[gst-devel] Bad news :(

Richard Boulton richard at tartarus.org
Thu Feb 14 05:34:02 CET 2002

Partly because of my stupidity, and partly due to what I think is an
understandable error, it is presently impossible to commit to the
gstreamer CVS.  A support request to fix the problem has been submitted,
(number 517496).  My apologies to all involved.

Further details:

On Thu, 2002-02-14 at 12:58, Richard Boulton wrote:
> CVS Root:       /cvsroot/gstreamer
> Module:         CVSROOT
> Changes by:     richardb
> Date:           Thu Feb 14 2002  04:58:04 PST
> Log message:
> Assuming this works, we should now have emails with patches sent to
> gstreamer-cvs-verbose at lists.sourceforge.net, and emails without patches
> sent to gstreamer-cvs at lists.sourceforge.net
> If you want the patches, now is the time to subscribe to the new list.

Unfortunately, this didn't work.  The offending lines are:

> +        elif opt == '--no-diff-recipient':
> +            if no_diff_recipients != '': no_diff_recipients += ' '
> +            no_diff_recipients += arg

The version of python on my machine is entirely happy with the "+="
syntax, so my tests at home ran perfectly.  However, the version of
python on cvs.sf.net complains:

  File "/cvsroot/gstreamer/CVSROOT/syncmail", line 690
    if no_diff_recipients != '': no_diff_recipients += ' '
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

As a result, syncmail always returns a failure code.  This would merely
be annoying, except for the piece of stupidity: syncmail is called from
CVSROOT/commitinfo.  This means that cvs uses syncmail to do a
pre-commit check, which always fails, preventing any commits from
happening.  I knew that this could happen, so I should have avoided the

For reference: rather than having a line such as:
ALL    $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/syncmail -d
in commitinfo, it is much safer to have:
CVSROOT /bin/true

Richard Boulton

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