[gst-devel] (from irc) GST as a Non Linear Editor

Myers Carpenter myers at fil.org
Mon Jun 25 21:25:38 CEST 2001

[13:39] <bln> anyone played with the idea of writing a pluging for applying
a realtime effects to a video pipeline (swirl, emmboss, ripples, etc) ?
[13:40] <wtay> bln: "played with the idea", yes. no implementation yet...
[13:43] <wtay> bln: the problem is that the time concept is not very well
implemented in gstreamer currently
[13:43] <wtay> bln: it might even be out of scope cause that's what a video
editing layer above gstreamer will do
[13:46] <bln> yes, its more of the non-linear video editor application
or video mixer application to take care of..
[13:47] <wtay> bln: maybe...


What about a Non Linear Editor written with gstreamer.  The UI is just 
setting up a script (aka "edit list") dictating how/when to modifiy the 
pipeline at certain points on the timeline.  While editing the file you can 
hit play and it will jump to the specified place on the script and start 
rendering it to the screen (sdl sink or something) then when you are done 
it can render to a file and encode).

Next week I'm off my current project and have a week off.... fingers 
crossed that I will feel up to hacking effectv in to gstreamer.


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