[gst-devel] one little annoying problem.

Thomas Vander Stichele thomas at apestaart.org
Thu Jul 4 09:30:01 CEST 2002

> > Personally, I think this is nasty.  IIUC, .so versioning is supposed to 
> > solve this ? I know we can't guarantee ABI stability yet, but I thought 
> > that versioning is the mechanism you use to help against that.
> It's not .so versioning, it's plugin versioning. It apparently isn't
> working. We should fix it.

If I get this right, in the future we will be versioning the core's .so 
files, and we should use these numbers to compile these into the plug-ins 
so that gst-register (which knows about these .so numbers) can only 
register plug-ins which have this magic .so number compiled in.
Am I right in thinking that would solve it ?

As for at this moment, since we don't .so version the core (and these days 
I tend to side with taaz on this issue - we really don't do that much 
releases anyway so it'll be a long time before the .so versions would hit 
two digit numbers), and the reason is "because verything breaks on every 
release", we might as well err on the safe side and make the plug-ins 
require also the same GST_VERSION_MACRO number.

Any thoughts on this ?

> The other thing you might want to think about would be not running
> -register after every plugin package. Given that user registries exist,
> and that if the registry is out of date -register will effectively be
> run automatically the next time you run a gst app, I see no need anymore
> for gst-register, in most cases.

Oh, right.  Sounds perfect ! Should try it.



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