[gst-devel] one thing I forgot

Thomas Vander Stichele thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be
Sun May 20 17:54:56 CEST 2001

There was one thing I forgot to mention; I was writing a basic level
detection plugin.  I had some code in passthrough for that, but I'm not
sure what to do with this kind of plugin.  I feel as though it should
output a new type of data, possibly some data type like an envelope.

This data could then be saved to disk, used to steer another plugin, and
so on...

Any thoughts ? I'd like to implement it soon.


<-*-                      -*->
I looked up at Anna
She turned back to look at me
It's best to kill the ones that matter
Render blind the ones that see
<-*- thomas at apestaart.org -*->
URGent, the best radio on the Internet - 24/7 ! - http://urgent.rug.ac.be/

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