[gst-devel] SDL patch
Ronald Bultje
rbultje at ronald.bitfreak.net
Wed May 16 18:23:44 CEST 2001
Hi guys,
here's a patch to enable SDL playback using a sdlsink. sdlsink is
basically the same as aasink (for ascii-art), except that sdlsink
displays the video itself rather than some nice ascii-transformed
representation. Maybe nice if you, say, simply want to watch video ;-).
I hope the patch works at all - I can also send the litteral "cvs -Q
diff -c" together with the new files if that is a better idea.
Anyway, gstreamer is a great job and I hope development will continue as
it does now.
Ronald Bultje
-- .-. | Ronald Bultje |
-- /V\ | Running: Linux 2.4.4 and OpenBSD 2.8 |
-- // \\ | E-mail : rbultje at ronald.bitfreak.net |
-- /( )\ | WWW : http://ronald.bitfreak.net/ |
-- ^^-^^ | *** Warning: Unix Addicted *** |
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