: "rotfl!"
[00:41] <wtay> :)
[00:42] <omega_rr> so wtay....
[00:42] <wtay> ?
[00:43] <omega_rr> I'm seriously thinking about assembling a "converence box" as per /.
[00:43] <omega_rr> best bet is a G400-TV video card, since it has mjpeg capture and a tuner (afaict)
[00:43] <wtay> cool
[00:43] <omega_rr> would also have a 100bt card, firewire, big drive
[00:43] <omega_rr> what speed proc do you think I'd need?
[00:44] <omega_rr> if it's gonna do things as strange as mjpeg hardware capture to dv encode to DV camcorder
[00:44] <omega_rr> assuming ~300MHz PII needed for libdv in the future
[00:44] <wtay> should be enough
[00:44] <omega_rr> I'd be tempted to use a Duron 700+, since they're so cheap
[00:44] <omega_rr> waitasec...
[00:44] <omega_rr> 300 for just libdv
[00:44] <wtay> is it going to be a settop box?
[00:44] <omega_rr> yes
[00:44] <wtay> with a fan?
[00:45] <omega_rr> ideally not, but probably
[00:45] <omega_rr> case is a problem
[00:45] <wtay> hmm
[00:45] <wtay> indeed
[00:45] <omega_rr> Duron with big fat sink and slow/quite fan would do it
[00:45] <omega_rr> but also the p/s would have a fan ;-(
[00:45] <omega_rr> the tivo has a fan, afaik
[00:45] <wtay> oh
[00:45] <omega_rr> but I
[00:45] <wtay> need someone to build the boxes then
[00:45] <taaz> you are going to use hardware encoder? it would be niftier to do encoding in software
[00:45] <omega_rr> I'd rather not
[00:46] <omega_rr> yes, it would, but I can do both with the G400-TV afaik
[00:47] <omega_rr> also, if anyone knows of a firewire card with a riser that can put two 6pin connectors 1ft from the card, lemme know
[00:47] Action: omega_rr is gonna start a wiki page for this
[00:47] <omega_rr> what's a good working title for this project?
[00:48] <wtay> StreamBox?
[00:48] <omega_rr> erm
[00:48] <omega_rr> oh, it'd have a DVD/CD-RW too
[00:49] <omega_rr> taaz: how hard is to rename a wiki page later?
[00:49] <wtay> and a really fast and large HD...
[00:49] <omega_rr> I'd be tempted to call it 'gbox' <g>
[00:50] <omega_rr> since it'd have all the other features as well, such as mozilla, and games, etc.
[00:50] <omega_rr> a full linux machine
[00:50] Action: omega_rr calls it gbox <g>
[00:50] <wtay> yeah
[00:54] <wtay> hmm I need to sleep again...
[00:55] <wtay> cya
[00:55] Nick change: wtay -> wtay-sleeping
[00:55] <omega_rr> ok, it's the Gbox wiki node
[00:55] <omega_rr> writing now, will save shortly
[00:55] <taaz> omega_rr: easiest way to rename is copy content to new page and have old one refer to the new page
[00:55] <omega_rr> ick, ok
[00:55] <omega_rr> oh well, I like the name <g>
[00:58] <maYam> goodnight everyone..
[00:58] <omega_rr> l8r
[00:58] maYam (mayam at cable-195-162-214-190.upc.chello.be) left #gstreamer.
[03:36] Nick change: aj_uni -> ajmitch
[03:52] Nick change: omega_rr -> omega_dinner
[04:21] Kasei (greg at joined #gstreamer.
[04:22] <Kasei> ping
[04:42] Nick change: ajmitch -> aj_psycho
[04:57] Nick change: aj_psycho -> ajmitch
[05:15] Kasei (greg at left irc: Ping timeout for Kasei[]
[05:18] Ow3n (owen at ti34a80-0313.bb.online.no) left irc: [x]chat
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