[gst-devel] Re: libgst.so needs -lm in head

vishnu at pobox.com vishnu at pobox.com
Sat Sep 29 11:13:03 CEST 2001

On Sat, Sep 29, 2001 at 11:07:24AM -0700, vishnu at pobox.com wrote:
> gstdparam.c uses both exp() & log().
> Given the concerns about keeping the minimum feature set to a minimum,
> is it possible to move the dparam stuff out of the main gst library?

Here is a temporary fix.  i'm not sure if it is correct, but it compiles.

Victory to the Divine Mother!!
-------------- next part --------------
--- joshua/gst/Makefile.am	Sat Sep 29 10:56:40 2001
+++ current/gst/Makefile.am	Sat Sep 29 11:10:37 2001
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ CFLAGS = \
 	-Wnested-externs \
 	-Winline -Wno-unused
 libgst_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info $(GST_LIBVERSION)

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