[gst-devel] Slimming

Joshua N Pritikin vishnu at pobox.com
Thu Jun 21 15:52:16 CEST 2001

On Wed, Jun 20, 2001 at 10:51:32PM -0700, Erik Walthinsen wrote:
> On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, Joshua N Pritikin wrote:
> > Generating XML is much easier than parsing it.  When i wrote an XML
> > generator in perl, i needed only about 40 lines of generic code to
> > complement to the application specific stuff.
> Oh, of course.  I know that ;-)
> I'm just pointing out that someone has to go write it.

Well . . . my suggestion isn't completely vaporware.  ;-)

The attached perl code is what i'm using.  i'm not a glib expert yet so it will
take some time before i can offer a glib-ized version.  Enjoy ..

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  Victory to the Divine Mother!!
-------------- next part --------------
## based on XML::Writer by David Megginson <david at megginson.com>
     my @ElementStack;
     my %Entity = ('&' => '&amp;',
		   '<' => '&lt;',
		   '>' => '&gt;',
		   '"' => '&quot;');

     sub doctype {
	 my ($out, $t1, $t2) = @_;
	 print $out qq(<!DOCTYPE $t1 PUBLIC "$t2" "">\n);

     sub characters {
	 my ($out, $data) = @_;
	 $data =~ s/([&<>])/$Entity{$1}/sgx;
	 print $out $data;

     sub dataElement {
	 my ($out, $tag, $data, @attr) = @_;
	 startTag($out, $tag, @attr);
	 characters($out, $data);

     sub startTag {
	 my ($out, $tag, @attr) = @_;
	 push @ElementStack, $tag;
	 print $out "<$tag";
	 _showAttributes($out, @attr);
	 print $out "\n>";

     sub emptyTag {
	 my ($out, $tag, @attr) = @_;
	 print $out "<$tag";
	 _showAttributes($out, @attr);
	 print $out "\n />";

     sub endTag {
	 my ($out, $tag) = @_;
	 my $cur = pop @ElementStack;
	 if (!defined $cur) {
	     croak("End tag \"$tag\" does not close any open element");
	 } elsif ($tag and $cur ne $tag) {
	     croak("Attempt to end element \"$cur\" with \"$tag\" tag");
	 print $out "</$cur\n>";

     sub _showAttributes {
	 my $out = shift;
	 while (@_) {
	     my ($k,$v) = splice @_, 0, 2;
	     $v =~ s/([&<>"])/$Entity{$1}/sgx;
	     print $out qq( $k="$v");

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