[gst-devel] Multidisksrc and a build animations tool
Dominic Ludlam
dom at openfx.org
Thu Mar 22 03:03:48 CET 2001
I've written a multidisksrc plugin (again, after turning the first one into a
tarball of the header :/ ), which is attached to this mail.
It outputs files sequentially from a list, emitting a new_file signal before
each one. To use it, set the 'locations' gtkarg to a GSList *, a list of
filenames which is never modified by the plugin. Only the current list item is
stored, and this is passed to the new_file signal after updating the internal
list so you can free the list pointer and the string. The list may be
appended to after being set. One thing to look at is that if the open fails,
it'll return failure instead of trying the next in the list, and in this case
the new_file signal won't be emitted.
I've used it to write a tool that builds an mpeg from a list of jpeg files,
it's available at
This tool is the first part of porting the openfx animation editing utilities
to gtk / gstreamer, and will likely be part of the official openfx gtk port.
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